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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Thu, 13 Dec 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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(it) Bergamo_14-15-16 dicembre_14° Anarchist bookfair
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Dec 13 20:36:37 GMT 2012

Bergamo_14-15-16 dicembre_14&#xB0; Anarchist bookfair<br>
14-15-16 dicembre_14&#xB0; Anarchist bookfair<br>
Coop. D. Paci e F. Dell&#x2019;Orto Via Luzzati 6 &#x2013; Bergamo (Circolino della<br>
#VENERDI&#x2019; 14#<br>
ore 19:00 Inaugurazione dell&#x2019;editoria Anarchica con brindisi per i 10<br>
anni dell&#x2019;Underground!<br>
ore 20:30 Presentazione di &#x201C;Collane di Ruggine&#x201D; rivista autoprodotta<br>
di letteratura fantastica, fantascienza e steampunk....

(it) Alessandria: cena 24 dicembre
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Dec 13 20:35:39 GMT 2012

cena 24 dicembre<br>
grasso maiale....pardon natale<br>
la notte di Natale da pi&#xF9; di mille anni<br>
un attore, con stravaganti panni<br>
allestisce una rappresentazione<br>
un monologo, una recitazione<br>
sempre la stessa, senza mai cambiare<br>
ma che vada a ramare!<br>
Eppure tutti gli anni, strano a dirsi<br>
le masse vanno a vederlo esibirsi<br>
noi che ci siamo organizzati<br>
per non avere intorno preti e frati<br>
abbiamo pensato di fare<br>
una cena anticlericale<br>...

(it) Comidad, le news del 13 dicembre 2012
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Dec 13 20:34:51 GMT 2012

Ecco le news settimanali del Comidad: chi volesse consultare le news<br>
precedenti, pu&#xF2; reperirle sul sito <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.comidad.org/";>http://www.comidad.org/</a> sotto la<br>
voce &quot;Commentario&quot;.<br>
L'ennesima sortita del Buffone di Arcore &#xE8; servita ancora una volta ad<br>
accreditare il mito personale di Mario Monti, ed anche ad avallare la<br>
falsa impressione ...

(pt) Anarkismo.net: Supremo, Congresso e a crise dos poderes by Bruno Lima Rocha
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Dec 13 15:46:48 GMT 2012

Joaquim Barbosa e Marco Maia come&#xE7;am a protagonizar uma poss&#xED;vel crise entre os poderes
Judici&#xE1;rio e Legislativo ---- Agora complicou mesmo. O julgamento do Mensal&#xE3;o no Supremo
caminha a passos largos para uma crise institucional. O dilema &#xE9; relativamente simples.
Julgar e condenar s&#xE3;o pap&#xE9;is do Poder Judici&#xE1;rio, mas revogar mandato popular cabe aos
pares, detentores de poderes semelhantes. Segundo o preceito constitucional, quem retira
mandato &...

(gr) &#x39D;&#x3B1; &#x3B1;&#x3BD;&#x3C4;&#x3B9;&#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3B1;&#x3B8;&#x3BF;&#x3CD;&#x3BC;&#x3B5; &#x3C3;&#x3C5;&#x3BB;&#x3BB;&#x3BF;&#x3B3;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3AC; &#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3BF;&#x3BD; &#x3C4;&#x3C1;&#x3CC;&#x3BC;&#x3BF;
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Dec 13 11:58:51 GMT 2012

&#x39D;&#x391; ANTI&#x3A3;&#x3A4;&#x391;&#x398;&#x39F;&#x3A5;&#x39C;&#x395; &#x3A3;&#x3A5;&#x39B;&#x39B;&#x39F;&#x393;&#x399;&#x39A;&#x391; &#x3A3;&#x3A4;&#x39F;&#x39D; &#x3A4;&#x3A1;&#x39F;&#x39C;&#x39F; -- &#x39A;&#x391;&#x39C;&#x399;&#x391; &#x391;&#x39D;&#x39F;&#x3A7;&#x397; &#x3A3;&#x3A4;&#x399;&#x3A3; &#x39D;&#x391;&#x396;&#x399;&#x3A3;&#x3A4;&#x399;&#x39A;&#x395;&#x3A3; &#x39A;&#x391;&#x399;
&#x3A6;&#x391;&#x3A3;&#x399;&#x3A3;&#x3A4;&#x399;&#x39A;&#x395;&#x3A3; &#x3A3;&#x3A5;&#x39C;&#x3...

(en) Britain, Sheffield Anarchist Book Fair Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May 2013
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Dec 13 11:53:33 GMT 2012

Year on year the event has grown and for 2013 we are looking to expand into a much larger
venue that will also be more accessible than previous years. ---- The Sheffield Anarchist
Book Fair is a free two-day event organised by local activists and volunteers. If you
would like to get involved with the organising of the event you can contact the
co-ordinating collective at sheffield(at)bookfair.org.uk ---- Each year, the book fair
brings together over 50 radical booksellers, distributors...

(fr) Alternative libertaire de d&#xE9;cembre #222 - D&#xE9;bat : Prostitution - sortir des malentendus
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Dec 13 11:39:51 GMT 2012

Dans le cadre du f&#xE9;stival d&#x2019;Egal &#xE0; Egales, a eu lieu un d&#xE9;bat sur la prostitution visant &#xE0;
expliciter deux positions divergentes sur cette th&#xE9;matique au sein du mouvement f&#xE9;ministe.
---- Sur un sujet qui suscite souvent des d&#xE9;bats et des pol&#xE9;miques passionn&#xE9;es et
passionnelles, le collectif du festival a essay&#xE9; de mettre en place un dispositif
permettant &#xE0; chaque partie d&#x2019;expliciter ses divergences, mais &#xE9;galement ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertair #222 - Debate: Prostitution - misunderstandings out (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Dec 13 11:38:27 GMT 2012

As part of the festival Equals Equals, held a debate on prostitution to explain two
opposing positions on this issue within the feminist movement.
<br>On a subject that often brings passionate debates and polemics and passions, the
collective festival tried to put in place a mechanism allowing each party to explain its
differences, but also to show its points of agreement. The plateau was formed as follows.
Ga&#xEB;lle Th&#xE9;baud member of the group, has ensured the presentation of th...

(en) Brazil, Socialismo Libert&#xC3;rio #28 -Create a strong people!+ (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Dec 13 11:16:01 GMT 2012

Create a strong people!--The Anarchist Brazilian Coordination (CAB) is an organizational
space founded in 2012 that articulates Especifists anarchist organizations nationally. The
CAB arises as a result of ten years of a process of organization, started in 2002, with
the Forum of Organized Anarchism (FAO). During this decade, we had advances in political
and ideological terms and also in relation to the works in popular and union movements.
---- We want to change the unjust situation i...

(en) Brave New North: Neoliberalism in the Six Counties
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Dec 13 10:46:03 GMT 2012

Guest writer Liam O&#xE2;Rourke casts his eye over the neo-liberal project of regeneration in
the six counties. He notes that the elite sections of both communities have no problem
uniting around what he describes as the &#xE2;shared non-sectarian identity of the consumer&#xE2;
which reduces shared space to &#xE2;commercial shared space&#xE2;. Yet the fact that working class
people have seen little of the promised &#xE2;peace dividend&#xE2; has not lead to heightened class

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