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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Wed, 6 Jun 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(pt) Brasil: Solidariedade aos Trabalhadores Gráficos do Ceará
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 14:35:07 GMT 2012

Ol&#xE1; companheiros de luta,<br>
Expressamos por esta carta nosso total apoio e solidariedade a voc&#xEA;s<br>
trabalhadores(as) gr&#xE1;ficos do Cear&#xE1;, que est&#xE3;o em greve h&#xE1; mais de 14 dias.<br>
Acompanhamos as a&#xE7;&#xF5;es dos companheiros nos &#xFA;ltimos dias e sabemos o quanto a<br>
imprensa corporativa, aliada aos interesses dos poderosos e dos donos da<br>
comunica&#xE7;&#xE3;o, est&#xE1; lhes perseguindo e criminalizando, tal como vem fazendo com os<br>

(pt) Mensagem ao Congresso Fundacional da Coordena&#xE7;&#xE3;o Anarquista Brasileira [en]
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 14:30:14 GMT 2012

O anarquismo organizado no Brasil viver&#xE1; nos dias de junho, no Rio de Janeiro, seu<br>
maior acontecimento hist&#xF3;rico contempor&#xE2;neo. O Congresso Anarquista que reunir&#xE1;<br>
grupos de cerca de 10 estados do pa&#xED;s em debates, acordos e resolu&#xE7;&#xF5;es para atuar em<br>
princ&#xED;pios e t&#xE1;ticas comuns sobre a realidade brasileira tem um significado muito<br>
especial. Nossa convic&#xE7;&#xE3;o, em mais de 10 anos de processo, diz que o anarquismo<br>
militante ...

(pt) Editorial Anarkismo.net: O novo consenso da direita financeira [it]
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 14:26:51 GMT 2012

Para a imprensa mundial, a chamada crise &#xE9; resultado dos gastos p&#xFA;blicos com<br>
direitos e garantias sociais. A revista The Economist tachou de perigosa a<br>
candidatura do socialista franc&#xEA;s Fran&#xE7;ois Hollande. O agora presidente eleito<br>
representava, at&#xE9; ent&#xE3;o, o confronto entre o populismo e a austeridade. Em setembro<br>
de 2008 o mundo informado assistia catat&#xF4;nico ao fen&#xF4;meno que, nas ruas de Madri,<br>
ganhara a alcunha de &quot;farsa com n...

(pt) [Portugal] Cr&#xF4;nica da 5&#xAA; Feira do Livro Anarquista de Lisboa
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 14:23:51 GMT 2012

Realizou-se, na Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa de 25 a 27 de maio de 2012, esta<br>
5&#xAA; edi&#xE7;&#xE3;o da Feira do Livro Anarquista.<br>
Se o objetivo assumido era o de aprofundar e divulgar as ideias anarquistas, na sua<br>
diversidade, enquanto ataque real a esta sociedade exploradora, autorit&#xE1;ria e<br>
antropoc&#xEA;ntrica, incentivando as publica&#xE7;&#xF5;es independentes, criando espa&#xE7;os de<br>
discuss&#xE3;o e de troca de ideias, ent&#xE3;o o balan&#xE7;o poder-s...

(fr) Paris-Montreuil du 22 au 24 juin 2012 : Foire &#xE0; l'autogestion
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 14:15:19 GMT 2012

Le 22 juin au Lyc&#xE9;e autog&#xE9;r&#xE9; de Paris, puis le week-end des 23 et 24 juin, sous les<br>
vastes charpentes m&#xE9;talliques de la Parole errante, &#xE0; Montreuil, les visiteuses et<br>
les visiteurs pourront circuler entre les stands, participer &#xE0; des ateliers,<br>
assister &#xE0; des d&#xE9;bats, profiter d'un cycle cin&#xE9;ma. Enfin, il ne faudra pas manquer<br>
les forums &#xAB; Autogestion et production &#xBB;, &#xAB; Autogestion, syndicalisme et luttes<br>

(fr) Communiqu&#xE9; - Dijon - la police d&#xE9;joue un complot anarchiste !
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 14:03:09 GMT 2012

Communiqu&#xE9; de l'espace autog&#xE9;r&#xE9; des Tanneries :<br>
Dijon - la police d&#xE9;joue un complot anarchiste !<br>
Ce samedi 2 juin 2012 &#xE0; 18h, une demi-douzaine de fourgons de<br>
gardes-mobiles et autres &#xE9;quipes des &quot;brigades anticriminalit&#xE9;&quot; sont<br>
venus se positionner devant l'Espace autog&#xE9;r&#xE9; des Tanneries, afin de<br>
s'assurer que n'aurait pas lieu un... jeu de piste &#xE0; v&#xE9;lo (d&#xE9;nomm&#xE9;<br>
&#xAB; alleycat &#xBB;, voir <a...

(en) US, Ideas and Action* - For a New Fanaticism: Analysis Will Never Be Enough by laozi
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 13:22:45 GMT 2012

Imagine this: you wake up early in the morning before the sun even comes up for work. You
can&#x2019;t afford a car so you take the bus forty minutes to work. Because you only earn barely
above minimum wage you live in a small apartment, but it&#x2019;s crammed with your friends to
make the rent cheap enough for you to afford. The bus is five minutes late so you&#x2019;re late
to work, your boss spends half an hour screaming at you when you could be working and
writes you up at the end...

