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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 18 Aug 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(en) Anarkismo.net: Ireland, Interview with striking bus worker in Belfast by Sean Matthews - WSM
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Aug 18 20:25:52 GMT 2012

In April this year over 100 bus drivers took successful wildcat action bringing Belfast
city centre to a standstill in solidarity with a work colleague who was wrongly suspended
by management without using the proper procedures. Independent Workers Union and WSM
member Sean Matthews speaks to one anonymous driver from Translink about the action taken,
wider working conditions and the possibility of solidarity and resistance in the future.
---- Standing together in solidarity with your ...

(pl) Zmiana adresu Internetowej Biblioteki Wolno&#x15B;ciowej
a-infos-pl@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Aug 18 18:08:22 GMT 2012

Zmiana adresu Internetowej Biblioteki Wolno&#x15B;ciowej -- Internetowa<br>
Biblioteka Wolno&#x15B;ciowa z dniem dzisiejszym zmienia swoj&#x105; domen&#x119; na<br>
anarchizm.net.pl Zmiana ta podyktowana jest ch&#x119;ci&#x105; rozwoju portalu i<br>
powi&#x119;kszenia grona czytelnik&#xF3;w Biblioteki, a co za tym idzie - os&#xF3;b<br>
zaznajomionych z my&#x15B;l&#x105; anarchistyczn&#x105; w Polsce. Wraz ze zmian&#x105; domeny<br>
planowane jest r&#xF3;wnie&#x17C; rozszerzenie dotychczasow...

(en) Canada, Vancouver Anarchist Soloidarity
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Aug 18 15:33:05 GMT 2012

On August 17, 2012, a group of anarchists converged on the corner of Georgia and Richards
in the heart of the downtown vancouver cluster fuck of consumerism for a banner drop they
will not soon forget. The banner read &#x201C;FUCK THE FBI (A)(E)&#x201D;, and along with the banner
flew down four hundred of leaflets explaining the action to bystanders and future
comrades. This is only a minuscule action in solidarity with grand jury resisters, the
Cleveland 4 and all imprisoned anarchist...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Venezuela, The FARV solidarity with the Revolutionary Front of renters and squatters (FRIO) and its imprisoned members (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Aug 18 11:50:42 GMT 2012

This is to show solidarity with the Revolutionary Front of renters and squatters and their
members imprisoned. How many more must fall prey for the injustices of a system that no
longer? More than four months Sieveres Carlos, Jorge Goyo and Richard Medina are far from
the cradle of liberty: the street, away from the fight for the dignity of many human
beings who just want a roof over your family. On 15 March this year showed that we still
live within the bourgeois state monster, playin...

(de) Britannie, Anarchistische f&#xF6;deration - englische anarchist innen nach r&#xFC;ckkehr aus saint-imier in heathrow vor&#xFC;bergehend inhaftiert (ca, en, fr)
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Aug 18 10:29:54 GMT 2012

w&#xE4;hrend der letzen woche kamen tausende anarchist_innen aus europa in saint-Imier,
schweiz, zusammen, um das 140. jubil&#xE4;um der gr&#xFC;ndung der anarchistischen internationalen
zu feiern. das treffen hatte die form eines festivals und einer bildungsveranstaltung mit
musik, filmen, unterhaltung, ebenso mit workshops und diskussionen. ---- bei der r&#xFC;ckkehr
vom treffen in saint-imier wurden zwei anarchist_innen, einer von ihnen ist mitglied der
anarchistischen f&#xF6;derati...

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation - Anarchists Detained by Counter-Terrorist Police on Return from Swiss Conference (de, fr, ca)*
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Aug 18 10:25:24 GMT 2012

For the past week, thousands of anarchists from across Europe have been converging in
St.Imier, Switzerland to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the founding of the Anarchist
international. The gathering took the form of a festival and educational, with music,
films and entertainment as well as workshops and discussions. ---- On returning from the
St Imier gathering, two anarchists, one a member of the UK Anarchist Federation, were
detained for nearly two hours at Heathrow by SO15 (co...

(nl) Cubao Quezon Stad, Anti-Sona 2012 - Anarchistisch protest op de Filippijnen [en]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Aug 18 09:26:28 GMT 2012

Maandag 23 juli 2012 ---- Een groep gemaskerde anarchistische demonstranten, ongeveer 30<br>
individuen (met zwarte kleding in hun gezicht opgetrokken), kwam onverwachts opdagen aan<br>
de Aurora Avenue, Cubao Quezon Stad, waarbij compromisloze rebellie werd uitgevoerd tegen<br>
de Staat van de Natie of SONA. ---- Een zwarte vlag met een omcirkelde A werd in de lucht<br>
gezwaaid, samen met groen en zwart en rood en zwart vlaggen, die een steeds uitbreidende<br>
uitdrukking van solidariteit...

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation Organise! #78 - History: The Anarchist Federation - In Thought and Struggle
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Aug 18 08:48:52 GMT 2012

The AF has its roots in a number of small anarchist groupings active in the 1970s. In
addition, the founding members were inspired by the rich anarchist tradition on the
Continent, especially France. Taking what we thought was best from the past and from
abroad, the goal was to create an anarchist communist organisation, firmly based on the
class struggle or &#x2018;social anarchist&#x2019; tradition. ---- The project received crucial impetus
with the bringing on board of the innovativ...

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