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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 9 Dec 2012 23:59:02 +0100 (CET)

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(ca) Comunicado sobre lo que ocurre en Corral de Bustos (Cba)
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 20:07:49 GMT 2012

&#xA1;Libertad a los presos de Corral de Bustos! --- El 4 de diciembre de<br>
2006, los vecinos de la localidad cordobesa de Corral de Bustos,<br>
conocida como &#x201C;el tri&#xE1;ngulo de las bermudas&#x201D; reaccionaron masivamente<br>
hartos ya de la impunidad, encubrimiento y complicidad con que<br>
jueces, fiscales y polic&#xED;as actuaron frente al asesinato de Ariana<br>
Sabache, de 3 a&#xF1;os de edad. A la falta de atenci&#xF3;n a las denuncias de<br>
la abuela de la chiquita a...

(en) Ireland, Budget 2013 &amp; the dark times to come - demo in protest
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 16:39:50 GMT 2012

Roughly 1,000 people protested at the Dail (parliament building) in Dublin Wednesday night
as yet another austerity budget was debated. As with previous budgets the new flat rate
taxes, PRSI &amp; excise hikes will mean workers &amp; those on low income will be hit hard while
the richest 1% will hardly notice any difference.
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.anarkismo.net/attachments/dec2012/lochgarmenausteritybanner.jpg";>http://www.anarkismo.net/attachments/dec2012/lochgarmenausterity...

(en) Position of the Revolutionary Anarchist Alliance on the events of December 1 (ca, fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 16:15:03 GMT 2012

Social organizations ---- Media ---- At the working class in general ---- December 1, 2012
took place the ceremony of bourgeois democracy, which officially concluded the bloody
administration of Felipe Calder&#xF3;n, which transmits the presidential office and the
criminal Enrique Pe&#xF1;a Nieto. In reality it is the continuity of a political and economic
model predator will continue to degrade the living conditions of the working class, to
continue to ensure the interests of big capi...

(fr) Mexico, Position de l'Alliance Anarchiste R&#xC3;volutionnaire sur les &#xC3;v&#xC3;nements du 1er d&#xC3;cembre (ca, en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 16:13:06 GMT 2012

Aux organisations sociales ---- Aux m&#xC3;dias ---- A la classe ouvri&#xC3;re en g&#xC3;n&#xC3;ral ---- Le
1er d&#xC3;cembre 2012 a eut lieu la c&#xC3;r&#xC3;monie de la d&#xC3;mocratie bourgeoise qui concluait
officiellement la sanglante administration de Felipe Calder&#xC3;n, qui transmet ainsi la
charge pr&#xC3;sidentielle au criminel Enrique Pe&#xC3;a Nieto. En r&#xC3;alit&#xC3; il s'agit de la
continuit&#xC3; d'un mod&#xC3;le politique et &#xC3;conomique pr&#xC3;dateur qui continue...

(pt) CAB: Revista Socialismo Libert&#xE1;riio - N.1 jun/12 (en)
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 10:02:13 GMT 2012

SUM&#xC1;RIO ---- Editorial 04 ---- Nossa Concep&#xE7;&#xE3;o de Poder Popular 08 ---- Declara&#xE7;&#xE3;o de
Princ&#xED;pios da CAB 20 ---- Organiza&#xE7;&#xF5;es que Comp&#xF5;em a CAB 22 ---- Revista Socialismo
Libert&#xE1;rio Tiragem: 500 exemplares Impress&#xE3;o em S&#xE3;o Paulo - Junho de 2012 Contato:
secfao@riseup.net ---- Editorial ---- H&#xE1; 150 anos, homens e mulheres aspiraram &#xE0; uni&#xE3;o
e &#xE0; coordena&#xE7;&#xE3;o internacional do incipiente movimento oper...

