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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 30 Sep 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(ca) [Rosario| Movilización por nuestros derechos, contra la creciente represión
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 30 16:38:39 GMT 2012

Marchamos por nuestros derechos y nos responden con represi&#xF3;n -- El<br>
d&#xED;a mi&#xE9;rcoles 3 de octubre vecinos organizados en la Coordinadora de<br>
Unidad Barrial &#x2013; Movimiento Teresa Rodriguez (CUBA-MTR), la Corriente<br>
Clasista y Combativa (CCC), en la Federaci&#xF3;n de Organizaciones de Base<br>
(FOB regional Rosario) y otras organizaciones barriales nos estaremos<br>

(ca) Venezuela: Anarquistas ante el 7-O
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 30 16:36:40 GMT 2012

* Al acercarse el ritual de la votaci&#xF3;n para dar legalidad al ocupante<br>
de la silla presidencial, queremos ratificar ante la opini&#xF3;n p&#xFA;blica<br>
lo que ha sido la posici&#xF3;n consecuente de l@s anarquistas en este pa&#xED;s<br>
con respecto a unos carnavales electorales que han sido instrumento<br>
para el control y la sumisi&#xF3;n del colectivo. En tal sentido, van a<br>
continuaci&#xF3;n el Editorial del # 67 de El Libertario y un art&#xED;culo de<br>
la misma edici&...

(en) Canada, Quebec, Third Congress of the Libertarian Communist Union (UCL) (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 30 13:03:21 GMT 2012

September 21, 2012. The Libertarian Communist Union (UCL), an anarchist federation in
Quebec that will soon be four years, held its third congress late last week Saguenay. The
participants of the three local collectives (Quebec City, Saguenay, Montreal) met to plan
the next year and reflect different concerns. ---- The conference was held in the context
of elections caused to end a six-month political and social turmoil triggered by the
student strike. Several lines of thought and acti...

(en) Canada, Linchpin.ca*: A small village about to be demolished [in west bank of Palestine] : a glimpse into occupation By Smadar Carmon
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 30 12:46:29 GMT 2012

The small village of Susiya in the Israeli Occupied Territories is about to be demolished
yet again. Most Canadians have never even heard about the first, second, third and fourth
times - but we should, because Canada is heavily implicated in these human rights abuses
as a result of our government's unconditional support for Israel. ---- A few years ago
some fellow Israelis introduced me to Susiya and its determined and resolute residents.
These Israelis have made it their business to ...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire - Change? it is we who will do it! (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 30 12:35:57 GMT 2012

Workers face layoff plans cascade, and some closing their boxes. Unemployment for some,
stress and increased exploitation for those who remain. ---- Why? ---- Shareholders
continue to demand more dividends to increase their profits. all means are good: blackmail
job in exchange for lower wages, and increased flexibility of working time in exchange for
continued employment. In addition, there are areas that overproduction (eg automotive),
due to a deliberate policy of employers outsourc...

(ca) Jornadas Anarquistas &#x201C;Cultura es Acci&#xF3;n&#x201D;, CNT-Zaragoza
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 30 09:32:00 GMT 2012

Del 1 al 11 de octubre se desarrollar&#xE1;n en Zaragoza unas Jornadas<br>
Anarquistas organizadas por la CNT de Zaragoza, charlas, exposiciones,<br>
musica y otros actos culturales. -- PROGRAMA: Charlas: Lunes 1 de<br>
Octubre - Charla: &#x201C;La mentira de la democracia&#x201D; - Ponente: Juli&#xE1;n<br>
Vadillo &#x2013; militante de la FAI - -- Martes 2 de Octubre - Charla:<br>
&#x201C;Ense&#xF1;anza Libertaria y su plasmaci&#xF3;n pr&#xE1;ctica&#x201D; - Ponente: Ana<br>

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