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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Fri, 17 Aug 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

a multi-lingual news service by, for, and about anarchists

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Latest Headlines:

(en) anarchosyndicalist journal "Rebel Worker" 214, August-September 2012 - The International Anarchist Congress, Amsterdam 1907
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Aug 17 18:42:53 GMT 2012

This 280 page book is built upon a pamphlet of Italian Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
(FdCA &#x2013; Federation of Communist Anarchists) that was published some years ago in the
series &#x201C;Studies for a Libertarian Switch&#x201D; (&#x201C;Studies for a Libertarian Alternative&#x201D;) in
English (and which is also available online). This book is largely the work of historian
Maurizio Antonioli, who is professor of Contemporary History of the Faculty of Political
Science, Unive...

(en) The Spanish Robin Hood - Libertarian communist utopia of Marinaleda
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Aug 17 17:33:35 GMT 2012

When Juan Manuel S&#xE1;nchez Gordillo led a farm labourer's raid on a supermarket he was
redistributing wealth to the poor. You'd expect nothing less from the mayor of the
communist utopia of Marinaleda ---- 'Utopias aren't chimeras, they are the most noble
dreams that people have' &#x2026; Mayor S&#xE1;nchez Gordillo. Photograph: Cristina Quicler/AFP ----
Last week, and not for the first time, Juan Manuel S&#xE1;nchez Gordillo found himself in the
Spanish headlines. Dubbed &quot;Robi...

(en) Sweden, Solidarity with Beaten and Extorted Comrades of SAC
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Aug 17 07:49:02 GMT 2012

You are sitting in your apartment. Your wife and children are with you. You are watching a
movie, preparing dinner, or touching base with your fellow workers in the union regarding
the fight against the agency. ---- You never expect what comes next. ---- Maybe your door
is thrown open, maybe there is a knock and you go to answer it. What happens next is
terrifying, brutal, and orchestrated by the same bosses the SAC has been fighting for
years. ---- Six unknown thugs are in your home. ...

(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation journal Organise! magazine Issue 78 Summer 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Aug 17 07:45:11 GMT 2012

<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.afed.org.uk/org/org78.pdf";>http://www.afed.org.uk/org/org78.pdf</a> Content ---- Editorial: What's in the latest
Organise!? Read it below -- History: The Anarchist Federation - In Thought and
Struggle--Greece: Let&#x2019;s go one step further ---- Hungary: the far right menaces ---- The
Luddites bicentenary ---- Statement of international solidarity with those in Cuba: You
Are Not Alone ---- Southern Europe: Austerity- Agony and Antagonism ---- Special...

(en) Argentina, New quarter, old problems by Libertarian Students Front of Argentina - FeL (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Aug 17 07:37:18 GMT 2012

To continue the fight for our demands ---- Start a new academic year at universities,
colleges and secondary, and again we encounter the same problems of long ago. These range
from lack of infrastructure to house students, to arbitrary reforms of curricula, teachers
cesanteos of UBA, etc.. Beyond what is being said in the discursive, unfortunately this is
a systematic policy of joint Government and the Government of National City, which in many
ways continue to contribute to the precar...

(en) Britain, SchNEWS 824, - CUNNING STUNT As pussy riot flashmob hits brighton
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Aug 17 07:05:40 GMT 2012

Support for imprisoned punk trio Pussy Riot has gone beyond tokenistic internet
clicktivism, and has hit the streets around the world. ---- Brighton was host to a
particularly impressive flash mob on Thursday evening(16th). It had been organised by the
Brighton Feminist Collective on the eve of the Pussy Riot trial verdict. Just after 7pm,
over a hundred people turned up to show their pro-Pussy Riot solidarity. Chosing
Brighton's Cathedral of Consumerism instead of a Russian Orthodox o...

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