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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 30 Jun 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) US, Washington, Media, They’re baaaaack! Occupiers retake McPherson Square
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 30 14:50:27 GMT 2012

Nancy Munoz, 30, of the District, sets up banners in McPherson Square Thursday as Occupy
D.C. returns to McPherson Square just days after they decided to leave the federally owned
park June 10. ---- Members of the local Occupy D.C. movement returned to McPherson Square
on Thursday afternoon, setting up fresh tents in the newly seeded grass just days after
the group had decided to vacate the federally-owned park for good. ---- About thirty or so
protesters gathered in the hot sun in the...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Colombian Political Prisoners sent greetings of solidarity to anarchist prisoners in Belarus by Grupo Bifurcaci&#xF3;n - Cruz Negra Anarquista (ca)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 30 14:35:34 GMT 2012

Note by Bifurcaci&#xF3;n: This letter is written by two Colombian political prisoners who for
some time have become closer to the anarchist struggle.-- Bogot&#xE1; D.C. Colombia. June 2012
-- Solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners --- From the Colombian prison of La
Picota in our condition of political prisoners, of insurgent fighters who took up arms
against state terrorism at the service of a criminal and disgraceful oligarchy that rules
our country; we sympathize with all th...

(en) Colombia, Libertarian Perspective Bulletin No. 4 - May 2012 - The entry into force of the FTA with the U.S. (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 30 08:08:58 GMT 2012

A balance sheet ---- On May 15 marked the period of one month for the entry into force of
the FTA between Colombia and the United States announced at the close of the Sixth Summit
of the Americas by President Barack Obama. The implementation of the same, the magnitude
of their impacts on different aspects of the production structure, will be crucial to
setting the draft country's future. ---- The negotiation and signing of this treaty,
rather than leading to the generation of wealth an...

(de) N&#xE4;chste &#x201C;Anarchistischer Abend&#x201D; in der F54 - 14.7.2012
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 30 07:11:34 GMT 2012

The &quot;Friends of Fritz Scherer&quot; proudly present: -- &#x201C;Anarchistischer Abend&#x201D; - 14.7.2012 --
Thema: Knast und Knastk&#xE4;mpfe in Deutschland ---- 14.7. ab 18 Uhr ---- Dieses Mal widmen
wir uns dem Thema &#x201C;Knast und Knastk&#xE4;mpfe in Deutschland&#x201D;. Nach einem leckeren veganen
Mahl, wird es ab 19 Uhr einen kurzen &#xDC;berblick &#xFC;ber die generelle Situation und den -mehr
oder weniger- organisierten Widerstand sowie &#xFC;ber die vorhandenen Solidarit...

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