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Date Mon, 17 Dec 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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(tr) Rus ve Suriyeli Anarşistlerden Ortaklaşa bir Mesaj*
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 19:02:14 GMT 2012

Rus ve Suriyeli Anar&#x15F;istlerden Ortakla&#x15F;a bir Mesaj<br>
Rusya Federasyonu ve Suriye'deki kitlelere, ezilenlere ve<br>
devrimcilere. ---- Bizler, Rus ve Suriyeli anar&#x15F;istler olarak, hem Rus<br>
hem de Suriye bask&#x131;c&#x131; rejimlerinin al&#xE7;ak&#xE7;a i&#x15F;birli&#x11F;ini ve y&#xF6;netimdeki<br>
Rus rejiminin - ister silah ve m&#xFC;himmat sa&#x11F;layarak isterse isyankar<br>
Suriyelilere kar&#x15F;&#x131; Esad'&#x131;n katliamlar&#x131;n&#x131; diplomatik yolla k...

(en) Britain, The Solidarity Federation's book, Fighting for ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle - Endnotes VI (6/6)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 16:40:42 GMT 2012

IWA statutes, see: www.iwa-ait.org/?q=statutes ---- Quoted in Abel Paz, Durruti &#x2013; the
people armed. ---- Unit 24 of SelfEd &#x2013; SolFed&#x2019;s self-education course on
anarcho-syndicalism. See: www.selfed.org.uk ---- John Quail, The slow burning fuse, p.
<br>John Turner was one of the publishers of the agitational syndicalist paper &#x2018;The voice of
labour&#x2019; which advocated direct action and the general strike. However, his position as a
bureaucrat underm...

(en) Britain, The Solidarity Federation's book, Fighting for ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle - Chapter V (5/6)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 16:38:44 GMT 2012

Anarcho-syndicalism in the 21st century ---- Introduction ---- In this final chapter, we
set out our vision of anarcho-syndicalism today. We discuss how to move from being a
simple political propaganda organisation to a revolutionary union capable of taking the
initiative in organising and catalysing class struggles in the economic and social
spheres. Central to this strategy is the potential for direct action to build confidence,
capacity and self-organisation amongst the working clas...

(en) Britain, The Solidarity Federation's book, Fighting for ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle IV(4/6)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 16:37:19 GMT 2012

Capitalism and the class struggle since World War II ---- Introduction ---- In this
chapter, we will analyse some of the changes to capitalism and society since World War II,
the point at which anarcho-syndicalism was all but wiped out by fascism, Stalinism, total
war and social partnership. We will see how the post-World War II social democratic
settlement limited the space for a re-emergence of radical currents in the workers&#x2019;
movement by integrating trade unions, as the repre...

(fr) Canada, (UCL) Forum sur la D&#xE9;mocratie Directe - 16 F&#xE9;vrier 2013 10h &#xE0; 17h30 (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 15:51:08 GMT 2012

Lieu: &#xC0; d&#xE9;terminer ---- suivi d'un party au DIRA &#xE0; 20h ---- Merci de partager cette
invitation dans vos r&#xE9;seaux. Vous &#xEA;tes aussi invit&#xE9;-e-s &#xE0; l'afficher dans les locaux de
vos associations &#xE9;tudiantes, groupes communautaires, coop&#xE9;ratives, &#xE9;coles, assembl&#xE9;e
populaires et syndicats! ---- Description de l'&#xE9;v&#xE9;nement ---- L'Union Communiste
Libertaire (UCL) souhaite vous convier &#xE0; un Forum public qui portera sur la d&#xE9;m...

(en) Canada, UCL Forum on Direct Democracy - February 16, 2013 10am to 17:30 (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 15:49:55 GMT 2012

Location: To be determined ---- followed by a party at DIRA to 20h ---- Thank you for
sharing this invitation to your networks. You are also invited to view-es in your local
student associations, community groups, cooperatives, schools, unions and popular
assembly! ---- Event Description ---- The Libertarian Communist Union (UCL) wishes to
invite you to a Public Forum that will focus on direct democracy. We offer a wide space
for reflection to share and think freely about the different...

(en) Italy, Ilva Taranto: December 15, 2012 in the march for freedom (it) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 15:22:51 GMT 2012

In addition to delI'ILVA workers, who do not yield their right to health ---- What happens
in Taranto, is not only a problem of Taranto, what happens Ilva is not just a problem of
the workers Ilva and their families. It 's all a country has to start from the bottom,
regain health, rights, work. ---- Marching for freedom ---- In addition to delI'ILVA
workers, who do not yield their right to health ---- In addition to the citizens of
Taranto, claiming their right to work to live, not to ...

(en) Irish Anarchist Review #6 - Sex and Sex Work from an Anarcha-Feminist perspective
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 10:28:32 GMT 2012

In &#xE2;Sex and Sex Work from and anarcha-feminist perspective&#xE2;, Leticia looks at the
theoretical background to the debate between those who argue for decriminalisation and
those who &#xE2;see sex work (or even sex in general) as violence against women&#xE2;. She argues
that because sex is commodified, sex workers should be treated in the same way as others
who engage in exploitative labour. ---- There is an on-going debate within anarchism about
sex work, feminism and sex in gen...

