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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 18 Dec 2012 23:59:02 +0100 (CET)

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(de) schweiz, 8-10/2/13 - 8. Anarchietage in Winterthur by Libertäre Aktion
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 19:13:40 GMT 2012

finden in Winterthur (CH) zum achten Mal die Anarchietage statt. Thema in diesem Jahr:
Grenzen, Rassismus, Migration ---- Flyer Innenansicht ---- Grenzen sind f&#xFC;r das
Funktionieren der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft notwendig. In ihrer manifesten
politisch-geographischen Form l&#xE4;sst sich durch Grenzen nicht nur der G&#xFC;terverkehr
regulieren und wenn n&#xF6;tig eind&#xE4;mmen, sondern auch die Bewegungsfreiheit der Menschen.
W&#xE4;hrend aber das neoliberale Streben nach eine...

(en) Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle non armed struggle my be adopted as model for the third Intifada*
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 16:30:24 GMT 2012

The failure so far of the political efforts of the Palestinian authority to bring
substantial results may increase the accumulation of frustration to till it may explode.
The initial increase of non armed local struggles approach explosion point in spite of the
call of the Palestinian authority to limit the struggle to the international political
arena. In addition to the locations of the on going struggles other locations initiate
such struggles. Beit Nuba, Al Mufakara are just two ex...

(en) Britain, Wessex Solidarity* - Westcountr&#xE2;y Mutineer #3 (December 2012)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 12:01:56 GMT 2012

IN THIS ISSUE: ---- * Unseasonal Cheer! ---- * Gaza Palava! ---- * Healthcare Sell&#xC2;offs!
---- * Going Postal! ---- * Don't Work Smart, Work Fare! ---- * Striking A Nerve! ---- *
Prisons! ---- * Anarchy! ---- * Pirates! ---- * Fictional Offers!** ---- * It's the end of
the world as we know it... and we're not fine ---- Quote Of The Month ---- Quote Of The
Month ---- SOMETIMES NOT OFTEN, mind - we here at Mutineer H.Q. feel the need to tip our
hats to someone in position of authorit...

(gr) &#x39C;&#x3B1;&#x3B6;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3AD;&#x3C2; &#x3B5;&#x3BE;&#x3B5;&#x3B3;&#x3AD;&#x3C1;&#x3C3;&#x3B5;&#x3B9;&#x3C2; &#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3BD; &#x3A3;&#x3BB;&#x3BF;&#x3B2;&#x3B5;&#x3BD;&#x3AF;&#x3B1;
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 11:11:56 GMT 2012

&#x39F;&#x3BC;&#x3BF;&#x3C3;&#x3C0;&#x3BF;&#x3BD;&#x3B4;&#x3AF;&#x3B1; &#x3B3;&#x3B9;&#x3B1; &#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3BD; &#x391;&#x3BD;&#x3B1;&#x3C1;&#x3C7;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3AE; &#x39F;&#x3C1;&#x3B3;&#x3AC;&#x3BD;&#x3C9;&#x3C3;&#x3B7; &#x3A3;&#x3BB;&#x3BF;&#x3B2;&#x3B5;&#x3BD;&#x3AF;&#x3B1;&#x3C2; --- &#x397; &#x3A3;&#x3BB;&#x3BF;&#x3B2;&#x3B5;&#x3BD;&#x3AF;&#x3B1;
&#x3C3;&#x3C5;&#x3BD;&#x3C4;&#x3B1;&#x3C1;&#x3AC;&#x3C3;&#x3C3;&#x3B5;&#x3C4;&#x3B1;&#x3B9; &#x3B1;&#x3C0;&#x3CC; &#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3BD; ...

(en) Britain, A Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis of Privilege Theory &#x2013; from the Women's Caucus of the Anarchist Federation
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 10:43:40 GMT 2012

Aims and definitions ---- The purpose of this paper is to outline a class struggle
anarchist analysis of Privilege Theory. Many of us feel &#x201C;privilege&#x201D; is a useful term for
discussing oppressions that go beyond economic class. It can help us to understand how
these oppressions affect our social relations and the intersections of our struggles
within the economic working class. It is written by members of the women&#x2019;s caucus of the
Anarchist Federation. It does no...

(tr) Rusya: Anar&#x15F;ist metinler ilk kez yasakl&#x131; a&#x15F;&#x131;r&#x131; u&#xE7; listesine eklendi*
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 10:06:39 GMT 2012

Rusya: Anar&#x15F;ist metinler ilk kez yasakl&#x131; a&#x15F;&#x131;r&#x131; u&#xE7; listesine eklendi<br>
Kas&#x131;m 2012'de Rusya Federasyonu'nun a&#x15F;&#x131;r&#x131; u&#xE7; yay&#x131;nlar listesine 64<br>
yeni giri&#x15F; yap&#x131;ld&#x131; ve [listede] ilk kez anar&#x15F;ist materyaller de yer<br>
ald&#x131;. Nos. 1513 - 1518 say&#x131;l&#x131; yeni girilenler aras&#x131;nda radikal<br>
do&#x11F;rudan-eylem faaliyetlerine &#xE7;a&#x11F;r&#x131; yapan ve bunlar&#x131;n nas&#x131;l<b...