(en) Brazil, CAB: Socialism Libert&#xE1;riio Magazine - N.1 Jun/12 (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 10:00:50 GMT 2012

SUMMARY ---- 04 ---- Our Editorial Design of Popular Power -- 08 ---- Statement of
Principles of the CAB -- 20 ---- Organizations Comprising CAB -- 22 ---- Libertarian
Socialism Journal Issue: 500 copies Printing S&#xE3;o Paulo - June 2012 --- Contact:
secfao@riseup.net ---- Editorial ---- For 150 years, men and women aspired to the union
and the international coordination of the incipient labor movement, for, through
federalism and free association , gather the strength to strike and ...

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation, Organise! #79 - Occupy! At the Crossroads - A look at the Occupy! Phenomenon
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 09:15:04 GMT 2012

The Occupy movement was a phenomenon that spread rapidly throughout the United States and
was echoed on a much smaller scale in Great Britain. It was inspired by events around the
Arab Spring, in particular the occupation of Tahrir Square in Cairo and by the movement in
Spain, the Indignados (Indignants). ---- In the United States it was initiated by the
group around Adbusters who engaged in a critique of and action against advertising who
issued a call to Occupy Wall Street and was q...

(en) Brazil, Contested Occupation: creating seed People Power (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 08:18:30 GMT 2012

For Socialism and Freedom! -- Create a People Strong! -- Fight, Create, People Power! --
The organization is directly planted in the popular struggle from below for better living
conditions, decent housing, health, transportation, education. Crank the organization is
coordinating task forces advocating common goals, by the exploited. In practice, we learn
that this fight is strengthened when we exercise solidarity, willingness to fight to
ensure the accumulation of forces. It is throug...

(pt) Ocupa&#xC3;&#xC3;o Contestado: criando sementes de Poder Popular
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 08:16:22 GMT 2012

Pelo Socialismo e pela Liberdade! ---- Criar um Povo Forte! ---- Lutar, Criar, Poder
Popular! ---- A organiza&#xE7;&#xE3;o popular est&#xE1; diretamente fincada na luta dos de baixo por
melhores condi&#xE7;&#xF5;es de vida, moradia digna, sa&#xFA;de, transporte, educa&#xE7;&#xE3;o. P&#xF4;r em marcha a
organiza&#xE7;&#xE3;o &#xE9; tarefa da coordena&#xE7;&#xE3;o de for&#xE7;as que defendem objetivos em comum, pelos
explorados. Na pr&#xE1;tica, aprendemos que essa luta se fortalece quando...

(en) France, Alternative Libertair #221 - Sociology: The new proletarians Sarah Abdelnour, ed Textuel (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 08:04:48 GMT 2012

New Workers, published in the collection &quot;small encyclopedia critical,&quot; aims to revisit
the notion of the proletariat today. Indeed, the dominant discour says that the working
class has long since disappeared, giving way to a huge middle class to which few escape
excluded quasi-residual (commuters, homeless, undocumented ...). In contrast to Sarah
Abelnour, talk proletariat has lost none of its relevance even if the composition of it
has evolved since the great economic restr...

(fr) Alternative Libertair #221 - Sociologie : Les nouveaux prol&#xE9;taires de Sarah Abdelnour, &#xE9;d Textuel (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 08:03:36 GMT 2012

Les nouveaux Prol&#xE9;taires, publi&#xE9; dans la collection &#xAB; Petite encyclop&#xE9;die critique &#xBB;, a
pour objectif de revenir sur la notion de prol&#xE9;tariat aujourd&#x2019;hui. En effet, le discour
dominant affirme que la classe ouvri&#xE8;re a depuis longtemps disparu, pour laisser place &#xE0;
une gigantesque classe moyenne &#xE0; laquelle &#xE9;chappent seulement quelques exclus
quasi-r&#xE9;siduels (banlieusards, SDF, sans papiers&#x2026;). Au contraire pour Sarah Abel...

