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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 8 Dec 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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(it) nuove uscite elèuthera novembre
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 19:42:17 GMT 2012

nuove uscite el&#xE8;uthera novembre<br>
martyne perrot etnologia del natale<br>
indagine su una festa paradossale<br>
prefazione di Franco La Cecla 224 pp. &#x20AC; 14,00 EAN 9788896904176<br>
&quot;Come ci insegnano gli antropologi e gli storici, quando &#xE8; necessario,<br>
le societ&#xE0; provvedono a inventare le proprie tradizioni, che per<br>
essere veramente tali non sono mai assegnate una volta per tutte, ma<br>
mutano secondo lo spirito dei tempi&quot;.<br>
Marco Belpoli...

(it) Fat: Il manganello e lo scarpone
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 19:41:35 GMT 2012

Il manganello e lo scarpone<br>
8 dicembre 2012<br>
ore 12 polentata a Venaus e al Presidio Gravela di Chiomonte<br>
ore 14 passeggiata al cantiere/fortino di Clarea con doppia partenza -<br>
Chiomonte e Giaglione<br>
Qualcuno la racconta come fosse una storia di treni: da tanto tempo questa<br>
&#xE8; una storia di gente. Gente che ha scoperto, con pazienza, fatica e un<br>
pizzico di azzardo che l&#x2019;ordine della cose non &#xE8; disegnato una volta per<br>
tutte. Governo, politici ...

(en) Brazil, Paran&#xE1;, Anarchist Collective Bandeira Negra* (Black Flag) - The housing struggle against eviction of Occupation Contestado (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 18:01:47 GMT 2012

The Anarchist Collective Black Flag adds to the struggle of the families of the Occupation
Contestado against the threat of eviction, which the commander of the Military Police,
will occur this weekend. ---- These families have demonstrated organizational skills and
courage in the struggle for housing and decent life, with her arms has built occupation,
raised their homes and striven to build collective spaces (bathrooms, kitchen, Shed
Community). In addition, families follow the advan...

(pt) Brazil, Paran&#xE1;, Coletivo Anarquista Bandeira Negra CABN na luta por moradia contra o despejo da Ocupa&#xE7;&#xE3;o Contestado
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 18:00:58 GMT 2012

O Coletivo Anarquista Bandeira Negra soma-se na luta das fam&#xED;lias da Ocupa&#xE7;&#xE3;o Contestado
contra a amea&#xE7;a de despejo, que segundo o comandante da Pol&#xED;cia Militar, dever&#xE1; ocorrer
neste final de semana. ---- Estas fam&#xED;lias t&#xEA;m demonstrado coragem e capacidade de
organiza&#xE7;&#xE3;o na luta por moradia e vida digna, com seus bra&#xE7;os tem constru&#xED;do a ocupa&#xE7;&#xE3;o,
levantado suas casas e se esfor&#xE7;ado para construir os espa&#xE7;os c...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire #221 - Gaming Corporation: The invisible hand also launched the dice (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 15:55:18 GMT 2012

Many board games boast reproduce achieve economic mechanisms through their rules and
mechanisms. Some authors have even made a specialty. This is the case of Martin Wallace,
one of the principal axes of creative work is playful introduction to modern industrial
society as a marker of social and historical change. ---- Beyond the fun they provide
satisfaction and build a well-built games like Tinner's Automotive rTail or intend to
introduce players and economic mechanisms governing play...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire #221 - Series: Community (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 15:54:08 GMT 2012

It's back to the series! The opportunity to introduce a gem sitcom format (22 minutes),
published since 2009 in the United States by NBC and unreleased French TV ... which
obviously does not prevent the download or watch in streaming. These series Community,
which began on October 19 its fourth season. ---- The action takes place in a community
college, a public institution of higher education undergraduate. Suffice to say the siding
of the curriculum in American higher, or that studen...

