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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 4 Dec 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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(en) Mexico, Press release of the Anarchist Black Cross - the statements of GDF
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 18:06:22 GMT 2012

In recent days, following the events of the demonstrations on December 1 for the
inauguration of Enrique Pe&#xF1;a Nieto as president, in which the police forces, both federal
Federal District brutally repressed demonstrators, Officials of the Federal District,
including those found himself head of government and the capital's attorney, have made
statements declaring that those responsible for the clashes are anarchist groups.--Before
this we want to clarify: ---- The Anarchist Black C...

(ca) Comunicado de la Cruz Negra Anarquista M&#xE9;xico ante las declaraciones del GDF
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 18:05:06 GMT 2012

Comunicado de la Cruz Negra Anarquista M&#xE9;xico ante las declaraciones<br>
del GDF --- En d&#xED;as pasados, a ra&#xED;z de los hechos ocurridos en las<br>
manifestaciones del d&#xED;a 1&#xBA; de Diciembre por la toma de protesta de<br>
Enrique Pe&#xF1;a Nieto como presidente, en las que los cuerpos<br>
policiacos, tanto federales como del<br>
Distrito Federal, reprimieron brutalmente a los manifestantes,<br>
funcionarios del Gobierno del Distrito Federal, entre los que se<br>

(en) Chile, Politics and Society #27 - Contents + Editorial (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 15:37:49 GMT 2012

Contents ---- Editorial ---- Social struggles, state violence and prospects in the context
of resetting the opposition to capital ---- Education and social change: a view from
Colombia ---- Strategies criminalization and social movement responses ---- Notes on the
experience of popular power in times of UP ---- Traces of utopia. The self experience of
four Chilean schools in 2011 ---- What is anarchist communism? ---- Editorial ---- In the
previous issue of PyS we mentioned the increas...

a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 14:45:34 GMT 2012

&#x201C;As necessidades da luta levam os trabalha dores a apoiarem-se, de um pa&#xED;s a outro e de<br>
uma profiss&#xE3;o a outra.&#x201D; -- Bakunin ---- Iniciada em 17 de maio, a greve dos docentes das
IFES (Institui&#xE7;&#xF5;es Federais de Ensino Superior) vence o seu primeiro m&#xEA;s registrando a
ades&#xE3;o de 55 Universidades espalhadas pelo pa&#xED;s. Para o refor&#xE7;o e amplia&#xE7;&#xE3;o do quadro
inicial, o movimento paredista contou com a greve dos estudantes, dos

(fr) &#xAB; Vivre sans entrave, vivre librement, nous le voulons d&#xE8;s maintenant ! &#xBB; Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes (C.G.A)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 14:30:00 GMT 2012

L&#x2019;h&#xE9;t&#xE9;rosexualit&#xE9; comme &#xAB; norme &#xBB; unique de vie et de rapports entre les individus, norme
d&#xE9;finie par le syst&#xE8;me capitaliste et le patriarcat, fonde une des bases du Syst&#xE8;me de
Domination que nous subissons, qui nous opprime toutes et tous&#x2026; ---- L&#x2019;espoir que
certaines et certains avaient fond&#xE9; dans le changement de &#xAB; personnel politique &#xBB;, &#xE0; la
t&#xEA;te de l&#x2019;Etat, s&#x2019;est tr&#xE8;s rapidement mu...

(en) France, &quot;Living without hindrance, live freely, we want now! &quot;Coordination of Anarchist Groups (C.G.A) (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 14:29:35 GMT 2012

Heterosexuality as &quot;standard&quot; single life and relationships between individuals, a
standard defined by the capitalist system and patriarchal, founded a foundation Domination
System that we face, that oppresses us all and all ... ---- Hope some and some had founded
in changing the &quot;political staff&quot; at the head of the state, has quickly turned into
&quot;doubt&quot; as to the real evolution of the society in the relational and interpersonal , to
name just a few. --- M...

