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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours
Mon, 10 Sep 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)
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Latest Headlines:
(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation Resistance #144, September 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 18:08:01 GMT 2012
Contents ---- Tenants' Victory: Letting Agents Pay Up! ---- Anarchists Victimised By
Security Forces -- Metro Cleaners Strike Against Pay Freeze --- Cleaners Win Pay Increase
At John Lewis -- Police Kettle Antifascists in Glasgow --- Swindon Workers Get Stuck Into
Bullying Bosses ---- Traffic Wardens Fight Low Pay In Camden ---- International Gathering
In Swiss Town Hailed A Success -- Spanish Unions Get All Robin Hood Against The Cuts ----
University Strikes Continue In Brazil ---- Re...
(en) Palestine-Israel, The world economic and power struggle turbulence diverge the struggle*
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 15:33:01 GMT 2012
It is a long way since the first struggle of the anarchists against the wall started in
the Mas'ha camp nine years ago. The joint struggle against the separation fence persist
and expand to other locations and to other aspects of the occupation. The struggle also
expand in the old boundaries of Israel to the social struggle of dwelling problems and
gentrification in both Jewish and Palestinian communities, and to the general social
struggle against the piggish neo-liberalism. The focus...
(fr) Tract pour manif du 260 : "SOLIDARITE AVEC LES MAL-LOGE-E-S"
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 13:59:44 GMT 2012
Au début de l'année 2012, des précaires, étudiants et étudiantes, chômeurs<br>
et chômeuses, sans papiers et sans papières, - se rassemblent pour<br>
répondre collectivement au problème du logement. Après avoir occupé<br>
plusieurs bailleurs sociaux et mairies pour demander des relogements,<br>
l'assemblée décide de ne plus attendre et de prendre un bâtiment au 260<br>
rue des Py...
(tr) İstanbul: Söyleşi - "Psikoloji ve Anarşizm"
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 13:49:54 GMT 2012
Psikoloji ve Anarşizm / Dennis Fox Söyleşisi<br>
TODAP çeviri ekibi tarafından Türkçe'ye kazandırılan ve Ayrıntı<br>
Yayınları tarafından basılan Eleştirel Psikoloji kitabının yazar ve<br>
editörlerinden ve bu akımın önemli isimlerinden biri olan aktivist,<br>
yazar ve akademisyen Dennis Fox III. Eleştirel Psikoloji Sempozyumu<br>
için Türkiye'ye geli...
(fr) Feuille d'infos du CIRA # 142 - septembre 2012
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 13:38:40 GMT 2012
LIGOURE (HAUTE-VIENNE) : samedi 22 et dimanche 23 septembre 2012. Le CIRA Limousin<br>
propose son Théâtre champêtre libertaire. Au programme deux pièces d'Albert Camus<br>
(L'État de siège et Révolte dans les Asturies) mises en scène par Vincent Siano et<br>
Le Théâtre rural d'animation culturelle de Beaumes-de-Venise (Vaucluse) et deux<br>
pièces sur Armand Robin et Alexandre Marius Jacob présentées par la...
(en) France, Presse syndicale CNT-FTE : "Classes en lutte n°132" (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 13:36:02 GMT 2012
"Classes fighting" is the newsletter of the federation CNT internet education CNT
Federation of Workers Education 5, place the Cartwrights, 57000 Metz
<br><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.cnt-f.org/fte">http://www.cnt-f.org/fte</a> fede-educ@cnt-f.org ---- In the number 132 (September 2012): ----
It will change one day: first report of the season ---- For a third round in social
education: joint statement SOUTH Education and federations of the CNT-FTE ---- Do other
school N...
