You can get the A-Infos multilingual news via NNTP (news service), so without needing to subscribe to the mailing list via mail.
There are two newsgroups: "inventati.a-infos" and "inventati.a-infos.d", they are avaiable via the "" news server.
Here is explained how to access the news using some Free Software news reader programs, if you use some other one, please read your news reader manual. Contributions to this page are welcome.
Start Gnus ("M-x gnus"), go in the "*Server*" buffer ("M-x gnus-group-enter-server-mode" or "^"), add a new server ("M-x gnus-server-add-server" or "a"), as server method insert "nntp" (without quotes), as server name insert "" (without quotes), open the just added server (move the point on it and press enter), now subscribe to the inventati.a-infos and inventati.a-infos.d newsgroups (for subscribing a newsgroup move the point on its name and press the key "u"). Now return to the "*Group*" buffer ("q").
Read the Gnus manual ("C-h i d m Gnus") for more information.
Tested with Gnus v5.10.3 (cvs) and GNU Emacs 21.3.50 (cvs).
Start "Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups", in the "Edit" menu select "Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings...", press the "Add Account" button, select the "Newsgroup account" option and press "Next", insert your (nick)name and email address as requested, press "Next", insert "" (without quotes) as newsgroup server, press "Next", press "Next", press "Finish", press "OK".
Now click on new account (in the left bar), so a new page is opened in the main window at right, click on "Subscribe to newsgroups", expand the "inventati" tree in the new window, expand the "inventati.a-infos", and subscribe to the inventati.a-infos and inventati.a-infos.d newsgroups selecting them in the "Subscribe" column, now press "OK".
Now by selecting them, you can access the articles.
Tested with Mozilla 1.5.