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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 19 Jun 2012 23:59:02 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Jun 19 17:45:47 GMT 2012

Video-debate: EL GENOCIDIO FRANQUISTA EN VALENCIA -- S&#xE1;bado 23 de<br>
Junio a las 18hs -- Proyecci&#xF3;n del documental: EL GENOCIDIO FRANQUISTA<br>
EN VALENCIA -- (Espa&#xF1;a, 2008 | 44 min) -- presentado por Empar<br>
Salvador (Valencia, Espa&#xF1;a) -- Documental realizado por Alkimia<br>
Produccions, la productora de la Facultat de Ci&#xE8;ncies de la<br>
Comunicaci&#xF3;n Blanquerna de la Universitat Ram&#xF3;n Llull de Barcelona,<br>
bajo la direcci&#xF3;n de Daniel L&#xF3;pez...

(en) Anarkismo.net, Back to a materialist feminism by Irene - Libertarian Alternative (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Jun 19 13:46:42 GMT 2012

From the latest book by Roland Pfefferkorn, &quot;Gender and gender relations&quot;, we propose a
way to read and understand the multiple dimensions of persistent inequalities between men
and women. ---- In &quot;Gender and gender relations,&quot; Roland Pfefferkorn is an introduction to
the concepts used to address social inequalities men / women. In particular, his approach
emphasizes the contribution from the work of materialist feminism. This leads him to
highlight the ambiguities ...

(it) Roma: Di sconfitta in sconfitta
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Jun 19 12:05:38 GMT 2012

presentazione alla libreria anomalia<br>
Sabato 23 giugno alle 17 presso la libreria anomalia(via dei<br>
campani, 73[san lorenzo]), presentazione del libro di<br>
Vincenzo Guagliardo<br>
&quot;Di sconfitta in sconfitta&quot; (Colibr&#xEC; 2012).<br>
Interverranno Massimo Capitti e Tommaso Spazzali<br>
&quot;[..]cambiare se stessi &#xE8; una questione che ha sempre un<br>
risvolto esteriore, sul piano pratico.Non pu&#xF2; essere visto<br>
solo come un cambiare &quot;dentro&quot;[...]Quan...

(en) France, Alternating Current #220 - Editorial - Revolution rather than election (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Jun 19 07:45:33 GMT 2012

You can not sulk our pleasure to see Sarkozy and his clique will take a (small) slams
election. The damage they have done for five years, we have fought. Work more to earn more
than our bosses, this is not our motto. Work up to a still more advanced age, leaving
millions of unemployed and precarious-its in trouble, we do not want it. Cut public
services to promote the commodification, very little for us. Destroy the earth and the
conditions of a relatively healthy life for mercantile i...

(en) Brazil, Letter of intent of Anarchist Collective Nucleo-Negro for entry into the Coordination Anarchist Brazilian - CAb (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Jun 19 07:44:38 GMT 2012

Who are we? We Anarchist Collective Nucleo-Negro have a brief existence of almost one
year. However, unlike other groups that emerged from an internal debate about anarchism,
born of a practice with the movements for housing, along with urban occupations, in a
collective at the time by another name: Collective Autonomy. However, due to various
hesitations about what actually would be, both ideologically and organizationally we have
not advanced, on the contrary: the embryo of our socia...

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