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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 2 Dec 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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(fr) France, alsacienne à Contre Courant # 238 (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 16:50:34 GMT 2012

Date de d&#xC3;p&#xC3;t du num&#xC3;ro 238 (dat&#xC3; octobre 2012) au centre de tri de Mulhouse : mardi 16
octobre 2012. Nous pr&#xC3;cisons &#xC3; nos lecteurs et lectrices que ce num&#xC3;ro doit avoir &#xC3;t&#xC3;
d&#xC3;pos&#xC3; dans leur bo&#xC3;te &#xC3; lettres le samedi 19 octobre au plus tard (ACC d&#xC3;pend d&#xE2;un
contrat d&#xE2;acheminement en &#xC2;J+4&#xC2;). En cas de r&#xC3;ception plus tardive, merci de nous le
signaler et de protester aupr&#xC3;s de la Poste. ----...

(en) France, Alternative Counter Currants #238 (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 16:36:19 GMT 2012

Date of filing of No. 238 (dated October 2012) in the center of Mulhouse sorting: Tuesday,
October 16, 2012. We say to our readers that this issue must have been deposited in their
mailbox Saturday, October 19 at the latest (ACC depends on a transportation contract &quot;J
4&quot;). When receiving later, thank you for the report and protest at the Post Office. ---- A
Contre Courant is again a victim of postal problems. Under the threat ofsignificant
increase in the price of our items, ...

(fr) France, Alternative Counter Currants #238 [machine translation]
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 16:34:35 GMT 2012

Date of filing of No. 238 (dated October 2012) in the center of Mulhouse sorting: Tuesday,
October 16, 2012. We say to our readers that this issue must have been deposited in their
mailbox Saturday, October 19 at the latest (ACC depends on a transportation contract &quot;J
4&quot;). When receiving later, thank you for the report and protest at the Post Office. ---- A
Contre Courant is again a victim of postal problems. Under the threat ofsignificant
increase in the price of our items, ...

(fr) Alternative libertaire #221 - Dico antis&#xE9;curitaire : Qu&#x2019;est-ce que la social-d&#xE9;mocratie ? (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 16:15:55 GMT 2012

Chaque mois, un mot ou une expression pass&#xE9;e au crible ---- &#xAB; Esp&#xE8;ce de soce-d&#xE9;m &#xBB;.
Parfois on y rajoute &#xAB; sale &#xBB;, parfois l&#x2019;insulte se suffit &#xE0; elle-m&#xEA;me. Dans le petit
milieu r&#xE9;volutionnaire, il n&#x2019;y a gu&#xE8;re que &#xAB; social-tra&#xEE;tre &#xBB; qui ait plus mauvaise
presse. Mais enfin, qu&#x2019;est-ce donc qu&#x2019;un &#xAB; soce-d&#xE9;m &#xBB;, dont la seule &#xE9;vocation fait
h&#xE9;risser le poil de tout r&#xE9...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire #221 - Dico antis&#xE9;curitaire: What is social democracy? (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 16:14:03 GMT 2012

Each month, a word or phrase under scrutiny ---- &quot;Species of Soce-Dem&quot;. Sometimes there
adds &quot;dirty&quot; sometimes insult is sufficient to itself. In the small revolutionary milieu,
there is little that &quot;social-traitor&quot; who has more bad press. But, what exactly is a
&quot;Soce-Dem&quot;, whose mere mention makes the hair ruffle any self-respecting revolutionary? --
When you insult someone or dealing with the &quot;Soce-Dem&quot;, it means he or she would indicat...

(fr) Alternative libertaire #221 - Rroms : Le PS expulse, mais &#xAB; humainement &#xBB; (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 16:08:39 GMT 2012

Depuis le discours de Sarkozy &#xE0; Grenoble en 2010, la situation des Rroms de Bulgarie et de
Roumanie n&#x2019;a fait qu&#x2019;empirer. Le retour du PS au pouvoir n&#x2019;a pas modifi&#xE9; la tendance. ----
En juillet et ao&#xFB;t, deux &#xE0; trois mille Rroms ont &#xE9;t&#xE9; expuls&#xE9;-e-s des terrains qu&#x2019;ils
occupaient, un chiffre comparable &#xE0; celui de l&#x2019;&#xE9;t&#xE9; dernier. Valls peut se vanter de faire
aussi bien que Gu&#xE9;ant. Seule diff&#xE9;rence,...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire #221 - Roma: The PS expelled, but &quot;humane&quot; (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 16:07:42 GMT 2012