(fr) Alternative libertaire #221 - Soci&#xE9;t&#xE9; des jeux : La main invisible lanc aussi les d&#xE9;s
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 15:52:46 GMT 2012

Bien des jeux de plateaux se targuent de parvenir &#xE0; reproduire des m&#xE9;canismes &#xE9;conomiques
au travers de leurs r&#xE8;gles et m&#xE9;canismes. Certains auteurs s&#x2019;en sont m&#xEA;me fait une
sp&#xE9;cialit&#xE9;. C&#x2019;est le cas de Martin Wallace dont l&#x2019;un des axes principaux de travail de
cr&#xE9;ation ludique est la mise en place de la soci&#xE9;t&#xE9; industrielle moderne comme marqueur
des changements soci&#xE9;taux et historiques. ---- Au-del&#xE0; de ...

(fr) Alternative libertaire #221 - S&#xE9;ries : Community (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 15:51:48 GMT 2012

C&#x2019;est la rentr&#xE9;e pour les s&#xE9;ries ! L&#x2019;occasion de pr&#xE9;senter un petit bijou au format sitcom
(22 minutes), diffus&#xE9; depuis 2009 aux &#xC9;tats-Unis par NBC, et in&#xE9;dit &#xE0; la t&#xE9;l&#xE9; francophone&#x2026;
Ce qui n&#x2019;emp&#xEA;che &#xE9;videmment pas de la t&#xE9;l&#xE9;charger ou de la regarder en streaming. Il
s&#x2019;agit de la s&#xE9;rie Community, qui entame le 19 octobre prochain sa quatri&#xE8;me saison. ----
L&#x2019;action se passe ...

a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 15:15:49 GMT 2012

Sempre houve uma tradi&#xE7;&#xE3;o libert&#xE1;ria nas ilhas Cara&#xED;bas, o sentido libert&#xE1;rio sempre
imbuiu o povo cubano, &#xE9; uma express&#xE3;o revolucion&#xE1;ria que nasceu muito cedo, durante as
primeiras lutas contra a escravid&#xE3;o e pela independ&#xEA;ncia no s&#xE9;culo XIX. O movimento
libert&#xE1;rio tem mais de cem anos em Cuba, ele foi banido da historiografia oficial pelos os
historiadores e pelos editores cubanos submetidos ao partido comunista. ---- Em 1959,...

Re: (fr) Br&#xE9;sil - Traduction de &#xAB; Anarquismo Social e Organiza&#xE7;&#xE3;o &#xBB;
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 14:25:10 GMT 2012

[Texte traduit : <a rel="nofollow" href="http://anarkismo.net/article/23573";>http://anarkismo.net/article/23573</a>]<br>
Le jeudi 6 d&#xE9;cembre 2012<br>
Traduction de &#xAB; Anarquismo Social e Organiza&#xE7;&#xE3;o &#xBB;<br>
C&#x2019;est avec un r&#xE9;el plaisir que nous avons constat&#xE9; que le texte de la<br>
FARJ, &#xAB; Anarquismo Social e Organiza&#xE7;&#xE3;o &#xBB;, a &#xE9;t&#xE9; traduit en fran&#xE7;ais.<br>
Nous sommes en relation avec les camarades de la FARJ depuis quel...

(en) France, December 16 LGBT event.. why not manifest December 16 by OCL-Paris (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 13:58:14 GMT 2012

We do not die of boredom! Or why not go show December 16 ... ---- Gosh, it still exists
fascists! 17 and 18 November in Paris homophobes all hairs are out in the street so
massive. (200 000 throughout France according to the organizers) Amazing? No. If we
consider that the company is built on patriarchal patterns: no. If we consider that
homophobia is a widespread standard in all bodies of the company: no. If we forget that we
live in a country where there is little, the Church was an ...

