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Date Fri, 7 Dec 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Irish Anarchist Review #6 - Winter 2012 of Workers Solidarity Movement WSM
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 19:50:12 GMT 2012

Welcome to the sixth instalment of the Irish Anarchist Review, produced by the Workers
Solidarity Movement. In this magazine we look to explore ideas about the world around us,
how these ideas inform practice and how the intersection of the two leads to new theory,
beginning the process afresh. We believe that ideas can only be tested in the laboratory
of real life struggle and that this magazine can be a forum for activists who are part of
the daily struggle that is going on right now...

(de) Kommuniqu&#xE9; des Anarchistischen Schwarzen Kreuzes, in Anbetracht der Erkl&#xE4;rung der Regieru von Mexiko (ca, en)
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 15:43:11 GMT 2012

In den letzten Tagen, als Folge von Ereignissen die w&#xE4;hrend der Demonstrationen am 1.
Dezember, auf Grund der Vereidigung von Enrique Pe&#xF1;a Nieto zum Pr&#xE4;sidenten, stattfanden,
setzten Polizist_innen des Bundes wie auch aus Mexiko-Stadt, auf brutale Weise
Repressionen gegen die Demonstrierenden ein. Funktion&#xE4;r_innen der Regierung von
Mexiko-Stadt unter denen sich der eigene Chef der Regierung und der Staatsanwalt der
Hauptstadt befinden, haben Erkl&#xE4;rungen verfass...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Ireland, Budget 2013 &amp; the dark times to come by Andrew - Workers Solidarity Movement
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 15:39:53 GMT 2012

Roughly 1,000 people protested at the Dail (parliament building) in Dublin Wednesday night
as yet another austerity budget was debated. As with previous budgets the new flat rate
taxes, PRSI &amp; excise hikes will mean workers &amp; those on low income will be hit hard while
the richest 1% will hardly notice any difference. ---- Particularly nasty headline cuts
included the 10 euro a month cut of the children's allowance, on top of all the other cuts
this will have a major impact on p...

(en) France, Alternating Current OCL #225 - summary + Editorial (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 15:24:06 GMT 2012

summary ---- Friday, December 7, 2012 by admi2 ---- Editorial page 3 &#xEF;
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://oclibertaire.free.fr/spip.ph";>http://oclibertaire.free.fr/spip.ph</a> ... ---- resistance / Notre-Dame-des-Landes ---- page
4 &#xEF; Airport? Ayrault bangs! ---- resistance / major works ---- page 7 &#xEF; Collective
Reflection on the struggle against the great work ---- resistance / nuclear --- Page 11-
few remarks about two books antinuclear -- Page 13 &#xEF; Why set to 2016 clos...

(fr) OCL - Courant alternatif d&#xC3;cembre 2012 #225 - sommaire + Edito: Le flic de Sarkozy en r&#xC3;vait, celui de Hollande le fait ! (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 15:16:37 GMT 2012

sommaire ---- Edito &#xEF; page 3 <a rel="nofollow" href="http://oclibertaire.free.fr/spip.ph";>http://oclibertaire.free.fr/spip.ph</a>... ---- r&#xC3;sistances/
Notre-dame-des-Landes ---- page 4 &#xEF; A&#xC3;roport ? Ayrault cogne ! ---- r&#xC3;sistances/grands
travaux ---- page 7 &#xEF; R&#xC3;flexion collective sur les luttes contre les grands travaux ----
r&#xC3;sistances/nucl&#xC3;aire ---- page 11 &#xEF;Quelques remarques &#xC3; propos de deux livres
antinucl&#xC3;aires ---- page ...

(fr) Alternative libertaire #221 - Massacre de Marikana La barbarie capitaliste passe &#xE0; l&#x2019;acte (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 14:47:27 GMT 2012

Plus de 300 cartouches tir&#xE9;es, parfois &#xE0; bout portant, souvent dans le dos, le massacre de
Marikana est suivi de tortures, d&#x2019;ex&#xE9;cutions sommaires sur le lieu-m&#xEA;me de la fusillade.
Ajoutant l&#x2019;insulte au meurtre, la police fait 260 arrestations suppl&#xE9;mentaires, et la
compagnie Lonmin maintient son cap. Une analyse par notre organisation-s&#x153;ur Zabalaza, en
Afrique du Sud. ---- Textes traduits et adapt&#xE9;s de la version en ligne sur Anarkismo --...

(en) Brazil: First issue of &quot;Socialismo Libert&#xC3;rio&quot; #1 out now by Coordena&#xC3;&#xC3;o Anarquista Brasileira - CAB (pt, gr, it)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 14:45:18 GMT 2012

Launch of the CAB's new magazine ---- In June 2012 the Coordena&#xC3;&#xC3;o Anarquista Brasileira
(CAB) is publishing the first issue of its magazine &quot;Socialismo Libert&#xC3;rio&quot; (Libertarian
Socialism). Below is a summary of the content together with the magazine's Editorial and
links to articles on the Internet <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.anarkismo.net/article/23026";>http://www.anarkismo.net/article/23026</a>. Download the
magazine in PDF
here<a rel="nofollow" hre...