(fr) Mediapost en Espagne - CONFEDERATION NATIONALE DU TRAVAIL - &quot;CNT UL Pessac/aquitaine&quot;
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 13:54:52 GMT 2012

UL Pessac/ aquitaine &#x2013; activit&#xE9;s postales , du courrier et de la t&#xE9;l&#xE9;phonie 06 02 34 06
29 aquitaine@ouvaton.org ---- <a rel="nofollow" href="http://cnt-aquitaine.revolublog.com";>http://cnt-aquitaine.revolublog.com</a> ---- En Espagne,
Mediapost vire pour embaucher moins cher ---- La CNT espagnole d&#xE9;nonce la situation
insoutenable que vit le personnel de la principale entreprise de distribution publicitaire
du Pays Basque. ---- &quot;La multinationale soutien...

(fr) communiqu&#xE9; de la FA: Notre-Dame-Des-Landes (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 13:50:34 GMT 2012

&#xC1; Notre-Dame-Des-Landes, la lutte continue ---- Dans le bocage de Notre-Dame-Des-Landes,
les occupants et occupantes de la ZAD (Zone &#xE0; d&#xE9;fendre), depuis presque 5 ans pour
certains, avaient d&#xE9;j&#xE0; donn&#xE9; un visage particulier &#xE0; la lutte contre le projet d'a&#xE9;roport
et contre le monde qu&#x2019;il repr&#xE9;sente. Au-del&#xE0; des analyses sur les r&#xE9;percussions
&#xE9;cologiques et les dommages sociaux du projet, au del&#xE0; de la contestation d'u...

(en) France, Press release of FA: Notre-Dame-des-Landes (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 13:49:54 GMT 2012

&#xC1; Notre-Dame-des-Landes, the struggle continues ---- In the grove of
Notre-Dame-des-Landes, occupants of the ZAD (Zone defense) for almost 5 years in some
cases, had given a particular face in the fight against the airport project and against
the world it represents. Beyond the analysis of the ecological and social harm of the
project, beyond the challenge of a form of land and a way to decide (authoritarianism
disguised as a pseudo-democracy), c ' is a lesson of living together w...

(en) France, IFA - No TAV, arrested and demonstrations
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 13:36:50 GMT 2012

Thursday, November 29. The last episode is the one of this morning. 19 activists against
the Turin-Lyon high speed train line were arrested at sunrise: to nine activists house
arrest was imposed, for other 4 the prohibition of residence, six obligation to sign. ---
In the focus of the judiciary there are two episodes of No Tav fight that happened in the
last few months. The first episode dates back to last March 29, when the No Tav activists
resisted and blocked for three days the hig...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire #221 - Mayotte: Out with the exception policies (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 13:25:50 GMT 2012

Indian Ocean island, Mayotte, like other Dom, is marked by the discount on migration
issues. The arrival of a leftist government may well not change that much ... Mayotte,
island of the Comoros archipelago, has been marked in recent months by several dramas that
illustrate the fact that the policy of France settled there around specific provisions in
this area, provisions are inconsistent respect the most basic human rights. The new
Interior Minister, Manuel Valls, decided by a circula...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire #221 - The Chronicles of alienated labor by Marie-Louise Michel (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 13:23:47 GMT 2012

Chronicles of alienated labor: &quot;They will not fire me for a round&quot; - Marc mall in the pub
* Only the name is changed, the rest is authentic. ---- I have problems with my
relationship manager. During the scheduled monthly maintenance, he made a slip involving
my personal life, my family, he said, &quot;and you do not want to earn more for your wife and
your kids? &quot;. I went home very upset, I have hardly been able to return since. I had
exceeded my goals for him to reach h...

(de) Aufruf zur Demo in Mannheim
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 13:17:46 GMT 2012

Hallo und guten Tag, ---- wie viele libert&#xE4;re und anarchistische Gruppen unterst&#xFC;tzt die
Anarchistische F&#xF6;deration RheinRuhr den Aufruf des Anarchistischen Netzwerks S&#xFC;dwest und
ruft zur Teilnahme an der Demonstration in Mannheim auf. ---- Gemeinsam mit m&#xF6;glichst
vielen Menschen, die genug haben vom Kapitalismus, diesem kaltbl&#xFC;tigen und
menschenverachtenden System, wollen wir unter dem Motto &#x201E;THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE &#x2013;

(fr) Anarchisme social et organisation - 0. Pr&#xE9;face du Traducteur by FARJ (en, pt)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 12:53:11 GMT 2012

Bien loin des id&#xE9;es re&#xE7;ues, la question de l'organisation, au sens le plus large du terme,
a toujours &#xE9;t&#xE9; centrale dans l'anarchisme, et plus particuli&#xE8;rement dans le courant de
l'anarchisme social. -- Cette centralit&#xE9; de la question organisationnelle dans
l'anarchisme social, Erico Malatesta l'a fait transpara&#xEE;tre lorsqu'il a affirm&#xE9; que &#xAB;
l'anarchisme c'est l'organisation, l'organisation et encore de l'organisation &#xBB; ---- Or,
les r&#x...

