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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 8 Sep 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(en) Another report of the anarchist conference in St-Imier 8 to 12. august 2012. [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Sep 08 15:44:29 GMT 2012

140 years ago organized in the small Swiss watchmaker town of St-Imier the first anarchist
International. Internationals and the black social center as it's called formed an
international working group and invited this year, to an international conference in the
same city. ---- Four of counterpoise members attended the anarchist conference in
St-Imier. ---- The interest was great. It is difficult to estimate how many people came,
but it was probably at least two thousand who took the t...

(en) Spain, 5 Days of anarchafeminists - September 21 to 23 at Cabeza la Vaca, (Badajoz) (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Sep 08 15:11:43 GMT 2012

Once again I encourage you to enlarge the gap space-time (yours and others) to devote to
us sharing, discussing, enjoying, breaking, creating, feeling, reporting, peering,
howling, growing, questioning, shouting, dancing, breeding, flowering, shaking, being ...
of to ..! - The tracks you have to follow in programming. - Os you can enroll in
vjornadas.anrcofeministas @ gmail.com - Important: enroll even for meals. --- Facilities:
-- We have the Youth Village, 50 seats that will be prior...

(nl) ANC werpt diens masker af! Arbeiders vermoord! Verklaring van Zuid Afrikaanse anarchisten over het Marikana bloedbad [en]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Sep 08 14:57:05 GMT 2012

Gezamenlijke verklaring over het Marikana bloedbad, uitgegeven door het Tokologo Anarchist
Collective, Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front en Inkululeko Wits Anarchist Collective. De
grondwet belooft politieke rechten en gelijkheid. Het is nogal duidelijk dat de bazen en
de politici doen wat ze willen. Ze lopen over de hoofden van het volk heen. Dit wordt
getoond door de politie moorden van stakers bij de Lonmin's Marikana mijn. ---- ANC WERPT

(gr) &#x394;&#x3B9;&#x3B5;&#x3B8;&#x3BD;&#x3AE;&#x3C2; &#x388;&#x3BA;&#x3B8;&#x3B5;&#x3C3;&#x3B7; &#x398;&#x3B5;&#x3C3;&#x3C3;&#x3B1;&#x3BB;&#x3BF;&#x3BD;&#x3AF;&#x3BA;&#x3B7;&#x3C2; 2012
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Sep 08 13:10:06 GMT 2012

&#x39A;&#x3AC;&#x3B8;&#x3B5; &#x3C7;&#x3C1;&#x3CC;&#x3BD;&#x3BF; &#x3C4;&#x3AD;&#x3C4;&#x3BF;&#x3B9;&#x3BF; &#x3BA;&#x3B1;&#x3B9;&#x3C1;&#x3CC; &#x3BF;&#x3B9; &#x3B1;&#x3C1;&#x3C7;&#x3B7;&#x3B3;&#x3BF;&#x3AF; &#x3C4;&#x3C9;&#x3BD; &#x3BA;&#x3BF;&#x3BC;&#x3BC;&#x3AC;&#x3C4;&#x3C9;&#x3BD;, &#x3BC;&#x3B5; &#x3B5;&#x3C0;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3B5;&#x3C6;&#x3B1;&#x3BB;&#x3AE;&#x3C2; &#x3C4;&#x3BF;&#x3BD;
&#x3C0;&#x3C1;&#x3C9;&#x3B8;&#x3C5;&#x3C0;&#x3BF;&#x3C5;&#x3C1;&#x3B3;&#x3CC;, &#x3C3;&#x3C5;&#x3BD;&...

a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Sep 08 11:05:54 GMT 2012

5 Jornadas Anarcofeministas -- 21 al 23 Septiembre - Cabeza la Vaca<br>
(Badajoz) -- Una vez m&#xE1;s os incitamos a agrandar la brecha en el<br>
espacio-tiempo (el propio y el ajeno) para dedicarnos a nosotras<br>
compartiendo, debatiendo, disfrutando, rompiendo, creando, sintiendo,<br>
divulgando, asom&#xE1;ndonos, aullando, creciendo, cuestion&#xE1;ndonos,<br>
gritando, bailando, criando, floreciendo, agitando, estando&#x2026; de t&#xF3;..!<br>
-- Los rastros a seguir los teneis en la...