(en) Britan, SolFed picket Poundland 15th December + Picket in Holloway during the national day of action against workfare
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 08:35:24 GMT 2012

Sat, 15/12/2012 ---- Boycott workfare workfare Newcastle Poundland ---- A great turn out
again to all that turned out for today's anti-workfare picket at the Clayton Street branch
of Poundland - a big thank you and well done to all that took part. See you all next time!
---- Anyone wishing to help in SolFed's anti-workfare campaign should get in touch via the
contact page ---- Picket in Holloway during the national day of action against workfare
Sat, 08/12/2012 ---- workfare Islington ...

(en) International Workers' Association IWA-AIT 90th anniversary conference 5-6 January 2013, London
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 08:28:20 GMT 2012

Revolutionary workers from across the world will gather in London for two days at the
start of January 2013 to mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the International
Workers Association - based on the principles of revolutionary unionism, which signified
the emergence of anarcho-syndicalism into the global labour movement. ---- Revolutionary
unions in the IWA act as organisational forces in the daily lives of the working class,
organising workplace and community resistance, and...

(en) Brazil, Aurora Obrera #21 - Of adjectives and jargon (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 08:14:16 GMT 2012

&quot;This could only be the stuff of a man, white and middle class ...&quot; - &quot;That is the extent
of your dick&quot; ... These two sentences are symbolic that lately we have heard in
conversations, discussions, dialogues in different environments and different contexts.
---- We can not deny that said aggressively or not, the process reveal a little of the
history of relations of domination we experience and brings out something muitxs
preocupadxs because they are not internalize...

(ca) [Argentina] Videos: Revueltas en Grecia / Charla FORA: El Anarquismo en el movimiento obrero
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 08:09:57 GMT 2012

El Viernes 21 a las 19.30 hs., organizada por la Sociedad de Oficios<br>
Varios de Rosario (F.O.R.A.) se realizar&#xE1; la charla-debate titulada<br>
&quot;El Anarquismo en el movimiento obrero&quot; y el S&#xE1;bado 22 a las 18 hs.<br>
estaremos presentando un compilado de videos realizado por la<br>
Biblioteca &quot;Alberto Ghiraldo&quot; sobre las revueltas en Grecia que se<br>
vienen dando desde 2008, que estar&#xE1; disponible para llevar. Ambas<br>
actividades son de caracter gratuit...

(pt) Revista Aurora Obrera #21 - Dos adjetivos e jarg&#xF5;es (en)
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 08:06:27 GMT 2012

&#x201C;Isso s&#xF3; poderia ser coisa de um homem, branco e classe m&#xE9;dia...&#x201D; - &#x201C;Aquilo &#xE9; a extens&#xE3;o
do seu pinto&#x201D; ... Essas s&#xE3;o duas frases simb&#xF3;licas que ultimamente temos escutado em
conversas, discuss&#xF5;es, di&#xE1;logos em diversos ambientes e contextos variados. ---- N&#xE3;o
podemos negar que ditas de forma agressiva ou n&#xE3;o, revelam um pouco o processo da hist&#xF3;ria
das rela&#xE7;&#xF5;es de domina&#xE7;&#xE3;o que vivenciam...

(en) France, Alternative Libertair #222 - Saint Bernard: A legacy that divides (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 07:58:37 GMT 2012

On 23 August 1996, 300 people (men, women and children), undocumented, were dislodged by
the CRS of the Church of St. Bernard in Paris, an ax and tear gas. This year's
commemoration was celebrated in relative confusion with two separate calls.
<br>The parade had so far a slogan: &quot; Regularization of all undocumented by a card of 10
years . &quot; But on September 1, 2012, another sound is heard with a demand regularization
of workers only. Problem, several political organizations ...

(fr) France, Alternative Libertair #222 - Saint- Bernard : Un h&#xE9;ritage qui divise (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 07:54:51 GMT 2012

Le 23 ao&#xFB;t 1996, 300 personnes (femmes, hommes et enfants), sans-papiers, &#xE9;taient d&#xE9;log&#xE9;es
par les CRS de l&#x2019;&#xE9;glise Saint-Bernard &#xE0; Paris, &#xE0; coups de hache et de gaz lacrymog&#xE8;nes.
Cette ann&#xE9;e, la comm&#xE9;moration a &#xE9;t&#xE9; c&#xE9;l&#xE9;br&#xE9;e dans une relative confusion avec deux appels
distincts. ---- Le d&#xE9;fil&#xE9; n&#x2019;avait jusqu&#x2019;&#xE0; pr&#xE9;sent qu&#x2019;un mot d&#x2019;ordre : &#xAB; R&#xE9;gularisatio...

(en) Irish Anarchist Review #6 - Turn off the Red Light: Should we advocate it?
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 07:49:17 GMT 2012

&#xE2;In Turn off the Red Light &#xE2; Should We Advocate It?&#xE2;, T.J., explores the problems faced by
sex workers in gaining recognition by those who normally fight for workers rights and
outlines how criminalisation of demand has created new problems in countries where that
has been introduced. ---- The subject of prostitution is becoming part mainstream
discourse again as a number of European countries look to legislate to curb demand,
whereby the punter rather than the prostitut...

(en) Italy, FdCA Libertarian Alternative - November 14. First general strike in Europe. To continue to build (it) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 18 07:28:32 GMT 2012

While continuing the thrust of the offensive capital, which uses the crisis and policies
economic to narrow spaces, achievements and rights acquired by workers and workers is
increasingly evident as the phase renders even more difficult forms of aggregation and
collective practices that emerge antagonism of workers. ---- This is a difficult and
seemingly without hope that we are all involved nell'ostinarci to open political space and
fight for out of the morass in which we were driven ...

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