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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 10 Jun 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Frace, Le Monde Libertaire #1673 - May 17 to 23, 2012 - Content + editorial
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jun 10 15:36:24 GMT 2012

&quot;If the wine you can not work, delete the job.&quot; A wall ---- Contents ---- Allowed to
harass, Helen, Page 3 ---- Chronic nephritis, Rodkol, page 5 ---- Weather union, T.
Impetuous, page 6 ---- New social fronts, Hugh, page 7 ---- The cathos and Sarko, The
Ferret, Page 8 ---- The parting gift of Gu&#xE9;ant, G. Drop, page 9 ---- Case ---- Holland
elected, now what?, J.-M. Raynaud, page 10 ---- International ---- The brown plague in
Greece, P. Schindler, page 11 ---- The Setif m...

(en) France, Alternative Libertair: The change? Impose it! (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jun 10 15:17:28 GMT 2012

Sarkozy has emerged, raising high hopes among the popular classes. ---- Yet on the evening
of his election, Holland began to blow that given economic conditions, it would have to be
&quot;realistic&quot;. The economic crisis current will therefore rapidly lead us to the moment of
truth: austerity or left real change? ---- The change is when? ---- There were not many
commitments already in the program of Holland. He talked a lot about justice and
education, but often in vague terms. Or ...

(en) Anarkizmo.net: The new consensus of the financial right by Bruno Lima Rocha - FAG (it, pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jun 10 14:59:19 GMT 2012

To the world press, the so-called crisis is a result of public spending on social rights
and guarantees. The Economist tachou dangerous for the candidacy of socialist Francois
Hollande. The president-elect now represented, until then, the confrontation between
populism and austerity. ---- In September 2008 the world informed catatonic watching the
phenomenon that, in the streets of Madrid, earned the nickname &quot;farce with the name of
crisis.&quot; Then, over the previous twelve mon...

(nl) Turkse anarchistische gevangenen hebben internationale solidariteit tegen staatsrepressie nodig [en]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jun 10 14:06:44 GMT 2012

Leden van de Vrijheid voor Aarde Associatie (Yeryuzune Ozgurluk Dernegi), die
dierenrechten/milieu/menselijke vrijheid en groene anarchisten en de anarchistische
beweging als geheel verdedigen, werden op 14 mei om 5.00 uur tegelijkertijd door
anti-terrorisme eenheden van de regering uit hun woningen genomen. Terwijl alle leden van
de Vrijheid voor Aarde Associatie nu vrij zijn, werden negen individuen, waaronder
veganisten en vegetariers, in de gevangenis gezet, waar ze nu nog zijn. --...

(it) Libera e USI-AIT: raccolta di solidariet&#xE0; alle popolazioni terremotate
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jun 10 08:37:23 GMT 2012

Le cose che servono: prodotti per l&#x2019;igiene personale, asciugamani<br>
puliti, prodotti a lunga conservazione, giochi per bimbi, fornelli da<br>
campeggio funzionanti, coperte pulite, cuscini puliti, tende in buone<br>
condizioni, teloni , materassini comodi, sacchi a pelo, antizanzare.<br>
I materiali raccolti verranno portati a Modena, dove i compagn* della<br>
Libera Officina (www.libera-unidea.org) e dell&#x2019;U...

(it) Novit&#xE0; editoriale: El&#xE8;uthera - david graeber in italia
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jun 10 08:35:06 GMT 2012

El&#xE8;uthera - david graeber in italia<br>
david graeber - tour in italia<br>
l'anti-leader di occupy wall street - autore per el&#xE8;uthera di<br>
critica alla democrazia occidentale<br>
nuovi movimenti, crisi dello stato, democrazia diretta<br>
e del phamplet<br>
frammenti di antropologia anarchica<br>
mercoled&#xEC; 13 giugno -- ore 19.00 a milano<br>
presso cs cantiere - via monterosa 84<br>
incontro e dibattito con l'antropologo david graeber<br>
moderano stefano boni e andrea...

(it) E' uscito &quot;Alternativa Libertaria&quot;, giugno 2012
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jun 10 08:30:56 GMT 2012

E' uscito l'ultimo numero di &quot;Alternativa Libertaria&quot;, foglio<br>
telematico della Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici. Il foglio pu&#xF2;<br>
essere scaricato dal sito della federazione in formato PDF (443 kb),<br>
per facile stampa e distribuzione.<br>
Gli articoli di questo numero:<br>
* Analisi: Eurocrisi: quattro elezioni e un funerale<br>
Come un incidente d'auto al rallentatore, l'inarrestabile crisi<br>
dell'Eurozona ha toccato un altro punto di crisi. Le elezioni in<br>...

(it) NS: Le strade dell'autonomia portano a Cheran (ca)
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jun 10 08:24:42 GMT 2012

Le strade dell'autonomia portano a Cheran<br>
Le strade dell'autonomia portano a Cheran (Forum delle Resistenze<br>
Autonome Anticapitaliste):<br>
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.autistici.org/nodosolidale/news_det.php?l=it&amp;id=2183";>http://www.autistici.org/nodosolidale/news_det.php?l=it&amp;id=2183</a><br>
Altre informazioni su Cheran, in un articolo pubblicato lo scorso anno:<br>
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.autistici.org/nodosolidale/uploads/materiali/comune_cheran_ita_201...

(en) Canada, linchpin.ca*: Review: by Karine Wehlm of Disability Politics and Theory By AJ Withers
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jun 10 07:18:14 GMT 2012

&quot;(D)isability falls somewhere in a constellation. Like the constellation in the sky,
disability is in constant flux and appears different depending on the positioning of the
onlooker.&quot; p.99 * Disability Politics and Theory is an excellent new book that critically
examines the key models of disability that have shaped how disability and disabled people
have been viewed in North America throughout the capitalist era and to this current day.
The book's author, AJ Withers applies...

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