(fr) manifestation LGBT 16 d&#xE9;cembre... pourquoi ne pas aller manifester le 16 d&#xE9;cembre&#x2026;,OCL-Paris (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 13:57:58 GMT 2012

Nous ne mourrons pas d&#x2019;ennui ! Ou pourquoi ne pas aller manifester le 16 d&#xE9;cembre&#x2026; --- Ca
alors, les fachos &#xE7;a existe encore ! Le 17 et 18 novembre &#xE0; Paris les homophobes de tout
poils sont sortis dans la rue de mani&#xE8;re massive. (200 000 dans toute la France selon les
organisateurs) Etonnant ? Non. Si l&#x2019;on consid&#xE8;re que la soci&#xE9;t&#xE9; est construite sur des
sch&#xE9;mas patriarcaux : non. Si l&#x2019;on consid&#xE8;re que l&#x2019;homop...

(en) IAF : Campaign of solidarity with the Cuban libertarian !From IAF: relations-internationales@federation-anarchiste.org
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 13:29:43 GMT 2012

There was always a libertarian tradition in Caribbean area. The libertarian sentiment has
always impregnated the people from Cuba; this revolutionary expression has born early,
while the first fights against the slavery and for the independence in the 19th century.
The libertarian movement in Cuba has more than 100 years, and was banned out of the
official historiography by the historians and by the editors in Cuba, serving the
Communist Party. ---- In 1959, the different anarchist org...

(de) Gai D&#xC3;o Nr. 24 - Dezember 2012 erschienen - FdA-IFA
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 12:56:00 GMT 2012

Liebe Freund*innen und Genoss*innen, -- die nunmehr 24. Ausgabe unserer kleinen
Zeitschrift, der Gai D&#xC3;o ist erschienen. Wir w&#xC3;rden uns freuen wenn ihr dies im Rahmen
eurer M&#xC3;glichkeiten ver&#xC3;ffentlicht bzw. weiterleitet. ---- Alle Download-M&#xC3;glichkeiten
findet ihr hier: <a rel="nofollow" href="http://fda-ifa.org/g%C7%8Ei-dao-nr-24-dezember-2012/";>http://fda-ifa.org/g%C7%8Ei-dao-nr-24-dezember-2012/</a> Am Ende der Mail
findet ihr desweiteren einen Infotext &#xC3...

(en) Media: Greece: thousand anarchists protest, clashes in Athens
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 12:33:34 GMT 2012

DECEMBER 7 - A protest held in Athens to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the death
of 15-year-old student Alexis Grigoropoulos at the hands of a policeman in Exarchia
(anarchists' area of the Greek capital) slid into violent clashes on a day in which the
country's unemployment level hit a new high. ---- The morning's demonstrations were held
without incident amid tightened security and 6,000 policemen called up for the purpose.
About a thousand university students took part. ----...

(nl) nl) Frankrijk, Alternative Libertaire Oktober (#221) De vorming van een libertaire Anarkismo internationale [fr, en]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 12:22:48 GMT 2012

De bijeenkomsten in Saint-Imier (Zwitserland) waren een gelegenheid voor leden van
verschillende organisaties die bij Anarkismo zijn aangesloten, een internationaal
libertair communistisch netwerk, om elkaar te ontmoeten en gezamenlijke acties uit te
voeren. ---- Op 7 augustus werd een bijeenkomst van de Europese organisatie Anarkismo
gehouden. Het volgde op twee eerdere bijeenkomsten in Parijs in 2010 en Londen in 2011
[1]. Alternative Libertaire (Frankrijk), Workers Solidarity Moveme...

(en) Britain, How do you build a movement? - SolFed
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Dec 08 10:00:14 GMT 2012

An article from the Occupied Times' 'how do you build a movement?' series, outlining an
anarcho-syndicalist strategy. ---- Bankers&#x2019; bonuses, MPs&#x2019; expenses and police-media
corruption grab headlines, but these are only the most visible of the injustices that the
existing political and economic system is built upon. Every day is filled with smaller
injustices. These can be economic: pay cuts, unpaid overtime, benefits cuts or rent hikes;
or they can be about power: bullying...

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