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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Fri, 3 Aug 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(nl) Spanje, De Mijnwerkers Mars - Workers Solidarity Trade Union Confederation* Persbericht [ca, en] [machine vertaling]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Aug 03 17:56:38 GMT 2012

Gisteren, 11 juli, voor het Ministerie van Industrie, Energie en Toerisme, was een van de
duidelijkste voorbeelden om te volgen in de strijd voor arbeidersrechten: arbeiders in de
koolvelden van Asturias, Castilla y Leon en Aragon. Arbeiders die gedurende langer dan een
maand bezig zijn met een staking voor onbepaalde tijd, en die hen loon is ontnomen die
overeen was gekomen met, en ondertekend door, de vorige regering in de Nationale
Strategische Reserve Kool, daarnaast het onderwerp ...

(en) Anarkismo.net: The entry of Venezuela into Mercosur (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Aug 03 05:47:46 GMT 2012

The government has changed European and U.S. multinationals by Chinese multinationals,
Russian or Mercosur, and can not be otherwise if we are to avoid a dramatic isolation to
all people. ---- To our advantage, that there will be a restore point following neoliberal
Washington consensus, but capitalism will remain local, multinational and Mercosur. ----
Well, that's it, we enter Mercosur. Settlement, as in Latin American literature of the
hoga&#xF1;o, magical realism. Now we face the r...

(en) Anarkismo.net: &quot;Revolution&quot;, by Carlo Cafiero
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Aug 03 05:39:53 GMT 2012

New publication from Black Cat Press, Edmonton, Canada ---- Black Cat Press is pleased to
announce the publication of &quot;Revolution&quot; by Carlo Cafiero for the first time ever in
English (indeed nor has it ever been published as a complete volume in the original
Italian!). The book brings what is certainly Cafiero's most complete, original work to
English-speaking audiences for the first time. It is also an extremely important work in
that it is one of the earliest attempts at co...

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