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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Wed, 13 Jun 2012 23:59:02 +0200 (CEST)

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(en) Southern Africa, Publications by Zabalaza* Books, March - June 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 13 20:49:16 GMT 2012

Concentric Circles: The Especifsta Concept of Concentric Circles in Anarchist Organisation
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://zabalazabooks.net/2012/06/01/concentric-circles-the-especifsta-concept-of-concentric-circles-in-anarchist-organisation/";>http://zabalazabooks.net/2012/06/01/concentric-circles-the-especifsta-concept-of-concentric-circles-in-anarchist-organisation/</a>
--- Author: Federa&#xE7;&#xE3;o Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro &#x2013; FARJ ---- English Translation:
Jonathan Pa...

(ca) Foro Social de Rivas
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 13 19:37:03 GMT 2012

Entre los d&#xED;as viernes 22&#xA0; y el domingo 24 de junio, se va a relizar<br>
el &quot;II Foro Social de Rivas&quot;. En &#xE9;l vamos a participar tres grupos de<br>
la FAI (Federaci&#xF3;n Anarquista Ib&#xE9;rica) con los siguientes temas: El<br>
s&#xE1;bado 23 a las 10.00 h los compa&#xF1;eros del Grupo Luna Negra expondr&#xE1;n<br>
sobre &quot;La Pedagog&#xED;a Libertaria&quot;. Tema en el que trabajan desde hace<br>
tiempo y han elaborado cinco cuadernillos did&#xE1;cticos muy int...

(tr) &#x130;stanbul: &#x15E;imdi Anar&#x15F;izm Zaman&#x131;
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 13 13:14:06 GMT 2012

10 Haziran pazar g&#xFC;n&#xFC; S&#x131;navlara Kar&#x15F;&#x131; Miting'de &#x15E;&#x130;MD&#x130; ANAR&#x15E;&#x130;ZM ZAMANI<br>
pankart&#x131; ile s&#x131;navlara,e&#x11F;itime,payla&#x15F;ma masalar&#x131;na yap&#x131;lan<br>
m&#xFC;dahalelere,iktidarlara ve otoritelere kar&#x15F;&#x131; isyan&#x131;m&#x131;z&#x131; Lise Anar&#x15F;ist<br>
Faaliyet olarak g&#xF6;sterdik.<br>
Pazar g&#xFC;n&#xFC; saat 14:30 da ba&#x15F;layan y&#xFC;r&#xFC;y&#xFC;&#x15F;te yol boyunca '&#x130;syan Devrim<...

(tr) Tutuklu liselilerden kamuoyuna a&#xE7;&#x131;k mektup
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 13 13:03:51 GMT 2012

Muhalif lise &#xF6;&#x11F;rencilerine ve kamuoyuna a&#xE7;&#x131;k mektup;<br>
Bilindi&#x11F;i &#xFC;zere 1 May&#x131;s'ta baz&#x131; anar&#x15F;istlerin yapt&#x131;&#x11F;&#x131; sald&#x131;r&#x131;lara<br>
y&#xF6;nelik 14-15 May&#x131;s g&#xFC;nlerinde yap&#x131;lan operasyonlarda 60'&#x131; a&#x15F;k&#x131;n ki&#x15F;i<br>
g&#xF6;zalt&#x131;na al&#x131;nd&#x131;. 9 ki&#x15F;i tutukland&#x131;. Devletin dayatt&#x131;&#x11F;&#x131;<br>
fa&#x15F;ist-neoliberal. Ya&#x15F;am tarz&#x131;n&#x131...

(tr) 1 May&#x131;s Tutuklular&#x131; A&#xE7;l&#x131;k Grevinde
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 13 13:03:50 GMT 2012

1 May&#x131;s'ta kapitalist kurumlara y&#xF6;nelik ger&#xE7;ekle&#x15F;tirilen eylemlerin<br>
ard&#x131;ndan ba&#x15F;lat&#x131;lan anar&#x15F;ist cad&#x131; av&#x131;nda tutuklanan 15 ki&#x15F;iden 12'si<br>
yay&#x131;nlad&#x131;klar&#x131; bildiride u&#x11F;rad&#x131;klar&#x131; tutuklu yarg&#x131;lanmalar&#x131;na ve<br>
u&#x11F;rad&#x131;klar&#x131; haks&#x131;zl&#x131;k ve hukuksuzluklara kar&#x15F;&#x131; d&#xF6;n&#xFC;&#x15F;&#xFC;ml&#xFC; olarak<br>
s&#xFC;resiz a&#xE7;l&#x131;k grev...

(en) Britain, Freedom* Newspaper May 2012 issue
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 13 11:41:23 GMT 2012

Contents ---- News ---- Defend the right to protest ---- Antifascists in Brighton ----
Occupy movement ---- Workfare protests ---- Squatting ---- International news ---- Police
close down Greek social centres ---- Notes from the US ---- Wildcat strikes on Poland ---
Feature ---- Tax grab of private health firms is exposed ---- Analysis ---- Palestinian
hunger strikes ---- The Bigger Picture ---- Free Derry ---- Economics ---- Rich holing the
boat we&#x2019;re all in ---- The Dutch expe...

(en) Britain, Freedom* Newspaper May 2012 issue -- BROKE BUT MAKING FILMS
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 13 07:42:29 GMT 2012

An interview with long-serving anarchist Greg Hall, who is an award-winning film-maker,
writer and director of The Plague (2004), Kapital (2007) and SSDD (2010). He has recently
finished shooting the film Bruised (2012). ---- How did you come across radical politics?
---- The first event that evoked a political response in me was the anti-war build up
before the attack on Iraq. I was at art school and I remember we organised some street
parties amongst the students and went along as a ...

(en) WSM Irish Anarchist Review 5 - Summer 2012 - Do workers&#x2019; co-operatives help or hinder the building of a libertarian communist society? by Sean Matthews
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 13 07:38:13 GMT 2012

Workers&#x2019; co-operatives have always been championed by sections of the left and wider
labour movement - from their advocacy by 19th century Welsh social reformer and utopian
socialist Robert Owens to Proudhon through to their existence in various state capitalist
countries today such as Cuba. While workers&#x2019; co-operatives can provide a small example of
anarchist ideas based on self-management, direct democracy and mutual aid in action, we
should not be blinded by their cont...

(en) Brazil, First issue of Coordena&#xC3;&#xC3;o Anarquista Brasileira - CAB journal - &quot;Socialismo Libert&#xC3;rio&quot; (pt)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 13 07:36:25 GMT 2012

Launch of the CAB's new magazine ---- In June 2012 the Coordena&#xC3;&#xC3;o Anarquista Brasileira
(CAB) is publishing the first issue of its magazine &quot;Socialismo Libert&#xC3;rio&quot; (Libertarian
Socialism). Below is a summary of the content together with the magazine's Editorial and
links to articles on the Internet. You can also download the magazine (in Portuguese) in
PDF format here <a rel="nofollow" href="http://vermelhoenegro.graffitte.net/revista/Revista-Soli-01-2012-web.p...

(en) Palestain-Israel, The joint struggle continue on the background of increased Israeli racism and efforts of transfer
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 13 05:33:49 GMT 2012

In addition to the weekly joint demonstrations and other joint actions the anarchists
against the wall activists participated in the social justice activities and solidarity
with the African refugees lately under racial and state harassment. The pick was the Nacsa
45 demonstration in Tel Aviv where about a thousand and a half activists (mostly left to
the communist party. State forces were surprisingly lenient and let us take for two hours
the King Georg road which is leading from the ...

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