(pt) brazil, &quot;Socialismo Libert&#xE1;rio&quot; num. 1 by Coordena&#xE7;&#xE3;o Anarquista Brasileira (CAB) (en, gr, it)
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 14:33:53 GMT 2012

Lan&#xE7;amento de revista da CAB ---- Em junho de 2012 a CAB publica o primeiro n&#xFA;mero de sua
revista &quot;Socialismo Libert&#xE1;rio&quot;. Seguem abaixo o sum&#xE1;rio e o editorial da revista com os
links para os artigos na internet. O donwload da revista em PDF tamb&#xE9;m pode ser aqui
realizado. ---- Revista Socialismo Libert&#xE1;rio num. 1 ---- Baixe aqui a revista em PDF
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://vermelhoenegro.graffitte.net/revista/Revista-Soli-01-2012-web.pdf";>htt...

(pt) FARJ* LIBERA No. 154 - Not&#xED;cias Libert&#xE1;rias
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 14:31:45 GMT 2012

Not&#xED;cias LMOBILIZA&#xC7;&#xD5;ES NA C&#xDA;PULA DOS POVOS A semana de 15 a 22 de junho foi de muita luta.
As ruas do Rio de Janeiro estiveram tomadas pelo povo em manifesta&#xE7;&#xF5;es de rep&#xFA;dio &#xE0;
reuni&#xE3;o dos chefes de estado na Rio + 20 que junto das corpora&#xE7;&#xF5;es transnacionais
burguesas firmavam estrat&#xE9;gias para consolidar o capitalismo verde, transformando em
mercadoria o manejo dos recursos naturais. As mobiliza&#xE7;&#xF5;es organizadas pelos mov...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire #221 - Quebec: Victory for elected (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 14:26:11 GMT 2012

After the social movement of &quot;Spring Maple&quot;, the political situation has changed in Quebec
with the victory of the Parti Qu&#xE9;b&#xE9;cois. Victory through elections, can not satisfy those
who fought. ---- There is still one month, the Quebec social situation seemed hopeless.
Student associations strike declined, Students returned to the classroom, the University
of Montreal was invaded by riot police gallows. On the political side, the Quebec election
came in with a flush-...

(fr) Alternative libertaire #221 - Qu&#xE9;bec : Victoire pour les &#xE9;lus (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 14:24:15 GMT 2012

Apr&#xE8;s le mouvement social du &#xAB; printemps &#xE9;rable &#xBB;, la donne politique vient de changer au
Qu&#xE9;bec avec la victoire du Parti qu&#xE9;b&#xE9;cois. La victoire au moyen d&#x2019;&#xE9;lections, ne peut
satisfaire ceux et celles qui ont lutt&#xE9;. ---- Il y a encore un mois, la situation sociale
qu&#xE9;b&#xE9;coise semblait d&#xE9;sesp&#xE9;r&#xE9;e. Les associations &#xE9;tudiantes en gr&#xE8;ve diminuaient, les
&#xE9;tudiantes et les &#xE9;tudiants retournaient en...

(en) Alternative libertaire #221 - 1942: The workers' resistance against Vichy (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 14:18:33 GMT 2012

Tuesday, October 13, 1942 at 11 am 3000 working men and women gather in the aisle
workshops SNCF Oullins, south of Lyon. In the midst of World War II, the railroad decided
to strike against the requisition of 30 of their designated to work in Germany. The
strike, which extends throughout the south, still occupied by the Germans, is a very
special example of worker resistance against Vichy, draconian regime capable of carrying
out violent repression. ---- Vichy and workers ---- When the...

(fr) En 1942 : La r&#xE9;sistance ouvri&#xE8;re face &#xE0; Vichy (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 14:17:54 GMT 2012

Le mardi 13 octobre 1942, &#xE0; 11 heures, 3 000 ouvriers et ouvri&#xE8;res se rassemblent dans
l&#x2019;all&#xE9;e centrale des ateliers de la SNCF &#xE0; Oullins, au sud de Lyon. En pleine guerre
mondiale, ces cheminots ont d&#xE9;cid&#xE9; de faire gr&#xE8;ve contre la r&#xE9;quisition de 30 des leurs,
d&#xE9;sign&#xE9;s pour aller travailler en Allemagne. Cette gr&#xE8;ve, qui s&#x2019;&#xE9;tend dans toute la zone
sud, pas encore occup&#xE9;e par les Allemands, constitue un exemple...

(tr) Okunas&#x131; bir &#x15F;eyler yay&#x131;nlama meselesi...
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Dec 07 07:06:22 GMT 2012

[Propaganda Yay&#xC4;nlar&#xC4;/Can Ba&#xC5;kent] &#xE2;Okunas&#xC4; bir &#xC5;eyler yay&#xC4;nlama meselesi&#xE2;&#xE2;<br>
Can Ba&#xC5;kent, anar&#xC5;ist bir ara&#xC5;t&#xC4;rmac&#xC4; yazar olarak s&#xC3;rekli &#xC3;retmeye<br>
devam ediyor. &#xC3;zellikle vicdani ret, veganl&#xC4;k, cinsellik gibi konulara<br>
yo&#xC4;unla&#xC5;t&#xC4;&#xC4;&#xC4; yaz&#xC4;lar&#xC4;yla m&#xC3;cadelede yer alan Ba&#xC5;kent, T&#xC3;rkiye&#xE2;nin ilk<br>
&#xE2;ve san&#xC4;r&#xC4;z hala tek- politik e-kit...

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