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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 16 Sep 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(en) US, Workers Solidarity Alliance Holds 2012 Continental Conference
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 16 16:19:23 GMT 2012

This year&#x2019;s WSA conference was a productive one for all involved. If at times arduous, it
was for good reason, with a dozen attendees and delegates, all comrades working hard to
decide not only our strategies for the year to come, but how to become more organized in
the here and now. Below is a quick survey of the conference&#x2019;s developments and insights
that we wish to share with the larger class struggle and anarchist movements of which we
are a part: ---- Our Internal Co...

(en) US, Washington, The Evergreen State College - Olympia SDS - DISORIENTATION WEEK SCHEDULE
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 16 15:50:23 GMT 2012

Monday - All Events in CAB Building Conference Room (3rd floor of CAB) ---- 11:30-1:00:
Potluck lunch/hangout/ (A) Welcome to Evergreen (A) --- 1:30-2:30: Palestine 101 ---
3:00-5:00: &quot;Security Culture&quot; Reading and Discussion ---- 8:00-Movie Night (The Chicago
Conspiracy: Documentary on the legacy of the military dictatorship in Chile and the story
of combatant youth who fought against and were killed by the Pinochet regime) --- Tuesday
- Events Begin in CAB Building Conferen...

(gr) &#x391;&#x3BD;&#x3B1;&#x3BA;&#x3BF;&#x3AF;&#x3BD;&#x3C9;&#x3C3;&#x3B7; &#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3C2; &#x39A;&#x3B1;&#x3C4;&#x3AC;&#x3BB;&#x3B7;&#x3C8;&#x3B7;&#x3C2; &#x394;&#x3AD;&#x3BB;&#x3C4;&#x3B1; &#x3C3;&#x3C7;&#x3B5;&#x3C4;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3AC; &#x3BC;&#x3B5; &#x3C4;&#x3B1; &#x3B3;&#x3B5;&#x3B3;&#x3BF;&#x3BD;&#x3CC;&#x3C4;&#x3B1; &#x3B5;&#x3BA;&#x3BA;&#x3AD;&#x3BD;&#x3C9;&#x3C3;&#x3B7;&#x3C2;
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 16 12:05:38 GMT 2012

&#x395;&#x39D;&#x391; &#x3A7;&#x3A1;&#x39F;&#x39D;&#x399;&#x39A;&#x39F; --- &#x3A3;&#x3C4;&#x3B9;&#x3C2; 12/09 &#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3B9;&#x3C2; 6:30 &#x3C4;&#x3BF; &#x3C0;&#x3C1;&#x3C9;&#x3AF; &#x3B5;&#x3C0;&#x3B9;&#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3C1;&#x3B1;&#x3C4;&#x3B5;&#x3CD;&#x3B5;&#x3C4;&#x3B1;&#x3B9; &#x3CC;&#x3BB;&#x3BF;&#x3C2; &#x3BF;
&#x3C3;&#x3C5;&#x3C1;&#x3C6;&#x3B5;&#x3C4;&#x3CC;&#x3C2; &#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3C2; &#x3B1;&#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3C5;&#x3BD;&#x3BF;&#x3BC;&#x3AF;&#x3B1;&#x3C2; &#x3B3;&#x3B9;&#x3B1; &...

(en) Canada, Vancouver, Indigenous and Anarchist Resistance to Resource Extraction - Presentation and Discussion
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 16 08:51:38 GMT 2012

Sept20th 7pm ---- Stop Pacific Gateway and Plan Nord ! ---- Mega developments such as the
Pacific Gateway in so-called &#x201C;BC&#x201D; (oil and natural gas pipelines, mines, fracking&#x2026;) and
the Plan Nord in so-called &#x201C;Quebec&#x201D; (mines including uranium ones, dams, electrical
pylons, logging, roads&#x2026;), are just some examples of projects that will further infringe on
indigenous territories and destroy wild life and all of our chance at survival. --- We aim
to s...

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