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation Organise! #78 - Letters
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Sep 08 07:21:26 GMT 2012

On Jo Freeman ---- Dear Organise! folks, ---- I noticed that you referred to Jo Freeman's
article on &quot;The Tyranny of Structurelessness&quot; in the article &quot;25 years of the AFED
reviewing the last 5 years of the Anarchist Federation&quot; in Organise! magazine Issue 77
Winter 2011. It is very saddening for me to see Freeman's article referred to again and
again by anarchists, when she was never really interested in or involved in the
anti-authoritarian social movement, never ...

(en) Cross Canada speaking tour: The Qu&#xE9;bec student movement!
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Sep 08 07:19:08 GMT 2012

Its history, Combative unionism and anarchist involvement ---- Dear comrades, Since the
start of the Quebec student general strike, members of the Prairie Struggle Organization
along with the collaboration of Common Cause, Union Communist Libertaire and the IWW, have
been in the process of putting together a cross-Canada speaking tour on the Quebec student
general strike. This strike, which has demonstrated once more the power of mass, combative
and democratic social movements, is some...

(ca) Algunas palabras sobre la Biblioteca &#x201C;Alberto Ghiraldo&#x201D;
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Sep 08 05:44:06 GMT 2012

Agradecemos a todos y todas quienes se acercaron el S&#xE1;bado a la<br>
inauguraci&#xF3;n del nuevo local para la biblio; por los &#xE1;nimos, por su<br>
compa&#xF1;ia, por su apoyo... Aqu&#xED; compartimos algunas palabras de lo que<br>
luego se dijo all&#xED;, donde se repasa un poco de nuestra historia, y no<br>
solo como miembros de la biblioteca: Hace 10 a&#xF1;os en esta regi&#xF3;n<br>
dominada por el estado argentino todo estall&#xF3;. En el primer estado de<br>
sitio desafiado d...

(gr) &#x391;&#x3BD;&#x3B1;&#x3BA;&#x3BF;&#x3AF;&#x3BD;&#x3C9;&#x3C3;&#x3B7; &#x3B3;&#x3B9;&#x3B1; &#x3C4;&#x3BF; &#x3BA;&#x3AC;&#x3C8;&#x3B9;&#x3BC;&#x3BF; &#x3C4;&#x3BF;&#x3C5; &#x391;&#x3C5;&#x3C4;&#x3BF;&#x3B4;&#x3B9;&#x3B1;&#x3C7;&#x3B5;&#x3B9;&#x3C1;&#x3B9;&#x3B6;&#x3CC;&#x3BC;&#x3B5;&#x3BD;&#x3BF;&#x3C5; &#x3A3;&#x3C4;&#x3B5;&#x3BA;&#x3B9;&#x3BF;&#x3CD; &#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3BF; &#x3A1;&#x3AD;&#x3B8;&#x3C5;&#x3BC;&#x3BD;&#x3BF;
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Sep 08 02:12:04 GMT 2012

&#x39C;&#x3A0;&#x391;&#x3A4;&#x3A3;&#x39F;&#x399;-&#x3A6;&#x391;&#x3A3;&#x399;&#x3A3;&#x3A4;&#x395;&#x3A3;-&#x39A;&#x391;&#x39B;&#x39F;&#x398;&#x395;&#x39B;&#x397;&#x3A4;&#x395;&#x3A3; &#x39F;&#x3A5;&#x3A4;&#x395; &#x39D;&#x391; &#x3A4;&#x39F; &#x3A3;&#x39A;&#x395;&#x3A6;&#x3A4;&#x395;&#x3A3;&#x3A4;&#x395;!!! --- &#x39A;&#x391;&#x3A4;&#x3A9; &#x3A4;&#x391; &#x39E;&#x395;&#x3A1;&#x391;
&#x3A3;&#x391;&#x3A3; &#x391;&#x3A0;&#x39F; &#x3A4;&#x399;&#x3A3; &#x39A;&#x391;&#x3A4;&#x391;&#x39B;&#x397;&#...

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