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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours
Mon, 10 Dec 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)
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Latest Headlines:
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 20:07:36 GMT 2012
Viale Monza 255 (fermata MM1 Precotto)<br>
in occasione del 43° anniversario della Strage di Piazza Fontana<br>
ore 19 Aperitivo e inaugurazione della sezione Manifesti dell'Archivio<br>
STRAGI e CRISI come strategie per il rafforzamento del dominio<br>
COSIMO SCARINZI della C.U.B. Scuola - Tor...
(it) Roma: LA STRAGE DI STATO dibattito il 12 dicembre a Garbatella
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 20:06:33 GMT 2012
Roma: dibattito il 12 dicembre a Garbatella<br>
LA STRAGE DI STATO 12/12/1969 12/12/2012 PIAZZA FONTANA<br>
Conoscere la verità di ieri per capire l’oggi e cambiare il domani.<br>
43 anni fa lo stato organizza una strage eseguita dai fascisti.<br>
Valpreda e gli anarchici vengono arrestati o assassinati. Solo con la<br>
mobilitazione popolare e la controinformazione siamo riusciti a<br>
dimostrare la nostra estraneità.<br>
I vari governi che si sono succeduti hanno contin...
(it) IFA : Campagna di solidarietà internazionale con i libertari cubani !
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 20:05:19 GMT 2012
Campagna di solidarietà internazionale con i libertari cubani !<br>
C’è sempre stata una tradizione libertaria nella zona dei Caraibi. Il<br>
sentimento libertario ha sempre impregnato il popolo di Cuba, questa<br>
espressione rivoluzionaria si è sviluppata fin dall’inizio del 19 °<br>
secolo, con la lotta contro la schiavitù e per l’indipendenza. Il<br>
movimento libertario a Cuba ha una tradizione di più di 100 anni, ed è<br>
stato ...
(it) JESI (AN) 12 dicembre- cineforum libertario
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 20:04:24 GMT 2012
JESI 12 dicembre:<br>
cineforum libertario<br>
Mercoledì12 dicembre - ore 21:30 CINEFORUM LIBERTARIO -" i ruderi dell'etica"<br>
Centro Studi Libertari L.Fabbri - Jesi (AN) - via pastrengo 2<br>
(<a rel="nofollow" href="http://cslfabbri.blogspot.it/">http://cslfabbri.blogspot.it/</a>)<br>
Terzo appuntamento del cineforum organizzato dal Centro Studi<br>
Libertari di Jesi intitolato: "i ruderi dell'etica". Mercoledì, dopo<br>
il primo appuntamento con "I...
(fr) Courant alternatif décembre 2012 #225 - Gaza : quand l’Occident légalise l’assassinat de masse - Pierre Stambul
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 16:39:03 GMT 2012
Pour toutes celles et ceux qui ont vu le film « Gazastrophe », l’histoire bégaie. Mêmes
scènes d’horreur de familles pulvérisées parce qu’elles ont le tort d’habiter Gaza. Même
lâcheté de la « communauté internationale » qui détourne pudiquement le regard en faisant
semblant de ne pas avoir vu. ---- Mettre un peuple en cage ---- Gaza est un laboratoire.
Une campagne d’opinion effr...
(en) France, Alternating Current OCL #225 - Gaza: when the West legalized mass murder (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 16:36:35 GMT 2012
For all those who have seen the movie "Gazastrophe," the story stutters. Same horror of
families because they sprayed the wrong live Gaza. Same cowardice of the "international
community" that discreetly look away, pretending not to have seen. ---- People put a cage
-- Gaza is a laboratory. A campaign of unbridled opinion in Israel has turned the
population into a bunch of "terrorists" against which everything is permitted. Gazans are
guilty of having voted...
(fr) Communiqués de Alternative Libertair - Stop à l’attaque terroriste d’Israël sur Gaza !
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 16:05:24 GMT 2012
Depuis le week end dernier l’armée israélienne a amorcé une nouvelle attaque meurtrière
contre la bande de Gaza, suite à l’attaque d’une Jeep de l’armée israélienne par des
groupes de résistance armée palestiniens. Sous prétexte de s’en prendre à des «
terroristes », les bombardements touchent en réalité pour l’essentiel des civil-es, y
compris des enfants. Car à c&#x...
(fr) Alternative libertaire de décembre #222 - Radicalités : Contre un féminisme complice du patriarcat (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 15:52:16 GMT 2012
Deux forment de militantisme féministe se font entendre : le militantisme lobbyiste et le
militantisme « déshabillé » qui cherche à attirer les médias. Il manque aujourd’hui la
voix d’un féminisme de combat. ---- Entre féminisme institutionnel et nudité militante, la
voie est étroite pour les féministes radicales. Ce texte est écrit avant « les 6 heures
pour l’égalité des salaires entre l...
(en) France, Alternative Libertair #222 - Radicalism: Against Feminism accomplice of patriarchy (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 15:51:00 GMT 2012
Two form of feminist activism are heard: advocacy and activism lobbyist "undressed" which
seeks to attract the media. Today we lack the voice of feminism fight.---Between feminism
and institutional nudity activist, the path is narrow for radical feminists. This text was
written before "6 hours for equal pay between men and women" that took place on October
20. It is to hear researchers, activists and workers in struggle to "put at the center of
the debate on eq...
