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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Mon, 25 Jun 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

a multi-lingual news service by, for, and about anarchists

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Latest Headlines:

(en) US, 2nd Annual Boston Anarchist Bookfair Announced
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Jun 25 17:31:19 GMT 2012

The last year has seen rapid growth of Anarchism around the world, aided by the
horizontalism of the Occupy movement (and Indignados) and the militancy of populations
fighting against austerity. Anarchists have played important roles in student struggles in
Chile, Quebec, and Britain, while being the chief bogeyman for state repression
world-wide. ---- In the spirit of revolution and police-impaling unicorns, we are
announcing Boston&#x2019;s Second Annual Anarchist Bookfair (November ...

(en) Britain, A response to Adam Ford&#x2019;s &#x201C;Why we need collective action, not &#x2018;Collective Action&#x2019;&#x201D;
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Jun 25 13:50:57 GMT 2012

Collective Action responds to Adam Ford's (a member of the Commune) criticism of the May
Day statement outlining our objections to his proposals for organisational unity and
putting forward our own, alternative vision of &quot;libertarian cohesion&quot;, regroupment and
escalation. ---- We welcomed the article &#x201C;Why We Need Collective Action, not &#x2018;Collective
Action&#x2019;&#x201D;, written on the Infantile Disorder blog by Adam Ford, a member of The Commune. We
encourage d...

(tr) Anar&#x15F;ist tutsaklardan: &quot;Eylemlili&#x11F;in co&#x15F;kusu ve heyecan&#x131; i&#xE7;indeyiz.&quot;
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Jun 25 06:51:43 GMT 2012

Metris T tipi kapal&#xC4; cezaevinde tutuklu bulunan ve a&#xC3;l&#xC4;k grevlerinin<br>
14. g&#xC3;n&#xC3;ne giren anar&#xC5;istler bu hafta yolda&#xC5;lara ve kamuoyuna a&#xC3;&#xC4;k bir<br>
mektup yay&#xC4;nlad&#xC4;lar. Mektupta ya&#xC5;ad&#xC4;klar&#xC4; haks&#xC4;zl&#xC4;klara de&#xC4;inen<br>
anar&#xC5;istler asla teslim al&#xC4;namayacaklar&#xC4;n&#xC4;, eylemlili&#xC4;in co&#xC5;kusu ve<br>
heyecan&#xC4; i&#xC3;inde olduklar&#xC4;n&#xC4; dile getirirken, daha fazla destek ve<br>

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