(pt) Revista Aurora Obrera #21 Ano 2 - December 2012 - O cara que consumia
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 10:20:32 GMT 2012

Indice ---- O Cara que Consumia p4 ---- Dos Adjetivos Jarg&#xF5;es p7 ---- Sindicalistas
Revolucion&#xE1;rixs, Unidxs! p9 ---- Dan&#xE7;as das Ideias p11 ---- III Fera Anarquista de S&#xE3;o
Paulo p13 ---- Chegamos a mais um fim de ano e com ele a 21a edi&#xE7;&#xE3;o da Aurora Obreira. ---
2013 ser&#xE1; especial, pois continuaremos as a&#xE7;&#xF5;es diretas, as lutas reivindicativas,
<br>a produ&#xE7;&#xE3;o de materiais de apoio e divulga&#xE7;&#xE3;o do anarquismo, de suas lutas. ---...

(en) Brazil, Aurora Obrera #21 Ano 2 - December 2012 - The man who consume (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 10:19:50 GMT 2012

Content ---- The Dude consuming p4 ---- Adjectives of Jargon p7 ---- Unionists
Revolutionrans, Unidxs! p9 ---- Dances of Ideas p11 ---- III Beast of Anarchists of S&#xE3;o
Paulo p13 ---- We reached the end of another year and with it the 21st edition of the
Aurora worker. ---- 2013 will be special as we continue direct actions, struggles
reivindicativas, production and support materials disclosure of anarchism, their
struggles. ---- As always invite todxs: In support, produce, whether ...

(fr) France, Alternative Libertair #222 - Toulouse : Le droit au logement criminalis&#xE9;
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 09:36:53 GMT 2012

Le Collectif pour la r&#xE9;quisition, l&#x2019;entre-aide et l&#x2019;autogestion (Crea) de Toulouse
organise aujourd&#x2019;hui plusieurs squats sociaux et accueille plusieurs dizaines de familles.
Retour sur une exp&#xE9;rience autogestionnaire. ---- Depuis un an et demi, Toulouse voit se
multiplier les r&#xE9;quisitions de b&#xE2;timents vides. Premier squat, le 70, all&#xE9;e des
demoiselles, un ancien b&#xE2;timent de l&#x2019;Afpa. Une quarantaine de personnes dont une quinzaine

(en) France, Alternative Libertair #222 - Toulouse: The right to housing criminalized (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 09:35:08 GMT 2012

The Collective for the requisition, self-help and self-management (Crea) Toulouse now
organizes several social squats and hosts dozens of families. Back to self-management
experience. ---- For a year and a half, Toulouse sees increasing requisitions empty
buildings. First squat, 70, went damselflies, a former building of the AFPA. Forty people
including fifteen children, there are housing. This building was a place for families
living on the streets, with or without papers, women galle...

(en) Italy, FdCA Libertarian Alternative - Paternalism seismic (it) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 09:14:09 GMT 2012

The judgment on the L'Aquila earthquake of 2009, that sentenced in first instance Major
Risks Committee, made quite a stir in the community especially national and international
scientific. ---- We are not, by nature, on the side of magistrates but we nevertheless
important shed light on how this story is lived in the media. First we say one thing: it
is not true that the technical Commission were condemned for not have predicted the
earthquake the night of 6 April 2009, at 3:32 am, st...

(en) Britain, The Solidarity Federation's book, Fighting for ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle - Introduction and Chapter I. (1/6)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 08:43:01 GMT 2012

The Solidarity Federation's book, Fighting for ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the
class struggle, aims to recover some of the lost history of the workers' movement, in
order to set out a revolutionary strategy for the present conditions. In clear and
accessible prose, the book sets out the anarcho-syndicalist criticisms of political
parties and trade unions, engages with other radical traditions such as anarchism,
syndicalism and dissident Marxisms, explains what anarcho-syndicalis...

(en) Britain, The Solidarity Federation's book, Fighting for ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle - Chapter III. (3/6)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 08:39:05 GMT 2012

Anarcho-syndicalism in the 20th century ------- Introduction ------ In this chapter we
will introduce anarcho-syndicalism as a synthesis of the anarchist politics and
syndicalist methods we encountered in the previous chapter. This will be explored through
the theory of &#xC9;mile Pouget, the Argentine FORA (Argentine Regional Workers&#x2019; Federation),
the German FAUD (Free Workers&#x2019; Union of Germany) and the Spanish CNT (National
Confederation of Labour). While the mainstream...

(en) Britain, The Solidarity Federation's book, Fighting for ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle - Chapter II. (2/6)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 17 08:31:33 GMT 2012

Radical currents in the workers' movement ------ Introduction ------- This chapter will
introduce three radical currents from the historical workers&#x2019; movement. First we will look
at anarchism, the name given to the anti-state socialists in the European workers&#x2019;
movement of the 19th and 20th centuries. Anarchism, as a political doctrine, opposed
itself to all statist politics, whether parliamentary or &#x2018;revolutionary&#x2019;, instead placing
its emphasis on human cap...

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