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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Wed, 26 Dec 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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(pt) Anarkismo.net: O coronelismo eletrônico e a governabilidade by Bruno Lima Rocha
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Dec 26 18:24:01 GMT 2012

Este ano encerra com alguns fatos marcantes na pol&#xED;tica brasileira. Parece que finalmente,
Luiz In&#xE1;cio vira alvo de den&#xFA;ncias materialmente prov&#xE1;veis. J&#xE1; o STF conclui um julgamento
processado por longos sete anos e a a&#xE7;&#xE3;o penal 470 pune e condena aos membros do chamado
Mensal&#xE3;o. E, como sempre, cortinas de fuma&#xE7;a tergiversam sobre um tema b&#xE1;sico da
democracia contempor&#xE2;nea. A liberdade de express&#xE3;o, comunica&#xE7;&#xE3;o e info...

(pt) Debate Anarquismo e Movimento Sociais &#x2013; Santa Maria/RS (en)
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Dec 26 11:39:37 GMT 2012

A Federa&#xE7;&#xE3;o Anarquista Ga&#xFA;cha participar&#xE1; de mais uma atividade de debate e de exposi&#xE7;&#xE3;o
de nossa milit&#xE2;ncia e concep&#xE7;&#xE3;o organizativa do Anarquismo. Trata-se de um debate em Santa
Maria/RS a convite da companheirada da Articula&#xE7;&#xE3;o Libert&#xE1;ria de Santa Maria em parceria
com a Comuna Pacha Mama que &#xE9; um coletivo organizado em Assentamento do MST em S&#xE3;o
Gabriel. Desde j&#xE1; convidamos a todos(as) para divulgarem e partic...

(en) Brazil, Debate and Anarchism Social Movement - Santa Maria / RS (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Dec 26 11:37:33 GMT 2012

The Gaucha Anarchist Federation will participate in an activity of more debate and
exposure of our membership and organizational design of Anarchism. This is a debate in
Santa Maria / RS invited by comrades Joint Libertarian St. Mary Parish in partnership with
Pacha Mama is a collective that organized Settlement MST in San Gabriel. We invite all
outset (as) to publicize and participate in this activity. Below is the poster and
explanatory text on the proposal. ---- Do not fight who's d...

(en) France, Le Monde Libertaire n&#xC2;1692 (20-26 December 2012) (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Dec 26 10:30:07 GMT 2012

Content ---- editorial ---- Florange: Social Democracy in action ---- Library Street
reopens ---- Civil disobedience ---- Foolproof methods to combat poverty ---- No 1692
editorial ---- What you will find under the tree? Unemployed. Full unemployed. Sunken
Playmobil! The army of the unemployed will inevitably overwhelm. It is anticipated records
for 2013, hundreds of thousands of fewer jobs. 10% or 11% of the unemployed in the labor
force. And everything with which official statistics ...

(fr) Le Monde Libertaire n&#xC2;1692 (20-26 d&#xC3;cembre 2012) (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Dec 26 10:29:19 GMT 2012

Contenu ---- &#xC3;ditorial du n&#xC2;1692 ---- Florange : la social-d&#xC3;mocratie en action ---- La
biblioth&#xC3;que La Rue rouvre ses portes ---- La d&#xC3;sob&#xC3;issance civile ---- M&#xC3;thodes
infaillibles pour combattre la pauvret&#xC3; ---- &#xC3;ditorial du n&#xC2;1692 ---- Qu&#xE2;est-ce qu&#xE2;on va
trouver sous le sapin ? Des ch&#xC3;meurs. Plein de ch&#xC3;meurs. Enfonc&#xC3;s, les Playmobil ! L&#xE2;arm&#xC3;e
des sans-emploi va les submerger inexorablement. On pr&#xC...

(en) France, Group of libertarian communists (Athens) - Brief report on the evacuation of the squat Villa Amalia. (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Dec 26 09:45:16 GMT 2012

Thursday, December 20th at 7am, the police riot have attacked the Villa Amalia squat in
the center of Athens under the pretext an anonymous complaint. The police arrested eight
comrades who were transferred to the police headquarters. The police searched the place
presence of a prosecutor and a witness for several squatters hours and at the end of the
search all the comrades were arrested and charged with crime. The police have sealed the
squat and since the building is continuously mo...

(fr) Groupe des communistes libertaires (Ath&#xE8;nes) - Petit rapport sur l&#x2019;&#xE9;vacuation du squat Villa Amalia
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Dec 26 09:44:59 GMT 2012

Jeudi 20 d&#xE9;cembre &#xE0; 7h du matin, les forces de police anti-&#xE9;meutes ont attaqu&#xE9; le squat
Villa Amalia dans le centre d&#x2019;Ath&#xE8;nes sous le pr&#xE9;texte d&#x2019;une plainte anonyme. Les
policiers ont arr&#xEA;t&#xE9; huit camarades qui ont &#xE9;t&#xE9; transf&#xE9;r&#xE9;s &#xE0; la Pr&#xE9;fecture de police. La
police a fouill&#xE9; le lieu en pr&#xE9;sence d&#x2019;un procureur et d&#x2019;un t&#xE9;moin des squatters pendant
plusieurs heures et &#xE0; la f...

(fr) F&#xE9;d&#xE9;ration Anarchiste Slov&#xE8;ne / IFA - R&#xE9;voltes massives en Slov&#xE9;nie - Pas de discrimination, ils sont tous finis ! d&#xE9;cembre 2012
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Dec 26 09:32:03 GMT 2012

Ces derniers jours ont vu l&#x2019;histoire de toute sa force s&#x2019;&#xE9;craser sur nous. La r&#xE9;volte &#xE0;
Maribor a entrepris ce que peu avaient imagin&#xE9; possible : les auto organis&#xE9;s ont pouss&#xE9;
leur sh&#xE9;rif local dans le coin, puis l&#x2019;ont forc&#xE9; &#xE0; fuir en disgr&#xE2;ce. Ce fut l&#x2019;&#xE9;tincelle
qui a d&#xE9;clench&#xE9; une vaste r&#xE9;volte contre l&#x2019;&#xE9;lite politico-&#xE9;conomique et le syst&#xE8;me
capitaliste dans son ense...

(en) Canada, Prairie Struggle #1 - where we retreat, they will advance: reflections on labour&#x2019;s &#x201C;victory&#x201D; in Challenging essential service legislation By Anastasia Kropotkin
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Dec 26 09:20:48 GMT 2012

In 2008, the Saskatchewan Party government led by Brad Wall introduced two bills that
worsened the rights of workers in fundamental ways. Bill 5, dubbed &#x201C;The Public Service
Essential Services Act&#x201D;, defined essential services so broadly that practically any public
service employee could be unilaterally designated &#x201C;essential&#x201D; by the government and
therefore denied the right to strike. Bill 5 also lacked any meaningful way to negotiate
which workers are essenti...

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