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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 16 Jun 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Southern-Africa, Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front Message to the founding conference of CAB (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 16 07:10:06 GMT 2012

Message to the CONCAB of Brazilian - Foundation conference of Brazilian Anarchist
Coordination. ---- Our relations with anarchism especifista Brazil began in 2003 when a
militant founder of Front Zabalaza Anarchist Communist (then Communist Zabalaza Anarchist
Federation - ZACF) was at the Anarchist Conference in Rio Grande do South to meet the
militants and learn about the work of the Gaucho Anarchist Federation (FAG). Two years
later, in 2005, another militant of Zabalaza came to Braz...

(en) Brazil, The organizations that make up the CAB (pt)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 16 06:29:40 GMT 2012

Some information about the various organizations in the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination.
-- Federa&#xC3;&#xC3;o Anarquista Ga&#xC3;cha (FAG) ---- Rio Grande do Sul ---- Founded on 18 November
1995 ---- The Federa&#xC3;&#xC3;o Anarquista Ga&#xC3;cha (FAG) is an anarchist political organization
founded on 18 November 1995, the result of a context which saw various libertarian groups
spread across different parts of Rio Grande do Sul (Juventude Libert&#xC3;ria, which brought
together act...

(en) France, Le Monde Libertaire # 1673 - Now what? (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 16 06:07:54 GMT 2012

Holland has been elected president. This is arguably a &quot;good&quot;, not as bad, evil ... and
leave it at that! In a litany of moral posturing and paved liturgies. We can also analyze
the event and its consequences, history trying to anticipate things to come, and, drawing
on this analysis, develop a appropriate strategy. ---- In one month, the legislative.
Typically, this type of election gives a parliamentary majority to President-elect. This
should be the case as never before. W...

(en) Irish Anarchist Review #5 - Torture, Murder &amp; Exclusion: Ireland&#xE2;s first 10 years of Independence
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 16 05:58:51 GMT 2012

The 1916 proclamation, the manifesto of the 1916 rebels, states: &#xE2;The Republic guarantees
religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and
declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all
its parts, cherishing all the children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the
differences carefully fostered by an alien government, which have divided a minority from
the majority in the past.&#xE2; ---- The...

(en) Anarkismo.net, The Wallpaper War: the United States a decade after 9/11 by Michael Schmidt
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 16 05:33:38 GMT 2012

As the US enters yet another election cycle (though it is hard to say whether the US is
ever not in election mode these days), it is worth interrogating the current state of the
world&#x2019;s unipolar hyperpower &#x2013; and of the foreign policy, red in tooth and claw, that
affects us all. ---- The first thing that is important to recognise about the foreign
policy of the United States of America is that it has a very specific history, or rather a
national mythology that distinguishe...

(en) An interview with new British organization, Collective Action by Anarkismo.net
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 16 04:35:41 GMT 2012

On 1 May 2012, a new anarchist communist organization called Collective Action was
launched in the UK, together with the release of a statement (Where We Stand: Formation of
a new Anarchist Communist project in the UK). In an attempt to clear up some points that
were not clear from the statement or from the other documents published by the
organization, Anarkismo.net has carried out this interview, in which the answers to our
questions represent the jointly-held positions of Collective...

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