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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 4 Sep 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Italy, Statement on the arrest of the anarchist comrades Maximum Edging and Daniela Battistii
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Sep 04 17:10:04 GMT 2012

We do not enter in the magician's hat ---- Once again, some anarchists were arrested on
charges delusional, a fact that is repeated periodically. Now in the nation's prisons is
over Maximum Edging and his partner Daniela Battisti is under house arrest. ---- The
allegations are ridiculous, the name given to the operation of police stench of fascism,
&quot;Ixodidae&quot; which means brand is exemplary and does not hide the symbolic use of a police
operation aimed at discriminating agains...

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation Organise! #78 - Southern Europe - Austerity - Agony and Antagonism
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Sep 04 13:13:42 GMT 2012

The worldwide plan to impose new capitalist norms on the masses of people inhabiting this
planet can be seen starkly in Southern Europe where three countries are profoundly
affected- Greece, Portugal and Spain. The so called representatives of the people have
been installed, just as they have in Italy, to impose new hardships on populations already
deeply affected by cuts, inflation and poverty. The International Monetary Fund, the
European Central Bank and the European Union are impos...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Paradoxes of Utopia - Anarchist culture and politics in Buenos Aires 1890-1910 by Workers Solidarity - WSM
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Sep 04 10:47:42 GMT 2012

&#x2018;We have taken a good path. As we see it, the formation of social study circles and the
establishment of libertarian schools are solid, protective bulwarks in our race toward
emancipation. They are the groundwork of the great revolution.&#x2019; - La Protesta Humana,
January 7th, 1900 ---- When the Argentine economy collapsed in 2001, many were surprised
by the factory takeovers and neighbourhood assemblies that resulted. But workers' control
and direct democracy have long histo...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Southern Aafrica, What the Marikana Massacre tells us by Shawn Hattingh - ZACF
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Sep 04 09:43:50 GMT 2012

The sight of policemen brutally gunning down striking mineworkers at Marikana was truly
galling. At the very least 300 rounds of live ammunition were fired at workers (and not
only those seen on TV) by the police using automatic assault rifles in a military style
operation [1]: the infamous consequences being 34 workers killed and perhaps as many as 87
injured [2], with some workers still unaccounted for [3]. Most of the workers were also
reportedly shot in the back [4] and some execut...

(en) Venezuela, Issue 67 of The Libertarian (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Sep 04 04:35:35 GMT 2012

Already in circulation of the printed and online versions of the newspaper of the
Venezuelan anarchist Libertarian, number 67, corresponding to the months of September to
October 2012. Pre-presidential-election edition for the October 7, with the position of
<br>anarchist revolutionaries ---- The Farce of 7-O; --- Vote extractivism H.C vote; ---- The
MUD hunting for lefties; ---- The militia &quot;revolutionary&quot; and elections; ---- Interview
diary dismissed workers &quot;left&quot;...

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