(en) France, Alternative Libertair #221 - History: Defeat West and land agreements (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 08:01:35 GMT 2012

When Richard White writes Middle Ground in 1991, he performed for historical research
&#xC3;tasunienne that Braudel and Le Goff, France, conducted on or medieval European history:
the intrusion of popular players, trades, particularities, taking into account the
economic and social, in short, a thickening of history, where the past becomes more real,
and sometimes even more exotic. The break with the purely factual and symbolic - &quot;big&quot;
battles, &quot;big&quot; men ... - had a...

(fr) Alternative Libertair #221 - Histoire : D&#xE9;faite de l&#x2019;Ouest et terres d&#x2019;ententes (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 07:59:42 GMT 2012

Lorsque Richard White &#xE9;crit Middle Ground en 1991, il accomplit pour la recherche
historique &#xE9;tasunienne ce que Braudel ou Le Goff, en France, ont r&#xE9;alis&#xE9; sur l&#x2019;&#xE9;poque
m&#xE9;di&#xE9;vale ou l&#x2019;histoire europ&#xE9;enne : l&#x2019;intrusion des acteurs populaires, des m&#xE9;tiers, des
particularismes, la prise en compte de l&#x2019;&#xE9;conomique et du social, bref, un &#xE9;paississement
de l&#x2019;Histoire, o&#xF9; le pass&#xE9; devient plus r&#x...

(en) France, Alternative Libertair #221 - Classic subversion: The Great Revolution of Peter Kropotkin, ed Sextant (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 07:58:04 GMT 2012

In this book, published in 1909, Peter Kropotkin gives us his reading of the French
Revolution of 1789. Analyzing the events, it reveals the role of the people truly
revolutionary. Indeed, the histories of the Revolution until the early twentieth century
were most often highlighted the great historical figures, the Robespierre, Danton's the
Desmoulins. ---- On one hand, the reactionary historians vilified Jacobins and organized
fractions while the other socialists saw references or mod...

(fr) Alternative Libertair #221 - Classiques de la subversion : La Grande R&#xE9;volution de Pierre Kropotkine, &#xE9;d du Sextant (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 07:56:16 GMT 2012

Dans cet ouvrage paru en 1909, Pierre Kropotkine nous livre sa lecture de la R&#xE9;volution
fran&#xE7;aise de 1789. Analysant les &#xE9;v&#xE8;nements, il d&#xE9;voile le r&#xF4;le r&#xE9;ellement r&#xE9;volutionnaire
du peuple. En effet, les histoires de la R&#xE9;volution jusqu&#x2019;au d&#xE9;but du XXe si&#xE8;cle avaient
le plus souvent mis en avant les grandes figures historiques, les Robespierre, les Danton,
les Desmoulins. ---- D&#x2019;un cot&#xE9;, les historiens r&#xE9;actio...

(fr) Alternative libertaire de d&#xE9;cembre #223 - Libertaires : contre l&#x2019;homophobie et l&#x2019;ordre patriarcal ! (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 07:43:02 GMT 2012

Ce mois de novembre, r&#xE9;pondant &#xE0; l&#x2019;appel de mouvements religieux dont certains
int&#xE9;gristes, des dizaines de milliers de partisans de la famille traditionnelle et
patriarcale ont d&#xE9;fil&#xE9; contre les droits des homosexuels et des lesbiennes. Nous ne
pouvons les laisser distiller leurs discours liberticides et homophobes sans r&#xE9;agir. ----
Ne nous leurrons pas, ces &#xAB; d&#xE9;fenseurs &#xBB; de l&#x2019;ordre moral chr&#xE9;tien sont tout sauf

(en) France, Alternative libertaire December (#223) - Libertarians: against homophobia and patriarchy! (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 09 07:42:34 GMT 2012

This November, responding to the call of fundamentalist religious movements, some tens of
thousands of supporters of the traditional, patriarchal family marched against the rights
of gays and lesbians. We can not let them distill their draconian and homophobic speech
without reacting. ---- Let's face it, these &quot;defenders&quot; of the moral Christian are
anything but tolerant. Against our freedoms, and they appear to prevent these plays are
considered &quot;christianophobes&quot; a...

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