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation, Organise! #79 - Culture Article Grandjouan: Creator of the First Illustrated Political Poster
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 10:30:27 GMT 2012

Jules F&#xE9;lix Grandjouan was born on 22nd December 1875 in Nantes, France, into a well-off
family. His father died when he was seven and he was then raised by his mother and her
parents. It was probably his grandmother, who was a talented embroiderer and who also
designed models, who first interested him in the arts. Jules was able to observe all the
bustling activity of the busy port town from his window as a child, which had an influence
on his forthcoming artistic work. -- He was...

(fr) Alternative libertaire #221 - Gaz et p&#xE9;trole de schiste : Bloquons les forages (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 10:15:53 GMT 2012

Le samedi 22 septembre se d&#xE9;roulait la journ&#xE9;e mondiale contre les gaz et p&#xE9;trole de
schiste. Plusieurs mobilisations eurent lieu dans toute la France comme &#xE0; Al&#xE8;s (Gard) et &#xE0;
Tournan-en-Brie (Seine-et-Marne). L&#x2019;objectif de remobiliser la population locale autour
d&#x2019;&#xE9;v&#xE8;nements politiques et festifs a &#xE9;t&#xE9; atteint. ---- Le rassemblement organis&#xE9; le 22
septembre &#xE0; Tournan lors de la journ&#xE9;e mondiale contre les gaz...

(fr) Alternative libertaire #221 - Convergences : Conscience &#xE9;cologique et conscience r&#xE9;volutionnaire (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 10:14:17 GMT 2012

Face au d&#xE9;fi &#xE9;cologique qui menace de d&#xE9;truire la plan&#xE8;te, les r&#xE9;volutionnaires doivent se
saisir de tout l&#x2019;importance d&#x2019;abandonner la logique productiviste au service d&#x2019;une
conscience &#xE9;cologie et sociale. ---- Le terme conscience est polys&#xE9;mique, d&#xE9;finissant la
facult&#xE9; mentale d&#x2019;appr&#xE9;hender le monde ext&#xE9;rieur ou sa personnalit&#xE9; int&#xE9;rieure. Des
courants religieux et la&#xEF;ques y int&#xE8;grent ...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire #221 - Gas and oil shale: are blocking drilling (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 10:12:29 GMT 2012

Saturday, September 22 took place the World Day against the shale oil and gas. Several
protests took place throughout France and Ales (Gard) and Tournan-en-Brie
(Seine-et-Marne). The objective to mobilize the local population about political events
and festivals has been reached. ---- The September 22 rally in Tournan at the World Day
against shale gas (GoS) and oil shale by collectives of Northern France was a success in a
political environment not conducive to ecological mobilization...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire #221 - Convergences: Environmental awareness and revolutionary consciousness (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 10:11:40 GMT 2012

Face the environmental challenge that threatens to destroy the planet, revolutionaries
must grasp the importance of abandoning all the productivist logic in the service of
ecology and social conscience. ---- The term consciousness is polysemic, defining the
mental faculty to understand the outside world or the inner personality. Religious and
secular currents to incorporate ethical and spiritual concepts, it is called conscience.
Bakunin already talked about social awareness class. The...

(pt) MOVIMENTO ANARQUISTA o antiautoritarismo na regi&#xE3;o portuguesa - PALAVRAS AO ALTO, NA CASA VIVA, PORTO 27/11/2012 , &#xC0;S 21.30 H.
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 09:47:55 GMT 2012

A Casa Viva &#xE9; na Pra&#xE7;a do Marqu&#xEA;s de Pombal, 167 Porto. Metro: Marqu&#xEA;s. ---- A biblioteca
da CasaViva abre as portas para novas aventuras ao sabor de propostas de toda a
comunidade. Entre saberes partilhados, dizeres &#xAB;vozeados&#xBB;, fazeres encantados e pensares
construtivos, as actividades prev&#xEA;em leituras, cinema, origami, oficinas, cargobike
itinerante e muito mais surpresas! ---- A viagem come&#xE7;a, a 27 de Novembro &#xE0;s 21:30, com