Since Sarkozy's speech in Grenoble in 2010, the situation of Roma in Bulgaria and Romania
has only worsened. The return to power of the PS did not change the trend.
<br>In July and August, 2-3000 Roma were expelled es land they occupied, a figure comparable
to last summer. Valls can boast to do as well as Gueant. Only difference, he claims to
want to add to the strength of humanity: to expel, yes, but humanely. Supposed to express
this balance, the interministerial circular of 26 August...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Greece, The infirmary of Social Solidarity Thessaloniki (gr)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 15:28:13 GMT 2012

Early November 2011 saw the creation of the infirmary of Social Solidarity Thessaloniki&#x2019;s
(SKS). The project deals with providing basic health care to the growing percentage of the
population Thessaloniki&#x2019;s that due to the capitalist austerity have no access to hospitals
and health centres. Below is an interview with Seraf&#xED;a Kalam&#xED;tsou, 37, a paediatrician and
an anarchist who has been active in the forming of the SKS. (Details for donations are at
the end, inte...

(de) Anarkismo.net: Die Krankenstation f&#xFC;r soziale Solidarit&#xE4;t Thessaloniki - von Melbourne Solidarit&#xE4;t mit den Anti-Sparpolitik Bewegungen in Gr (en)
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 15:26:37 GMT 2012

Anfang November 2011 sah die Schaffung der Krankenstation f&#xFC;r soziale Solidarit&#xE4;t
Thessaloniki (SKS). Das Projekt befasst sich mit der Bereitstellung von medizinischer
Grundversorgung auf den wachsenden Anteil der Bev&#xF6;lkerung in Thessaloniki, dass aufgrund
der kapitalistischen Sparpolitik haben keinen Zugang zu Krankenh&#xE4;usern und
Gesundheitszentren. Unten ist ein Interview mit Seraf&#xED;a Kalam&#xED;tsou, 37, ein Kinderarzt und
ein Anarchist, der aktiv in der Bildu...

(ca) Organ&#xED;zate y lucha n&#xB0;34
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 12:47:20 GMT 2012

&#xA1;Ya sali&#xF3; el Organ&#xED;zate y Lucha N&#xB0;34! - En este n&#xFA;mero: Penitenciarias<br>
provinciales e inseguridad. La importancia de las peque&#xF1;as<br>
victorias.-- Oferta especial para empresarios: asesine un obrero y<br>
pague barato. Extracto de comunicado de la FORA AIT -- Por la<br>
liberaci&#xF3;n de nuestros cuerpos.-- Lucha social.-- Para leer, comentar<br>
y difundir! -- Salud! -- SOCIEDAD DE RESISTENCIA MENDOZA --<br>
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.socderesis...

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation, Organise! #79 - Neither insurrectionism nor Reformism but Anarchism!
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 10:31:43 GMT 2012

In this presentation at Saint-Imier we suggested that both of these political currents &#x2013;
reformism and insurrectionism - come from the same source: frustration with the slow and
difficult process of building a mass revolutionary movement. ---- Our main point is to
argue that there are, unfortunately, no short cuts to creating a new society. The only way
we will overthrow capitalism and the state is through a revolutionary process that is
carried out by the large majority of the ...

(fr) TR: tract manif du 1er d&#xE9;cembre Bordeaux
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 08:58:54 GMT 2012

Syndicat CNT EPICS-FP aquitaine UL Pessac/ aquitaine ---- aquitaine@ouvaton.org
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://cnt-aquitaine.revolublog.com";>http://cnt-aquitaine.revolublog.com</a> et <a rel="nofollow" href="http://seldelaterre.ouvaton.org";>http://seldelaterre.ouvaton.org</a> ---- Un syndicat
pour penser le pass&#xE9;, lutter au pr&#xE9;sent, construire l&#x2019;avenir&#x2026; --- Bulletin n&#xB0;1 de la
CONFEDERATION NATIONALE DU TRAVAIL --- Chaque ann&#xE9;e, P&#xF4;le Emploi proc&#xE8...

(nl) Palestina-Israel, Israelische staatskrachten verbannen Israelische activisten van Westelijke Jordaanoever demonstraties* [en]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Dec 02 08:43:17 GMT 2012

In de vroege zondagochtend werden dertien anti-bezetting activisten door politie agenten
wakker gemaakt, om gesloten militaire zone bevelen te ontvangen, waardoor ze er van worden
weerhouden zich aan te sluiten bij de wekelijkse demonstraties van Palestijnen op de
Westelijke Jordaanoever. ---- Israelische politie agenten deelden in de vroege
zondagochtend gesloten militaire zone bevelen uit voor dorpen op de Westelijke
Jordaanoever, aan 13 prominente activisten in groepen zoals Anarchi...

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