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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Wed, 20 Jun 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

a multi-lingual news service by, for, and about anarchists

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Latest Headlines:

(en) France, Le Monde Libertaire #1676 + 70th Congress of the Anarchist Federation (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 20 13:11:03 GMT 2012

Summary: &quot;It is not to anarchy today, tomorrow or in ten centuries, but to advance into
anarchy today, tomorrow, always. &quot;- Errico Malatesta ---- Content ---- Topicality -- Have
a different future by Fabrice, page 3 -- Activist against purism, by G. Drop, page 4 --
Chronic nephritis, by Rodkol, page 5 ---- Weather union, by The Bougnat, page 6 ----
Following the trial of Alain, by Antirep86, page 7 ---- 70th Congress of the FA, by Hughes
and Fifi, page 8 ---- Motion Internat...

(en) Palestine-Israel, On the back ground of world economic turmoil the joint struggle here seems to get less attention.
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 20 13:09:49 GMT 2012

The waves of the hunger strike struggle of the Palestinian prisoners mostly over with
victory leave the urge for more. The Israeli state forces try to prevent the expansion of
the third Intifada... but not by slowing the mounting efforts to transfer Palestinian
villagers from area C. The joint struggle which started with the focus on the separation
fence expanded so much that the other aspects are now more prominent. The weekly
confrontations in Beit Ommar, Bil'in, Hebron and its south...

(tr) Fransa, Paris: T&#xFC;rkiye'de tutuklanan anar&#x15F;istler i&#xE7;in dayan&#x131;&#x15F;ma eylemi
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 20 07:11:35 GMT 2012

Turkiye'de ki anarsist tutsaklarla dayanisma ve tum politik<br>
tutsaklarin ozgurlugu icin Paris'te eylem gerceklestirilecektir .<br>
Yuruyus 26 Haziran Sali gunu saat 18:30 da Trocadero'dan baslayip<br>
Fransa Turkiye Konsolonslugu onunde son bulacak.<br>
Turk Devletinin ve iktidarda bulunun fasist gerici Akp hukumetinin<br>
sindirme ve baski politikalarina karsi olan herkes eyleme davetlidir.<br>
Haber ve duyuru afi&#x15F;i:<br>
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://istanbul...

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