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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 21 Aug 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) US, WSA* Statement on Souther Africa Marikana Massacre
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Aug 21 20:48:14 GMT 2012

We, members of the Workers Solidarity Alliance, send our deepest condolences to the
families and friends of the murdered miners. ---- On August 16th police open fire on
striking miners outside the Lonmin platinum mine in South Africa&#x2019;s north west province.
Defending their interests, over 30 miners were killed and over 70 suffered injuries in a
gruesome display of the violence upon which this society has been built. One day prior to
the massacre, the Guardian &amp; Mail reported...

(en) Final Declaration of the International Meeting of Anarchism St-Imier 2012 Sunday, August 12
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Aug 21 20:35:19 GMT 2012

After five days of discussions where endeavored to OSL champion the voice of social
anarchism open, innovative and ambitious face the world and its complexity, we take the
challenge of defending a policy without dogmatism that part of desires and needs of
people, you will find the final declaration proposed network Anarkismo. ---- Thanks to the
work and effort of numbers of volunteers as well as the warm welcome of the inhabitants
are of-St-Imier, we have, in intense debates, conferenc...

(en) Palestine-Israel, In spite of the pick of the Summer heat, the Ramadan day hours fasting and the war mongering in Israel
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Aug 21 20:34:02 GMT 2012

After years of Friday demos in Bil'in and Saturdays and weekly days demos in other
locations I took a break and traveled to the St-Imier international anarchist congress
celebrating 140 years of struggle. I presented there three venues: one, the film Bil'in
Habibti (Bil'in my love of Shai Polak) with discussion of the struggle in Bil'in, One
about the Israeli Anarchists Against the Wall initiative, and one about the Anarchist
psychotherapy I developed (<a rel="nofollow" href="http://i...

(ca) [Argentina] Movilizaciones y Cortes por derecho de la Mujer a Vivir y Decidir!!!
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Aug 21 20:06:08 GMT 2012

desde las 10:30 de la ma&#xF1;ana estaremos concentrando en el Ministerio<br>
de Desarrollo Social de Naci&#xF3;n (C.A.B.A.), en el CDR de Rosario,<br>
Gobernaci&#xF3;n y Municipalidad de Rosario (ROSARIO) y en Resistencia<br>
(CHACO), centenares de mujeres y hombres de diferentes barrios y<br>
localidades, nucleados en la Federaci&#xF3;n de Org...

(en) WSM.ie, Delegation returns from International Anarchist Gathering at St Imier
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Aug 21 14:59:23 GMT 2012

August saw a gathering of a couple of thousand anarchists from all over the globe in St
Imier, Switzerland. This small town was the site of the founding of the Anarchist
International in 1872, the gathering was organised to commemorate this event and involved
dozens of political, organisational &amp; cultural events. As part of this gathering
Anarkismo, the international network that the WSM is the Irish section of, held both a
European conference and a global gathering. ---- For this...

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation Organise! #78 - It&#x2019;s class struggle, Jim, but not as we know it: Celebrating the Luddites bicentenary
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Aug 21 12:03:57 GMT 2012

This year marks the 200th anniversary of the Luddite uprising, a movement led by skilled
textile workers whose livelihood was under threat by changes being imposed via the process
of industrialisation. Beginning in Nottinghamshire in 1811 and quickly spreading across
England, the movement took its name from Ned Ludd, a weaver from Leicestershire who is
said to have smashed a mechanical stocking frame in anger in an incident in 1779. The
snippet of folklore spread and by the time organi...

(en) US, Chicago, The Four Star changes
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Aug 21 04:25:30 GMT 2012

Four Star Anarchist Organization recently switched from using a modified consensus
decision making process to super-majority voting.
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