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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 11 Nov 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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(de) Anarchistische Buchmesse Mannheim / 19.-21. April 2013
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Nov 11 22:32:39 GMT 2012

Liebe Verlage, Vertriebe, Autoren, Kulturschaffende, ---- im n&#xE4;chsten Jahr ist es endlich
wieder soweit: ---- vom 19. - 21. April 2013 wird es wieder eine vielseitige und bunte
anarchistische Buchmesse in Mannheim geben. Drei Tage lang wird die Stadt mit libert&#xE4;rer
Kultur, zahlreichen B&#xFC;chern, Lesungen, Vortr&#xE4;gen, Workshops und Konzerte erleben. Erste
Infos zu Veranstaltungsorten, unser Editorial, sowie Werbebanner und weitere
Internetwerbung findet Ihr schon jetzt ...

(ca) Las secciones de la AIT de Espa&#xF1;a y Portugal, llaman conjuntamente a la huelga general.
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Nov 11 18:12:53 GMT 2012

CNT-AIT y SP-AIT llaman a la huelga en Espa&#xF1;a y Portugal el d&#xED;a 14 de<br>
noviembre. -- En solidaridad internacional, la AIT participar&#xE1; con<br>
acciones y movilizaciones. -- CNT-AIT y SP-AIT llaman a la huelga en<br>
Espa&#xF1;a y Portugal el d&#xED;a 14 de noviembre. En solidaridad<br>
internacional, la AIT participar&#xE1; con acciones y movilizaciones. --<br>

(en) France, Alternative Libertair #220 - Marine pollution: Stop walking disaster + Dico anticapitalist: What syndicalism? (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Nov 11 13:24:21 GMT 2012

Marine pollution: Stop walking disaster ---- Most coastal or surface is threatened by
human activities. Pollution from activities on land, transport and oil spills, global
warming and overfishing combine to degrade massively oceans. ---- According to UNEP [ 1 ],
about 80% of marine pollution resulting from toxic substances spilled on land, whether of
industrial origin (hydrocarbons, heavy metals, radionuclides), agriculture (fertilizers,
pesticides) pollutants (water treatment waste an...

(en) France, CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF reoccupation, November 17, 2012, on the Defending Zone A, Notre Dame des Landes, Front deportations (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Nov 11 12:55:17 GMT 2012

Manifestation of reoccupation! ---- To rebuild - against the airport! ---- Forks, beams,
planks, nails and tools in hand ... ---- Appointment on November 17 in the morning. ----
Information yet to be defined: instead of appointment, directions for you visit the camp
yesterday. Please check the website ZAD: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://zad.nadir.org";>https://zad.nadir.org</a> ---- The fight against the
airport project of Notre Dame des Landes has stopped taking magnitude in recent yea...

(en) Switzerland, Lausanne , rebellion-osl.ch: Let the city do it together! (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Nov 11 12:37:21 GMT 2012

SUMMARY: ---- A roof is a need for each e-need and says, says the same forehand. Not not a
right that is granted by any authority but a separate law conquered by social
mobilization, struggle. In other words, a victory political, cultural and symbolic, a
strategic due to the accumulation anti-hegemonic practices. Read more
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.rebellion-osl.ch/index.php/12-public/81-commune";>http://www.rebellion-osl.ch/index.php/12-public/81-commune</a> ---- Immediate dema...

(nl) Libcom.org: Quebec studenten staking - belangrijke overwinning, hoe gedeeltelijk het ook moge zijn [en]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Nov 11 08:17:32 GMT 2012

In Quebec, Canada, is een indrukwekkend studenten protest, verbonden met protesten tegen
aanvallen op de burgerlijke vrijheden, geeindigd in een gedeeltelijke, maar niettemin
belangrijke, overwinning. Er is reden om lessen te leren, maar ook om te vieren en te
worden geinspireerd. Laten we het van de daken roepen, als een teken van meer in het
vooruitzicht. ---- Gedurende maanden streden studenten in Quebec tegen een draconische
stijging van het collegegeld, die de Chares regering pro...

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