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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 2 Sep 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

a multi-lingual news service by, for, and about anarchists

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Southern-Africa, About the backyaders + In Memory of our fallen African brothers in Marikana
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 02 14:53:25 GMT 2012

The Mandela Park Back-Yarders is a voluntary nonprofit citizens rights group working for
housing rights and against evictions in Mandela Park, Khayelitsha. It is an unfunded
community group made up entirely of affect residents and representing the most vulnerable
individuals and families living in Mandela Park. We focus on providing legal support for
residents, conducting workshops and democratic discussions about housing issues, as well
as helping build the community&#x2019;s negotiat...

(en) Colombia, Bogota, Political Declaration of the Eighth General Assembly of the Popular Mateo Kramer Libertarian Network (RLPMK) (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 02 14:05:53 GMT 2012

Temperate and humid, in the southwestern municipality of Cundinamarca Mesitas, were the
stage of completion of the eighth meeting of the Libertarian Red Popular Mateo Kramer.
They came together the 13 groups that make up the network to analyze the local and
national political moment, to form collectively, clarities build organizational and
project work next semester. Aware of the opportunities of the moment and the structural
situation of the country's 13 groups that integrate the netw...

(en) Uruguay: The Barrikada No. 48 (August-September 2012) (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 02 13:58:10 GMT 2012

The Newspaper Barrikada In a new format ---- Contents of this issue: - Editorial: What is
on the horizon -- Pueblo Jail: Irma Leites -- For them there will be no Dungeon Memories:
Nicholas scaron ---- Landscape of barbarism: Gustavo Lopez ---- Alleviate the crisis:
Sergio Pereira ---- DIRECT ACTION, BOICOTT and sabotage tactics anarchist labor movement
in Uruguay: Pascual Mu&#xF1;oz ---- There were nothing: Urub&#xFA; and 90 ---- Antigone and After:
Theatre and memory to fight --- Dial...

(en) Spain, SOLIDARITY WITH WORKERS ANDALUCES (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 02 12:35:18 GMT 2012

Taking what is ours, is not only a right but an obligation ---- Friday 7 September. 18:00
h. Concentration-complaint MERCADONA - Vallekas Metro Buenos Aires, Line 1 ---- Sunday 9
September. 12:00 h. Rally - Rally Sevilla - Sol - Tirso de Molina ---- Vallecas Assembly
by the General Strike* ---- NO CLEAN WHEAT MERCADONA ---- Mercadona is a candidate for
one of the worst companies of the year, nominated by Greenpeace to acquire 30 million cans
of sardines Moroccan-occupied Western Saha...

(en) Canada, Media, Quebecers advocate 'direct democracy'
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 02 12:21:09 GMT 2012

Members of student organizations, citizen assemblies and anarchists are increasingly vocal
in their criticism of a centuries-old form of government they consider insufficient. THE
CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes ---- For a number of politically cynical Quebecers the
current provincial election isn't about which political party they like best but about the
legitimacy of representative democracy itself. ---- Members of student organizations,
citizen assemblies and anarchists are increasingl...

(nl) Groot Brittanie, Anarchist Federation - Anarchisten gedetineerd door anti-terrorisme politie bij terugkeer van Zwitserse conferentie [de, fr, ca, en]*
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Sep 02 12:14:49 GMT 2012

Gedurende de afgelopen week kwamen duizenden anarchisten uit Europa bijeen in St. Imier,
Zwitserland, om de 140e verjaardag te vieren van de Anarchistische Internationale. De
bijeenkomst had de vorm van een festival en educatie, met muziek, films en ontspanning,
evenals workshops en discussies. ---- Bij terugkeer van de bijeenkomst in St. Imier werden
twee anarchisten, waarvan een lid van de Anarchist Federation, gedurende bijna twee uur
gedetineerd bij Heathrow, door SO15 (anti-terror...

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