(en) US, Iowa, Wild Rose Collective - Solidarity to the students of Quebec!
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 09:25:36 GMT 2012

Wild Rose Collective operates in the moderately sized Iowa City, home to the state&#x2019;s
largest university &#x2014; the University of Iowa. Like many university towns the student
population, perhaps the most present in Iowa City, remain relatively silent as political
actors. Either unaware of or apathetic to their power to resist the privatization of the
University and the laundry list of issues that comes along with that neoliberalization:
the perpetually escalating tuition and fe...

(ca) [Bolivia] Declaracion Publica de O.A.R.S. frente al encarcelamiento de nuestros militantes
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 09:20:08 GMT 2012

A la opini&#xF3;n p&#xFA;blica sobre los atentados terroristas a cajeros<br>
autom&#xE1;ticos. Estimados hermanos y hermanas, compa&#xF1;eros, luchadores<br>
revolucionarios que buscan una mejor sociedad, pueblo en general:<br>
Esperamos que mediante esta carta abierta a la opini&#xF3;n p&#xFA;blica se<br>
pueda esclarecer muchas mentiras vertidas sobre la O.A.R.S. y<br>
compa&#xF1;eros arrestados imputados bajo terrorismo en los &#xFA;ltimos d&#xED;as<br>
con relaci&#xF3;n a que presuntam...

(de) Anarchistisches Wochenende in der Friedelstr.54 -Thema: &#x201E;Anarchy in Neuk&#xF6;lln!&#x201C; Samstag, 16.6.2012
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 09:14:49 GMT 2012

Vorstellung der Brosch&#xFC;re: &#x201E;Anarchy in Neuk&#xF6;lln&#x201C; ---- Ein unvollst&#xE4;ndiger R&#xFC;ckblick auf
&#xFC;ber 100 Jahre anarchistische Bewegung in Berlin-Neuk&#xF6;lln. ---- Mit G&#xE4;sten... ---- Vegane
Verk&#xF6;stigung ab 18 Uhr, ab 19 Uhr Vortrag und Diskussion Sonntag, 17.6.2012 ---- Fritz
Scherer zum Gedenken. ---- Vegane Verk&#xF6;stigung ab 18 Uhr, ab 19 Uhr kurzer Vortrag &#xFC;ber
das Leben von Fritz Scherer und Lesung von kurzen Texten. Es ist au&#xDF;er...

(en) Canada, More on the new Prairie Struggle Organization,
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 09:04:03 GMT 2012

About us ---- We identify ourselves as anarchists within the platformist tradition as we
broadly believe in its theoretical base and organizational practice, but not needfully in
everything that has been done in its name. The primary ideas of this practice, namely
theoretical and tactical unity, collective action, and federalism, are what we strive to
develop. ---- We are revolutionaries that come from all walks of life, identifying deeply
with the struggles of the working class, of wh...

(tr) &#x130;svi&#xE7;re, Bern: Devrimci ve Anar&#x15F;ist Tutsaklarla Dayan&#x131;&#x15F;ma Eylemi
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 08:49:52 GMT 2012

4 haziran 2012 isvicre nin Bern sehrinde turkiyeli Devrimci gruplar,<br>
isvicreli komunistler ve bern zurih sehrindeki anarsistlerin<br>
duzenledigi ortak eylemlik yapildi.<br>
Gecdigimiz aylarda Avrupanin bazi ulkelerinde devrimcilere ve<br>
turkiyede anarsistlere yonelik bir dizi operasyonlar yapildi. Almanya<br>
ve Hirvatistandaki tutuklanan devrimci ve Istanbul Eskisehir, Izmir,<br>
Bursa Ankara da Anarsistlerin tutuklanmalari protesto edildi.<br>
izinsiz yapilan yuruyus ilk...

(en) Palestine-Israel, Another week of struggle the media could not ignore.
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 07:05:25 GMT 2012

One of the joint struggles we are involved in is the B.D.S. called for by long long ago by
the Israeli anti authoritarian anti capitalists and adopted during the years by other
Israeli activists and the Palestinian organizations. Last few years it collected momentum
and though Madone did not respect it, she tried to co-opt it. The media gave space to the
turning down of free tickets donated by Madonna to the more radical Israeli activists, and
the state force preventing of two Palestin...

(en) Canada, Linchpin*, The Popular Roots of the Quebec Student Strike By Peter Marin
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Jun 06 06:27:39 GMT 2012

Early on the student strike in Quebec adopted the slogan &#x201C;it is a student strike, and a
popular struggle&#x201D; (in French, &#x201C;la gr&#xE8;ve est &#xE9;tudiante, la lutte est populaire&quot;). Over the
course of this unprecedented strike, the slogan has become a reality, as people from all
sectors of society have joined the students in opposition to the neoliberal government of
Jean Charest and his Liberal party. ---- As this is written, neighbourhood committees are

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