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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Wed, 26 Sep 2012 23:59:02 +0200 (CEST)

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(tr) Yunanistan grevde: Atina'da meydan savaşı
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Sep 26 20:14:53 GMT 2012

Yunanistan grevde: Atina'da meydan sava&#x15F;&#x131;<br>
ANF15:41 / 26 Eyl&#xFC;l 2012<br>
AT&#x130;NA - Yunanistan'da, h&#xFC;k&#xFC;metin 11.5 milyar Euroluk kesinti paketi ve<br>
sert kemer s&#x131;kma &#xF6;nlemlerini protesto eden kamu ve &#xF6;zel sekt&#xF6;r<br>
i&#x15F;&#xE7;ilerinin 24 saatlik genel greve gitti. Grev nedeniyle hayat&#x131;n fel&#xE7;<br>
oldu&#x11F;u ba&#x15F;kent Atina'da 50 bin ki&#x15F;inin kat&#x131;ld&#x131;&#x11F;&#x131; y&#xFC;r&#xFC;y&#xFC;&#x15F;te sol ve...

(tr) Yunanistan: Selanik VIO.MET &#x130;&#x15F;&#xE7;ileri ile R&#xF6;portaj: Kooperatifle&#x15F;meye Do&#x11F;ru
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Sep 26 20:14:52 GMT 2012

Yunanistan'da krizi bahane ederek i&#x15F;&#xE7;ileri bask&#x131; alt&#x131;na almaya<br>
&#xE7;al&#x131;&#x15F;an, s&#x131;k&#x131;&#x15F;t&#x131;klar&#x131;nda da fabrikalar&#x131; terk eden patronlar&#x131;n<br>
b&#x131;rakt&#x131;&#x11F;&#x131; yerlerde, yava&#x15F; yava&#x15F; i&#x15F;&#xE7;iler &#xF6;z-&#xF6;rg&#xFC;tl&#xFC;l&#xFC;&#x11F;e ge&#xE7;iyor!<br>
Selanikte'ki VIO.MET Fabrikas&#x131; i&#x15F;&#xE7;ileri bunun en g&#xFC;zel &#xF6;rne&#x11F;i oldu.<br>
2011 May&#x131;s&#x131;nd...

(tr) Beyaz Rusya'da tutuklu bulunan anar&#x15F;istler icin Paris'te eylem ger&#xE7;ekle&#x15F;tirildi
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Sep 26 20:14:50 GMT 2012

Beyaz Rusya'da tutuklu bulunan anarsistler icin 22 Eyl&#xFC;l Cumartesi<br>
gunu Paris'te eylem gerceklestirildi. Eifel Kulesinin onunde sonlanan<br>
yuruyuste ' Sermayenin diktatorlugune karsi uluslararasi dayanisma' ,<br>
'Duvar tas duvar tas, biz hapishaneleri yok edecegiz', 'Yoldaslarimiza<br>
ozgurluk', ' Beyaz Rusya ve butun dunyada ki tutsaklara ozgurluk'<br>
sloganlari atildi. Yuruyus guzergahinda turistlerin yogunlukta<br>
bulunmasindan dolayi cevreden beklenildiginden fazla ilgi ...

(en) Britain, Media, Interview with two anarchists detained by special services agents on return from St-Imier conference.
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Sep 26 14:14:44 GMT 2012

What with Pussy Riot being sent to the gulag for singing a naughty song in a Church and
the Julian Assange case giving everyone an opportunity to point out Ecuador&#x2019;s dubious
record on freedom of speech, here in the UK we&#x2019;re feeling pretty smug about ourselves from
a civil liberties point of view. ---- But are we really a cradle of freedom? Or are we
getting a bit vainglorious for our boots? I can think of several recent UK events that
have elicited concerned noises and fu...

(en) Belarus, Media, &quot;Anarchists Predict More Mass Protests&quot;
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Sep 26 13:53:03 GMT 2012

Poor old Belarus: things just don&#x2019;t seem to get any better in Europe&#x2019;s last dictatorship.
Right now it&#x2019;s being dwarfed by the media by controversies in Russia, but it remains
stifled in a regime under which thousands of dissidents have been incarcerated. While
Pussy Riot captured the world&#x2019;s hearts, Belarus&#x2019; political punks have gone mostly
unnoticed. Last March, almost 100 people were arrested for simply attending a punk gig and
no one heard about it...

(ca) JORNADA DE LUCHA 26 de septiembre
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Sep 26 10:57:40 GMT 2012

Jornada de Lucha: 26 de septiembre -- Concentraciones 11:30 Ministerio<br>
de Sanidad<br>
13:00 Ministerio de Educaci&#xF3;n -- Manifestaci&#xF3;n 19:00 horas Plaza<br>
Jacinto Benavente- Atocha- Neptuno<br>
Asistimos a un proceso acelerado del deterioro de las condiciones de vida<br>
y de trabajo as&#xED; como a una p&#xE9;rdida creciente de derechos y libertades.<br>
Para ello se est&#xE1; utilizando el instrumento de la deuda p&#xFA;blica con la<br>
finalidad de deteriorar y priv...

(en) Russia, A letter from Alexey Sutuga*, imprisoned in Moscow
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Sep 26 07:35:44 GMT 2012

Hello everyone! ---- Yet another period of our remand imprisonment is approaching its end,<br>
but I am certain, that we will be kept locked up a few months more, even without any
developments whatsoever in the fabricated criminal case against us. ---- You already know
the details of our arrest and the violations connected to it, but now I want to share with
you my thoughts regarding the political context surrounding our case. In my opinion, the
main goal of the investigation is to brin...

(ca) Llamamiento a la Huelga y para Construir Alternativas Reales
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Sep 26 05:47:51 GMT 2012

ZSP mantiene que las huelgas son un arma poderosa en manos de la clase<br>
trabajadora. Llamamos a los trabajadores de todo el mundo para que se<br>
organicen desde abajo y, utilizando este arma, lleven a cabo ataques<br>
contra el capitalismo y las clases dirigentes. Ahora es un momento<br>
cr&#xED;tico para luchar contra la creciente erosi&#xF3;n de los derechos y la<br>
situaci&#xF3;n econ&#xF3;mica de los trabajadores. -- Esta lucha, para tener<br>
&#xE9;xito, debe ser internacional. P...

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