(pt) Colectivo Libertario Evaro* - Uma vis&#xE3;o sobre a Greve Geral de 14N
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 09:37:58 GMT 2012

Com o aumento das dificuldades socioecon&#xF3;micas que actualmente vivemos, a greve geral que
se estendeu pela europa mostrou claramente que os povos est&#xE3;o a ganhar cada vez mais for&#xE7;a
na luta contra os estados e a m&#xE1;quina capitalista. ---- Em Lisboa, como em outras cidades
europeias, houve uma forte ades&#xE3;o de trabalhadores(as) e desempregad@s que decidiram
efectivamente ir &#xE0; luta, e para o povo a luta n&#xE3;o &#xE9; apenas paralisar servi&#xE7;os mas sim

(en) Palestine-Israel, Another week of joint struggle in turbulent times*
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 09:34:27 GMT 2012

After years of persistent struggle the first cracks emit a more pleasant melody. The pains
of the fallen, the injured, and these suffering more than others is softened a bit by the
defeat of Israel in Gaza and the UN. It seems that the Tsumud, the resistance and the
popular unarmed struggle start to change the flow of things in the international arena. We
see it again and again that when the scales are in balance, even a small group of
activists who persist in struggle can tip the scal...

(it) Genova: Solidariet&#xE0; a Stefano. Contro il fascismo non un passo indietro!.
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 06:41:55 GMT 2012

Solidariet&#xE0; a Stefano. Contro il fascismo non un passo indietro!.<br>
Domenica 2 dicembre nei pressi della Stazione Centrale di Milano &#xE8;<br>
stato accoltellato Stefano un compagno molto noto e attivo di Milano.<br>
Dalla ricostruzione appare evidente che si &#xE8; trattato di un agguato<br>
fascista. Stefano &#xE8; uno dei compagni pi&#xF9; noti dell'aria antagonista<br>
milanese e uno degli amici pi&#xF9; cari di Dax violentemente ucciso dieci<br>
anni fa dai fascisti. Questa ag...

a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 06:40:05 GMT 2012

<a rel="nofollow" href="http://collettivoanarchico.noblogs.org/?p=1718";>http://collettivoanarchico.noblogs.org/?p=1718</a><br>
Sabato 1 dicembre a Livorno viene convocato, da parte della Ex Caserma<br>
Occupata, un presidio a cui partecipano anche la Federazione Anarchica<br>
Livornese e il Collettivo Anarchico Libertario per denunciare le<br>
cariche della polizia avvenute la sera precedente durante una<br>
contestazione a Pierluigi Bersani. Fino d...

(it) No Tav. Oggi nuove espulsioni dalla Francia. Cronache di ordinaria democrazia
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 06:39:12 GMT 2012

No Tav. Oggi nuove espulsioni dalla Francia. Cronache di ordinaria democrazia<br>
Secondo la Prefettura della Savoia noi &#x201C;rappresentiamo una minaccia per<br>
l&#x2019;ordine pubblico in Francia, per esserci opposti in maniera reiterata e<br>
illegale alle autorit&#xE0; del nostro paese, in occasione delle manifestazioni<br>
connesse alla lotta e all&#x2019;opposizione alla costruzione del collegamento ad<br>
alta velocit&#xE0; tra Torino e Lyon&#x201D; Questo &#xE8; l&#x2019;incipit ...

(it) Roma: al &quot;Malatesta&quot; presentazione libro sulla storia dell'anarchismo romano
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Dec 04 06:37:01 GMT 2012

Roma: al &quot;Malatesta&quot; presentazione libro sulla storia dell'anarchismo romano<br>
Venerdi 7 dicembre<br>
dalle ore 18 presentazione del libro:<br>
&quot;Appunti per la storia del movimento anarchico romano dalle origini al 1946&quot;<br>
con l'autore Pasquale Grella.<br>
A seguire cena e bicchierata.<br>
Alla sede anarchica &quot;E. Malatesta&quot;, Via Bixio 62, zona piazza Vittorio, Roma.<br>
(metro A Manzoni, tram 5, 14, bus 105)<br>
a cura di: Punx anarchici &quot;protest to...

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