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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours
Thu, 16 Aug 2012 23:59:02 +0200 (CEST)
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Latest Headlines:
(en) Peru: not another death for protesting! by Unión Socialista Libertaria - USL
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 14:28:15 GMT 2012
With the recent deaths sought by the reactionaries, which are the culmination of the
protest. Incredibly, the perpetrators seek to turn themselves into victims. What happened
in Cajamarca, as well as the case of Bagua, to mention just two symbolic cases, were
MASSACRES, which have the blood-stained hands of the current Ollanta Humala government and
his Valdes cabinet, who did not hesitate to declare States of Emergency for greater social
control, and to show their true neo-liberal, rep...
(en) Media: Other takes on the International Anarchism Gathering at SAINT-IMIER in Switzerland's western Jura mountains
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 14:23:53 GMT 2012
1) News Summary: Anarchists reject debt in Swiss city August 8 ---- MEETINGS FOR PEOPLE
WHO HATE MEETINGS: The International Anarchism Gathering got underway Wednesday at the
movement’s spiritual birthplace in Switzerland’s western Jura mountains. Anywhere from
1,000 to 3,000 people were expected to attend the gathering, which marked the 140th
anniversary of the first anarchist worker congress in Saint-Imier in 1872. --- RECRUITING
GROUND: At a time when millions are livi...
(en) Britain, Major Win for the Solidarity Federation* (SF-IWA) in Fight Against Workfare
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 13:52:53 GMT 2012
The Government in Britain has introduced a programme of savage welfare cuts. The cuts are
part of a broad government offensive on worker’s living conditions with attacks on a whole
range of benefits. The government’s programme of cuts is not just about reducing the
amount the state spends on welfare, the aims is also to force the unemployed into taking
jobs paying lower and lower wages which in turn drags down the wages of all workers. ----
As part of the cuts programme t...
(en) From a Syrian anarchist - Sat, 28/07/2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 13:41:48 GMT 2012
I am Mazen***, a Syrian anarchist . I want to inform you about the difficult humanitarian
situation in my country, Syria ; due to the brutal oppression of the regime against the
revolting masses. A group of young Syrian anarchists and anti – authoritarians from Aleppo
– Syria, contacted me asking for urgent help. Their community is in urgent need for
everything : medical drugs , tents , children milk , etc; almost everything. We hope that
you can help them to alleviate th...
(en) Alt. Media: On the International Anarchism Gathering at St. Imier, Switzerland
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 13:30:04 GMT 2012
Impressions from the Gathering ---- From August 8 till August 12, hundreds of anarchists
from around the world met in St.Imier 140 years after the antiauthoritarian and anarchist
International took place. I went to the event as a delegate from Unión Socialista
Libertaria from Peru, but also as an anarchist without adjectives, activist, blogger,
documentarist, and therefore my impressions are personal and not the opinion of any
organization. ---- It should be clear that my criticis...
(en) US, Last call for Twin Cities Anarchist Bookfair
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 12:59:57 GMT 2012
Workshop Proposals & Table Requests ---- 3rd ANNUAL TWIN CITIES ANARCHIST BOOK FAIR, 2012<br>
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM: <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/ehaPNDS70Wr0FbApBuoKt">http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/ehaPNDS70Wr0FbApBuoKt</a>
TABLING REQUESTS <a rel="nofollow" href="http://tcanarchist.org/registration/">http://tcanarchist.org/registration/</a> ---- DEADLINE FOR 2012 PROPOSALS:
August 15, 2012 ---- The 3rd Annual Twin Cities Anarchist Book F...
(ca) Sobre la creciente ola de represión en el Perú y el papel de los anarquistas
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 09:42:35 GMT 2012
PRONUNCIAMIENTO LIBERTARIO Sobre la creciente ola de represión en el<br>
Perú y el papel de los anarquistas --- 1.- El Estado peruano, bajo la<br>
actual administración del gobierno de Ollanta Humala no sólo viene<br>
desarrollando sino profundizando una política económica neoliberal,<br>
que pretende enmascarar la explotación contra la clase trabajadora y<br>
la opresión de los sectores marginados, bajo el disfraz<br>
asistencialista y populista de...
(ca) [Grecia] Un grupo anarquista griego expropia productos básicos en un supermercado y quema el dinero
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 09:39:45 GMT 2012
Invasión de un grupo anarquista en supermercado en el centro de<br>
Thessalonica, Grecia. Tomaron alimentos esenciales (leche, cereales,<br>
aceites, etc), y destruyeron los sistemas anti-robo y dos camaras de<br>
seguridad, rompieron las registradoras y procedieron a quemar el<br>
dinero que estas contenian dejando el siguiente mensaje: "La quema de<br>
billetes es un acto simbólico, que habla por sí solo. Estos papelitos,<br>
que en segundos se trasformaron en ceniza,...
(en) Anarkismo.net - Debt, Money, and Exploitation - Review of Debt: The First 5, 000 Years by David Graeber by Wayne Price
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 09:14:00 GMT 2012
Book review of David Graeber's "Debt: The First 5,000 Years." A good history of debt,
credit, and money. Weaknesses in seeing debt as central to economic development,
downplaying role of human labor, exploitation, and class struggle. This leads to a
misunderstanding of the recent economic crisis, and to a limited and inadequate vision of
a post-capitalist future. ---- In “An Anarchist FAQ,” Iain McKay writes, “…anarchists
have, traditionally, been ...
(en) Media: Anarchists meet in Swiss mountain town
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 08:31:11 GMT 2012
Some 140 years after anarchists held a founding congress in Saint-Imier, their modern day
cousins are back in the Swiss mountain town, to put the world to rights. ---- Hundreds
[more than 1000 - I.S.] of alternative thinkers from across the globe have gathered to
share ideas and offer their solutions, with debt and discontent rife in Europe. ---- “We
can see that capitalism has one crisis after another,” said Michel Nemitz, one of those
attending. “Inequalities are...
(gr) Κράτος και φασίστες προειδοποιούν: εσύ είσαι ο επόμενος στόχος!
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 03:27:22 GMT 2012
Kείμενο που μοιράστηκε στην Πάτρα. --- Παρέμβαση σε λαϊκές αγορές. ---
Mπορεί να βρισκόμαστ...
(gr) Η αποθράσυνση των φασιστικών συμμοριών, η κοινωνική διαλεκτική και οι επιθετικές μεταβλητές
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Aug 16 03:24:43 GMT 2012
"Πληθαίνουν τα θύματα της ρατσιστικής βίας" διαπιστώνουν σύσσωμα τα ΜΜΕ
αυτές τις...
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