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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Wed, 29 Aug 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) US, Seattle, Pugetsound anarchists Call for Coordinated Action August 24-31: Solidarity with Grand Jury Resisters
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Aug 29 11:51:47 GMT 2012

Grand juries and the repression surrounding them are focused specifically on isolation in
an attempt to strike fear into the hearts of anarchists and all those associated with
them. Whether you are close to those involved in the recent wave of Pacific Northwest
anarchist repression or not, its impact has most likely touched your region. ---- In an
attempt to counter that fear and isolation the days of August 24th to August 31st are
being called as a week of solidarity with anarchists i...

(en) US, Tampa, RNC 2012 explainer: Peaceful anarchists?
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Aug 29 11:40:29 GMT 2012

Protesters took to the streets of downtown Tampa on Monday afternoon in a loosely
organized march called Occupy the RNC. ---- While following a city-mandated &quot;parade
route,&quot; the group simultaneously chanted against corporate greed, government malfeasance
and the Republican National Convention generally. ---- Protesters ranged from as young as
14 to several men and women in their 80s. ---- It is worth noting that the approximately
1,800 police officers on the streets of down...

(en) Swiss, Alt. media, Anarchism still inspires
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Aug 29 11:22:43 GMT 2012

Anarchists have always been a small minority on the Left. Their history is littered with
failures but their basic libertarian ideals are enjoying a resurgence in social movements
like Occupy Wall Street. ---- Anarchism has &#x201C;largely taken the place of Marxism in the
social movements of the 1960s&#x201D;, according to the American anthropologist David Graeber,
one of the intellectuals most quoted by the Occupy movement. ---- &#x201C;Even those who do not
consider themselves anarch...

(tr) Saint-Imier Toplant&#x131;s&#x131;
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Aug 29 11:04:57 GMT 2012

Saint-Imier, &#x130;svi&#xE7;re'nin Jura da&#x11F;l&#x131;k b&#xF6;lgesinde, k&#xFC;&#xE7;&#xFC;k, sakin bir<br>
kasabad&#x131;r. 140 y&#x131;l &#xF6;nce bu kasabada, I. Enternasyonal'in Lahey<br>
Kongresinin karar&#x131;yla &#xF6;rg&#xFC;tten at&#x131;lan Bakunin, Guillaume ve<br>
arkada&#x15F;lar&#x131;, Eyl&#xFC;l 1872'de &#xFC;&#xE7; g&#xFC;n s&#xFC;ren bir anar&#x15F;ist kongre<br>
&#xD6;nce tarihe &#x15F;&#xF6;yle bir uzan&#x131;p anar&#x15F;istlerin ihra&#xE7; ...

(tr) Silahlar Susmazsa Hayatlar S&#xF6;nmeye Devam Edece
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Aug 29 11:04:57 GMT 2012

Silahlar Susmazsa Hayatlar S&#xF6;nmeye Devam Edecek<br>
Sava&#x15F; t&#xFC;m ac&#x131;mas&#x131;zl&#x131;&#x11F;&#x131; ile b&#xF6;lgemizin &#xFC;zerinde dola&#x15F;&#x131;yor; buna ba&#x11F;l&#x131;<br>
olarak kendi co&#x11F;rafyam&#x131;zda otuz y&#x131;ld&#x131;r bitmeyen sava&#x15F; ta k&#x131;z&#x131;&#x15F;&#x131;yor.<br>
Silahlara harcanan para ile yery&#xFC;z&#xFC;ndeki &#xF6;nemli sorunlar&#x131;n bitmesi<br>
olanakl&#x131; iken silah tekelleri, ulus devletler ve d&#xFC;nyaya y&#xF...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Peace for Colombia by Javier Orozco Pe&#xF1;aranda (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Aug 29 10:54:19 GMT 2012

Time for a bilateral ceasefire, as the noise of shelling and gunfire and the screams of
the victims were not allowed to talk, and it is imperative to address and resolve the
structural problems that fuel the Colombian war. ---- Peace for Colombia ... ---- Hope
arouses the notice of initiation of the &quot;exploratory talks&quot; in Havana, between the FARC
and the Colombian government led by Juan Manuel Santos Calderon. Should also realize them
with the ELN and the EPL. ---- These appr...

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