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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Fri, 23 Nov 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Anarkismo.net: There’s No Hope Above Us, Only Amongst Us by Thomas - Miami Autonomy & Solidarity
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Nov 23 21:06:45 GMT 2012

The Presidential Election, Neoliberalism, and The Way Forward ---- With the recent
re-election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, many are rejoicing and
breathing a sigh of relief. There&#x2019;s a widespread belief amongst those who elected him that
he is looking out for us and will fight for us. Unfortunately, besides a few token
gestures that may occur during the next four years, his tenure in office is likely to be
both a disappointment and one in which the interest...

(en) No complacency with rape! (Coordination of Anarchist Groups) (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Nov 23 20:38:16 GMT 2012

To end the misconceptions about rape! ---- In France, one in six women is a victim of rape
or attempted in his life. 0001 there were 75 rapes per year, 206 rapes every day,
according to the National Observatory of Delinquency. Rape is not a fact but a fact
various sordid showing the domination of society that women experience. -- Rape is not an
isolated act and is rarely committed by &quot;unknown maniacs&quot; in a dark parking lot. ---- In
the vast majority of rapes, the attacker has...

(fr) Aucune complaisance avec le viol ! (Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Nov 23 20:35:49 GMT 2012

Pour en finir avec les id&#xE9;es re&#xE7;ues sur le viol ! ---- En France, une femme sur six est
victime de viol ou de tentative au cours de sa vie. Il y a 75 0001 viols par an, soit 206
viols chaque jour, selon l&#x2019;Observatoire national de la d&#xE9;linquance. Le viol n&#x2019;est pas un
fait divers sordide mais un fait de soci&#xE9;t&#xE9; d&#xE9;montrant la domination que subissent les
femmes. ---- Le viol n'est pas un acte isol&#xE9; et est rarement commis par des &#xAB; maniaq...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Sanofi: The most important thing is the majority shareholder (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Nov 23 20:24:40 GMT 2012

Since this summer, the direction of Sanofi, obsessed with firm profitability, considering
hundreds of layoffs. Faced with the inertia of government, employee-es are organized. ----
Arnaud Montebourg do not hesitate to celebrate the happy surprise: Sanofi, they are &quot;more&quot;
than 900 jobs that management is now planning to remove 2015. The minister is publicly
praised, arguing that &quot;the government's recommendations&quot; were scrupulously observed by
employers. ---- A small ...

(fr) Anarkismo.net: Sanofi: L&#x2019;essentiel, c&#x2019;est l&#x2019;actionnaire (en)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Nov 23 20:23:55 GMT 2012

Depuis cet &#xE9;t&#xE9;, la direction de Sanofi, obs&#xE9;d&#xE9;e par la rentabilit&#xE9; de l&#x2019;entreprise,
envisage plusieurs centaines de licenciements. Face &#xE0; l&#x2019;inertie des pouvoirs publics, les
salari&#xE9;-e-s s&#x2019;organisent. ---- Arnaud Montebourg ne se prive pas de c&#xE9;l&#xE9;brer l&#x2019;heureuse
surprise : &#xE0; Sanofi, ce ne sont &#xAB;plus&#xBB; que 900 emplois que la direction envisage d&#xE9;sormais
de supprimer avant 2015. Le ministre s&#x2019;...

(fr) Courant Alternatif* #224 novembre 2012
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Nov 23 20:10:29 GMT 2012

EDITO ---- RE&#xCC;SISTANCE AU NUCLE&#xCC;AIRE ---- &#xE2; 13 octobre : une maigre mobilisation ---- &#xE2; Du
camp de Valognes au tribunal de Cherbourg ---- RE&#xCC;SISTANCE AUX GRANDS TRAVAUX ---- &#xE2; La ZAD
vide&#xCC;e par Ce&#xCC;sar ... Re&#xCC;agissons ! ---- ENVIRONNEMENT ---- &#xE2; Cape&#xCC;cure 2012 : la vie de
l&#xE2;aquaculture ou le masque du de&#xCC;sastre ---- RE&#xCC;PRESSION ---- &#xE2; Il y a deux ans, la prison
Bellecour &#xC3; Lyon ---- BIG BROTHER ---- INTERNATI...

(tr) Gazze &#x130;zlenimleri / Noam Chomsky
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Nov 23 08:28:31 GMT 2012

Gazze &#x130;zlenimleri / Noam Chomsky<br>
4 Kas&#x131;m 2012 &#xC7;eviren: Nuri Ersoy<br>
Hapiste tek bir gece ge&#xE7;irmek bile d&#x131;&#x15F;sal bir g&#xFC;c&#xFC;n mutlak denetimi<br>
alt&#x131;nda bulunman&#x131;n ne demek oldu&#x11F;u hakk&#x131;nda bir fikir edinmek i&#xE7;in<br>
yeterlidir. Gazze'de, d&#xFC;nyan&#x131;n en b&#xFC;y&#xFC;k a&#xE7;&#x131;k hava hapishanesinde<br>
hayatta kalmaya &#xE7;al&#x131;&#x15F;man&#x131;n nas&#x131;l bir &#x15F;ey oldu&#x11F;unu anlamaya ba&#...

(fr) La lettre d'info N&#xC2; 34 | novembre 2012 Editions L'&#xC3;chapp&#xC3;e &lt;lechappee@no-log.org&gt;
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Nov 23 07:33:39 GMT 2012

Si ce mail ne s'affiche pas correctement cliquer ici N&#xC2; 34 | novembre 2012 ---- Nouveaut&#xC3;
---- L&#xE2;emprise num&#xC3;rique ---- Comment Internet et les nouvelles technologies ont colonis&#xC3;
nos vies ---- C&#xC3;dric Biagini ---- 448 pages | 12 x 18,5 cm ---- 14 euros | isbn
978-29158306-7-5 ---- Cartable &#xC3;lectronique, cloud, e-book, Twitter, tablette tactile,
Facebook, smartphone, big data&#xE2; Le d&#xC3;ferlement techno-logique bouleverse notre rapport au
monde, a...

(en) France, Organization Alternating Current OC #223 - For an immediate shutdown of nuclear power. Change of era, coming out of capitalism (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Nov 23 07:04:03 GMT 2012

Antinuclear demonstrations October 13 ---- Carry a clear message in these demonstrations:
Neither green nor pink immediate stop! ---- We are witnessing a live deliberately
publicized psychodrama about the EU treaty and refused to call the EELV vote while his
ministers will have to demonstrate their solidarity with the government. Meanwhile,
prepare antinuclear demonstrations. They will be a critical support to the government or
will they be marked by a resounding rejection of nuclear p...

(en) France, Alternative Libertair #221 - Repression: What is a police Goche? (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Nov 23 07:03:35 GMT 2012

If Sarko Gueant, Hortefeux and others are no longer in power, the very right-handed Valls
is now the master of the place Beauvau. It is clear that the government has left no more
complex safe and fully assumes its taste for uniforms.
<br>Who today can seriously say that the security is the prerogative of the right?
Governmental and parliamentary left fully successful molting ideological issue since the
conference Villepinte in 1997. CPF calls in his presidential program to increase the ...

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