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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Thu, 20 Sep 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) US, It's Alive! Occupy Actions Across the Country - New York & San Francisco
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Sep 20 15:05:28 GMT 2012

New York ---- &quot;There is no longer an Occupy Wall Street.&quot; ---- That's what all the
mainstream outlets are saying this week, and they're right in one way. What started as a
couple hundred people in a park with no plan has turned into a decentralized, distributed
network of activists, affinity groups, organizations and organizers, working on everything
from free education to fracking. And so as New York's financial district was choked with
glitter, balloons, dance parties and a...

(ca) Revista Kiebre #3
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Sep 20 13:53:17 GMT 2012

Compa&#xF1;eros y Compa&#xF1;eras una vez m&#xE1;s queremos compartir con ustedes un<br>
nuevo numero de la Revista Anarquista Kiebre, en esta ocaci&#xF3;n hemos<br>
aumentado la cantidad de hojas e informaci&#xF3;n. Tambien queremos<br>
agradecer a todxs las personas que han ayudado en la realizaci&#xF3;n y<br>
publicaci&#xF3;n de la revista. -- Como ya hemos dicho anteriormente este<br>
proyecto nace de la necesidad en el territorio regional por generar un<br>
medio de comunicaci&#xF3;n ...

(en) US, Open City Anarchist #4 September 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Sep 20 13:37:13 GMT 2012

The Elections and the Coming Catastrophes ---- Two things stand out in the current
election season. One is the terrible dangers which threaten the U.S. and all humanity. The
other is the way both parties ignore these terrible dangers. ---- Perhaps the greatest
dangers are in the area of the world ecology, environment, and energy supplies. Global
climate change threatens both massive droughts and floods in different regions, together
with rising sea levels and the extinction of life fo...

(en) France, Alternative libertaire de septembre (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Sep 20 09:30:46 GMT 2012

Content ---- Editorial --- Normalisation of socialism ---Spotlight ---European Treaties:
authoritarian aust&#xE9;ritaires ---- Redundancies: For employee-es to decide ---- Strife ---
PSA: Wear new claims --- Aulnay: Open a second front ---Precarity: Anims sometimes still
precarious -- health: a European network against borders ---- Denmark: Christiania built
on sand -- Chronicles of alienated labor: &quot;I can not stand my colleague&quot; ---- Unionism --
Germany: Redial the base uni...

(en) Southern Africa, Whose state is it; and what is its role? by Shawn Hattingh
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Sep 20 09:06:03 GMT 2012

The South African state&#x2019;s oppression of the ongoing wildcat strikes, including at
Marikana, is clearly deepening. Over the weekend, troops were deployed in the platinum
belt in what has been a barefaced bid by the state to stop the protests by striking
workers, and essentially force them back to work. As part of this, residents at the
informal settlement at Marikana have been subjected to a renewed assault by the police.
Many residents in the process were shot with rubber bullet...

(en) Libertarian Students Front of Argentina - Defend all Technical content and shifts of technical colleges (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Sep 20 08:23:03 GMT 2012

There are 16 technical colleges in Buenos Aires with a significant presence in the FEL
Autovoncados Technicians Association. Mobilization against elimination of night shift.
Technical Schools in Buenos Aires we planted for our curriculum and in defense of the
evening shift. So far, we are fighting side by side, taking our schools, peers and
colleagues from the ET. 35, ET. 27, Fernando Arranz, Hicken, Yrurtia and Cort&#xE1;zar. We
reject the resolution 1281, signed by the Minister of Ed...

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