(fr) Presse syndicale CNT-FTE : "Classes en lutte n°132"
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 13:16:31 GMT 2012
Prière de transférer aux salarié-e-s de l'école, du collège, du lycée ou<br>
de l'établissement<br>
"Classes en lutte" est le bulletin internet de la fédération CNT éducation<br>
Fédération CNT des travailleurs et travailleuses de l'éducation 5, place<br>
des Charrons ; 57000 Metz<br>
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.cnt-f.org/fte">http://www.cnt-f.org/fte</a> fede-educ@cnt-f.org<br>
(gr) Ανακοίνωση Κλαδικής Εκπαίδευσης της Α.Π. Ροσινάντε για την απεργία της ΠΟΣΔΕΠ
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 13:06:23 GMT 2012
Αναδημοσίευση από τον ιστοτόπο της Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστικής Πρωτοβουλίας
(en) Solidarity action for Belarussians in London, September 23rd
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 11:29:46 GMT 2012
Sunday. September 23rd. 1pm — 5pm. Embassy of Belarus 6 Kensington Court. London. W8 5DL.
Nearest Tube: High Street Kensington. - Release All Political Prisoners. - The Belarusian
embassy will be open on Sunday September 23rd for voting in the parliamentary elections.
-- Five anarchists; Ihar Alinevich, Mikalai Dziadok, Artsiom Prakapenka, Pavel
Syramolatau, Aliaksandr Frantskievich and another activist, Jauhen Vas’kovich, were
arrested over the autumn of 2010 and the win...
(en) Another Report from St. Imier International Congress, 8th-12th August 2012 by Collective Action militant
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 09:23:12 GMT 2012
This year marks the 140 year anniversary of the first anarchist International held at
St.Imier, Switzerland, in 1872. In celebration of the anniversary an international
gathering was called in St.Imier in mid-August. A contingent of Collective Action
militants attended the gathering along with thousands of other anarchists from around the
world to discuss politics, create new international ties and, of course, have some fun.
--- From August 8th to the 12th, the small Swiss town was tak...
(en) Britain, Where We Stand: Formation of a new Anarchist Communist project in the UK
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 09:02:08 GMT 2012
Posted By Collective Action May 1 2012 ---- May Day statement of "Collective Action". In
it we outline our analysis of the problems facing the anarchist movement in the UK and
offer a call out to all independent anarchist communists to participate in our project to
re-visit our political tradition, re-group and re-kindle our political action. ---- “I
listen to them freely and with all the respect merited by their intelligence, their
character, their knowledge, reservin...
(ca) Camino hacia el comunismo libertario
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 08:11:39 GMT 2012
[SOV Madrid] Las últimas reformas laborales impuestas por los<br>
gobiernos del PSOE y el PP a modo de rodillo (esclarecedora paráfrasis<br>
de la democracia), han venido a significar la muerte terminal de los<br>
maltrechos derechos que aún disponíamos los trabajadores. Después de<br>
estos terribles envites perpetrados por los políticos, con la tutela y<br>
la supervisión de los lobbies capitalistas, la clase empresarial ha<br>
logrado finalmente dos an...
(ca) El Sol Ácrata, Periódico Anarquista de Calama, Septiembre de 2012
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 08:07:26 GMT 2012
Sale a las calles una nueva entrega de su pseudo-periódico anarquista<br>
favorito, El Sol Ácrata. -- En este mes, lleno de la parafernalia<br>
patriota, hemos querido tocar un poco ese temita y mostrar nuestra<br>
postura, por lo cual dedicamos variadas páginas a desmerecer la<br>
patria, por ser una institución encargada de mantener la desigualdad y<br>
porque divide a los pueblos del mundo. Además de no sentirnos felices<br>
en septiembre por la fiesta patri...
(ca) Por una crianza antiautoritaria de nuestras hijas e hijos
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Sep 10 08:03:19 GMT 2012
Una de las cosas que constantemente debiéramos discutir y reflexionar<br>
es entorno a la crianza de nuestros hijos e hijas en el caso de los<br>
que somos padres y madres (en realidad todxs!) ya que es de ahí de<br>
donde se construirán los contextos de las vidas futuras. El anarquismo<br>
poco ha querido explorar este mundo, existen criticas claro está a la<br>
crianza autoritaria llena de reglas y conductas moralistas que define<br>
la cultura del sistema de la domin...
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