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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 11 Dec 2012 23:59:02 +0100 (CET)

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(ca) [Vitoria-Gasteiz] Agenda. Charla sobre desahucios
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 20:42:08 GMT 2012

desahucios. La lucha est&#xE1; presente&#x201D; -- Ponente: Kaleratzeak Stop<br>
Araba. -- D&#xED;a: Jueves, 13 de Diciembre. -- Hora: 19:00 h.<br>
Lugar: Local de la CNT de Vitoria-Gasteiz. C/Correr&#xED;a, 65. --<br>
&#x201C;Kaleratzeak. Oraingo borroka&#x201D; -- Hizlaria: Kaleratzeak Stop Araba.<br>
Eguna: Osteguna, Abenduak 13. Ordua:...

(en) Mass revolts in Slovenia, december 2012 - from: Federation for anarchist organizing (FAO), Slovenia
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 14:11:41 GMT 2012

Slovenia is being shaken by the first massive revolt in two decades and the first that is
predominantly oriented against political establishment, austerity measures and is in some
cities already gaining anti-capitalist character. ---- In less than three weeks there have
been 35 protests in 18 cities, where more then 70.000 people participated altogether.
Protests often turn into clashes with police that is violently breaking up the
demonstrations. 284 people were arrested, some release...

(de) IFA - Internationale Solidarit&#xE4;t mit kubanischen Anarchist*innen !
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 13:21:58 GMT 2012

In der Karibik gibt es eine lange libert&#xE4;re Tradition. So auch auf Kuba: Bereits w&#xE4;hrend
der K&#xE4;mpfe gegen die Sklaverei und f&#xFC;r die Unabh&#xE4;ngigkeit im fr&#xFC;hen 19. Jh. gab es die
ersten Erscheinungsformen libert&#xE4;rer Ideen. ---- Die Bewegung ist in Kuba mehr als 100
Jahre alt, auch wenn sie von Historiker*innen und Herausgeber*innen auf Gehei&#xDF; der
Kommunistischen Partei Kubas aus der offiziellen Geschichtsschreibung gestrichen wurde. --
1959 wurden d...

(pt) FARJ* LIBERA #155 - ELEI&#xE7;&#xD5;ES MUNICIPAIS no rio de janeiro nossas urg&#xEA;ncias n&#xE3;o cabem nas urnas!
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 12:41:10 GMT 2012

Mais um ano eleitoral chegou e, mais uma vez, l&#xE1; est&#xE3;o os pol&#xED;ticos nas ruas, nos jornais,
nos &#x201C;santinhos&#x201D; ou na televis&#xE3;o: prometem transforma&#xE7;&#xF5;es, soltam slogans rid&#xED;culos, dizem
que &#x201C;agora vai ser diferente&#x201D;. No entanto, passam as elei&#xE7;&#xF5;es e as coisas n&#xE3;o mudam muito.
Esc&#xE2;ndalos de corrup&#xE7;&#xE3;o, elevados n&#xED;veis de viol&#xEA;ncia, prec&#xE1;rio sistema p&#xFA;blico de

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation, Organise! #79 - The Crisis in Greece: Unspoken Consequences
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 10:41:40 GMT 2012

If anyone were interested in re searching about the mechanisms of the state, Greece would
have been a primary candidate for a case study. The public domain for the last forty years
had been the largest in Europe, with politics being rendered sterile by a two-party system
imitating the American political scene. It is thus no coincidence that the crisis and its
consequences were first felt in a nation so extensively influenced by the state domain.
With the public sector accounting largel...

(en) France, Alternative Libertair #222 - On Equals Equals: The equality now (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 10:02:05 GMT 2012

&quot;Peer-to-equal&quot;, two days of lectures, debates, exhibitions, demonstrations and
performances. The goal is a maximum for federate create a dynamic expression and public
debate and popular feminist issues, sexist and antihomophobes.
<br>Spurred on by Libertarian Alternative 49, a group of 14 organizations associations, trade
unions and political consists in Angers in 2011 to organize these meetings. It is
encouraging struggles over immediate demands, creating the link between mi...

(fr) Alternative libertaire de d&#xE9;cembre #222 - D&#x2019;&#xC9;gal &#xE0; &#xC9;gales : L&#x2019;&#xE9;galit&#xE9; r&#xE9;elle maintenant (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 10:01:46 GMT 2012

&#xAB; D&#x2019;&#xE9;gal &#xE0; &#xE9;gales &#xBB;, ce sont deux journ&#xE9;es de conf&#xE9;rences, d&#xE9;bats, expos, manifestations
et spectacles. L&#x2019;objectif : f&#xE9;d&#xE9;rer un maximum pour cr&#xE9;er une dynamique d&#x2019;expression et de
d&#xE9;bat publics et populaires sur les questions f&#xE9;ministes, antisexistes et antihomophobes.
---- Sous l&#x2019;impulsion d&#x2019;Alternative libertaire 49, un collectif de 14 organisations
associatives, syndicales et politiques...

(ca) La USI-AIT en huelga por los ataques a la sanidad p&#xFA;blica en el Hospital de &quot;San Raffaele&quot;
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 09:55:24 GMT 2012

Los compa&#xF1;eros de la USI-AIT del hospital San Raffaele en Italia,<br>
conjuntamente con otros sindicados, est&#xE1;n en huelga con el objetivo de<br>
anular la regulaci&#xF3;n laboral que pretende despedir a 244 trabajadores<br>
de plantilla y poder as&#xED; cancelar los acuerdos contractuales<br>
conquistados despu&#xE9;s muchos a&#xF1;os de lucha. D&#xED;as atr&#xE1;s la compa&#xF1;era<br>
Graziella (delegada USI), y Daniela han acampado sobre el techo del<br>
hospital para dar mayo...

(en) US, Platform and Constitution For Rochester Red and Black
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 09:55:17 GMT 2012

Platform ---- Capitalism ---- Fundamentally, we oppose capitalism and all forms of
exploitation. Capitalism is an imposed socially constructed system, not a product of
human nature. It is founded on exploitation, which extracts profits from the labor of the
workers. This creates an uneven class system, where lower classes continue to be the
source of profit for those on top. Through this an entire matrix of inequality is
initiated, creating divisions and hierarchies between people...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Nationwide Organization of Revolutionary Anarchists in the United States? by Colin O - Rochester Red &amp; Black, Common Struggle
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 09:52:18 GMT 2012

An article by a member of Rochester Red &amp; Black and Common Struggle making the case for a
unitary class struggle anarchist organization in lead up to a conference in February 2013
focused on the potential formation of exactly such a grouping. ---- Over 150 years of the
anarchist theoretical and organizing tradition have passed, yet anarchist influence in the
United States is practically non-existent. In some local contexts, we do see occasional
anarchist influence, but in a nationw...

(en) Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue with tense political background*
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 11 08:30:47 GMT 2012

After the mainly political defeat of Israel in the attack on Gaza and the following defeat
in the US, the Israeli state forces repressing the weekly demonstrations got restraining
orders. It was expressed in few cases of small units of soldiers escaping from stone
throwing youth - the video of the most pictorial one played again and again in the Israeli
TV channels. The rightist &quot;talking heads&quot; complained the fleeing soldiers insult Israel
and harsher measures must be taken. ...

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