(en) Irish Anarchist Review #6 - Brave New North: Neoliberalism in the Six Counties
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 12:58:39 GMT 2012
Guest writer Liam OâRourke casts his eye over the neo-liberal project of regeneration in
the six counties. He notes that the elite sections of both communities have no problem
uniting around what he describes as the âshared non-sectarian identity of the consumerâ
which reduces shared space to âcommercial shared spaceâ. Yet the fact that working class
people have seen little of the promised âpeace dividendâ has not lead to heightened class
(pt) CAB: Revista Socialismo Libertáriio #1 - NOSSA CONCEPÇÃO DE PODER POPULAR (en)
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 12:10:58 GMT 2012
“Uma em concepção e uma prática de autogestão têm, sua produção específica, seu próprio
discurso. Têm sua própria produção de poder que, nesse caso, é de poder popular.” ----
Federação Anarquista Uruguaia (FAU) ---- O especifismo, nossa corrente do anarquismo, em
especial na América Latina, vem se preocupando há mais de meio século com problemática do
poder popular. Nesse ...
(en) Brazil, CAB: Socialism LibertÃriio Magazine #1 - Our Statement of Principles (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 12:08:29 GMT 2012
"One in conception and practice of self-management have their specific production,<br>
its own speech. have their own production of power, in this case, is people power."
Uruguayan Anarchist Federation (FAU) ---- The especifismo, our chain of anarchism,
particularly in Latin America, has been concerned more half a century with issues of
popular power. In this text, we try to formalize relevant elements of this discussion,
which today are shared by the organizations that consti...
(en) Brazil, Salutation 1 Year Anniversary of Black Flag Anarchist Collective (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 11:12:00 GMT 2012
The Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro (FARJ) is hereby salute our sister
organization, for their first anniversary of existence. ---- We welcome with great
enthusiasm how hard That / the organized anarchists / Anarchist Collective in the Black
Flag construct, in the state of Santa Catarina, the Initiatives of militancy and power by
a popular libertarian perspective. ---- Articulated in Brazilian Anarchist Coordination,
Know That there is still much to build our project and the And...
(pt) Saudação ao aniversário de 1 ano do Coletivo Anarquista Bandeira Negra
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 11:09:43 GMT 2012
A Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro (FARJ) vem por meio desta, saudar a nossa
organização irmã, por seu primeiro aniversário de existência. ---- Saudamos com muito
entusiasmo o afinco com que os/as anarquistas organizados/as no Coletivo Anarquista
Bandeira Negra constróem, no estado de Santa Catarina, as iniciativas de militância e
poder popular por uma perspectiva libertária. ---- Articulados na Coordenação Anarquista
(gr) Τι συμβαίνει με την ανθρώπινη φύση;
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 10:55:42 GMT 2012
Οι αναρχικοί όχι μόνο δεν αγνοούν την «ανθρώπινη φύση», αλλά έχουν και
τη μόνη πολιτ&#...
(fr) Mexique - Communiqué de soutien aux victimes et aux personnes détenues suite à l’investiture d’Enrique Peña Nieto
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 10:39:29 GMT 2012
Dimanche 9 décembre 2012, Le 1er décembre les forces de l’ordre, municipales et fédérales,
faisant usage de balles en caoutchouc, tirées à bout portant, et de grenades lacrymogènes,
ont provoqué des dizaines de blessés, dont au moins deux dans un état grave. Les habitants
de Mexico descendus dans la rue pour protester contre l’investiture du nouveau président
mexicain Enrique Peña Nieto. Ils ont été confr...
(en) Aurora worker anarchist magazine (Revista anarquista Aurora Obreira) Issue 21 - December 2012 (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 10:16:28 GMT 2012
On 2013 we will be fighting!! <a rel="nofollow" href="http://anarkio.net/index.php/rvts/222-aurora-21-2012">http://anarkio.net/index.php/rvts/222-aurora-21-2012</a> --
Editorial:---- We reached the end of another year and with it the 21st edition of the
Aurora worker. ---- 2013 will be special as we continue direct actions, struggles
reivindicativas, production of support materials and dissemination of anarchism, their
struggles. As always invite todxs: In support, produce either volunt...
(pt) Brazil, Revista anarquista Aurora Obreira numero 21 - Dezembro de 2012
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 10:15:48 GMT 2012
Revista Aurora Obreira de Dezembro 2012, vamos que 2013 será de lutas!!
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://anarkio.net/index.php/rvts/222-aurora-21-2012">http://anarkio.net/index.php/rvts/222-aurora-21-2012</a> ---- Editorial: ---- Chegamos a mais
um fim de ano e com ele a 21ª edição da Aurora Obreira. ---- 2013 será especial, pois
continuaremos as ações diretas, as lutas reivindicativas, a produção de materiais de apoio
e divulgação do...
(fr) fête du livre le 22 décembre à Paris
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Dec 10 09:39:27 GMT 2012
Les éditions Noir et Rouge organisent une Fête du livre<br>
Samedi 22 décembre de 13 h à 18 h.<br>
Librairie l' Emancipation 8 Impasse Crozatier Paris 12è<br>
Métro Faidherbe Chaligny ou Gare de Lyon,<br>
à partir de 13 h.<br>
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