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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours
Tue, 6 Nov 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)
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(en) November 14 - Mobilizations, General Strikes, Direct Actions and Solidarity!
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Nov 06 22:53:06 GMT 2012
Austerity cuts come over and over again - they are driving down the conditions of life of
workers and their aim is to crush or/and weaken the ability to organize and fight The
profit is privatized and the rich are getting richer, but the costs, risks and oppression
are socialized! ---- The bureaucratic trade union CGTP has called a general strike in
Portugal and the CCOO and UGT have called for a general strike in Spain against the
austerity measures for November 14. For this same day...
(en) A Close anarkismo.net look at the Syrian revolution - An Anarchist among jihadists
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Nov 06 21:16:06 GMT 2012
This could to some extent tell my situation when I was inside the "liberated territories"
of Syria, that is the territories controlled by the free army, the armed forces of the
Syrian opposition. But still it is not the whole truth. It is true that not all the free
army militants are devoted jihadists, although most of them think, or say, that what they
are practising is "Jihad". The truth is there are a lot of ordinary people, even thieves,
etc. among them, as in a...
(en) Irish Anarchist Review #6 - Not Waving but Drowning: Precarity and the Working Class by Mark Hoskins
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Nov 06 21:10:58 GMT 2012
Since the birth of the organised labour movement there have been intermittent claims that
some alteration in the conditions of workers had rendered class struggle irrelevant or who
suggested that class stratification meant that different workers had different interests
and thus could not take united action. This was apparent in the struggle between craft
unionism and syndicalism in the days of Connolly and Larkin, or the mantra that “the class
struggle is over” in more re...
(ca) ¡14 de noviembre – Movilizaciones, Huelgas Generales, Acciones Directas y Solidaridad!
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Nov 06 18:11:22 GMT 2012
¡14 de noviembre – Movilizaciones, Huelgas Generales, Acciones<br>
Directas y Solidaridad! -- Los recortes de austeridad siguen llegando<br>
una y otra vez – están hundiendo las condiciones de vida de los<br>
trabajadores y su propósito es aplastar y/o debilitar la capacidad de<br>
organizarse y luchar. Los beneficios se privatizan y los ricos se<br>
hacen más ricos, ¡pero los costes, el riesgo y la opresión se<br>
socializan! -- El sindicato bur...
(en) Palestine-Israel, Slowly but surely continue the development - the joint struggle is not stagnant*
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Nov 06 13:14:28 GMT 2012
We just received announcement from Beit Ommar on the last developments in their town and
region. The group of the activists in Beit Ommar was enlarged, and a regional comity of
South Hill of Hebron activists was formally established. Last Weekend, after the Holiday,
all the regular struggles were resumed, and many details are included in this report. Beit
Ommar, Bil'in, Ma'sara, Nabi Saleh, Nilin, Qaddom, South of Hebron Hills and Sheikh Jarah
too.... After eight years of continuous ac...
(en) Britain, AF, A Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis of Privilege Theory – from the Women's Caucus.
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Nov 06 09:02:33 GMT 2012
Aims and definitions ---- The purpose of this paper is to outline a class struggle
anarchist analysis of Privilege Theory. Many of us feel “privilege” is a useful term for
discussing oppressions that go beyond economic class. It can help us to understand how
these oppressions affect our social relations and the intersections of our struggles
within the economic working class. It is written by members of the women’s caucus of the
Anarchist Federation. It does not re...
(en) Switzerland, Rebelion of OSL-Vaud - Struggles for the city right , stories around the world (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Nov 06 09:01:37 GMT 2012
These are just a few examples, for the record. The struggle for a roof inextricably
mingled in the fight for the conquest of public space plebeian, to transform the city into
a territory where emancipated against insurgent city, power and resistance are available
at present to be revolutionary momentum. ---The immediate needs and aspirations are not
limited to the essential housing, earning the battle of the first social law, they deploy
a project to enter space and land to make a livi...
(en) Italy, Review of Pollicino Gnus, (Thumb Gnus), No. 208, September 2012 - The rights lost (it) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Nov 06 08:43:52 GMT 2012
Revised for peace, solidarity, environment and coexistence, a monograph on the rights lost
in the world of work in the Pollicino Gnus, (Thumb Gnus). Structure forming - part of the
circuit ethical savings and cooperation. p.46, 3.00 €. ---- This special issue entitled
"The rights lost" (in the workplace) was edited by Libertarian Alternative / FdCA of
Reggio Emilia, with MAG6 of Reggio Emilia has a long cooperative relationship already
espressosi with the February 2011...
(en) Greece, Initiative anarchist-anti-authoritarians: A stance on the current reality - If capitalism creates crises totalitarianism take it (gr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Nov 06 08:18:45 GMT 2012
The global capitalist restructuring carried out with violent pace in the last three years
across the length and breadth of the land reveals the true face of the dictatorship of
capital and bosses over the lives of the subordinate classes. The economic and political
elite conduct a multilevel class attack throwing it in the bin as social contracts signed
between the famous social partners in the past decades in order to maintain social
peace-class. The end of the last century meant the ...
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