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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 2 Jun 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(tr) [Medya] İşgal hareketine kimliğini anarşistler verdi
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 02 19:04:23 GMT 2012

&#x130;&#x15F;gal hareketine kimli&#x11F;ini anar&#x15F;istler verdi<br>
02 Haziran 2012 ALP KADIO&#x11E;LU/B&#x130;RG&#xDC;N<br>
Londra &#xDC;niversitesi'nde g&#xF6;rev yapan ve Occupy Wall Street (Wall<br>
Street'i &#x130;&#x15F;gal Et) hareketine fikirsel olarak y&#xF6;n vermi&#x15F; olan anar&#x15F;ist<br>
sosyal antropolog David Graeber, Sabanc&#x131; &#xDC;niversitesi ve Hrant Dink<br>
Vakf&#x131;'n&#x131;n d&#xFC;zenledi&#x11F;i &quot;Yeni sosyal protesto t&#xFC;rleri&quot; konulu pa...

(en) Turkish anarchist prisoners need international solidarity against state repression
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 02 16:04:30 GMT 2012

Members of the Freedom to Earth Association (Yery&#xC3;z&#xC3;ne &#xC3;zg&#xC3;rl&#xC3;k Derne&#xC4;i), who defend
animal/earth/human freedom and green anarchists and anarchists as a whole, were taken by
government anti-terrorism units from their homes simultaneously on May 14 at 5 a.m. They
were kept under police custody for 4 days. While all of the members of the Freedom to
Earth Association are now free, nine individuals, including vegan and vegetarians, were
taken to prison where t...

(tr) &#x130;stanbul: 1 May&#x131;s Tutuklular&#x131; &#x130;le Dayan&#x131;&#x15F;ma Eylemi / 2 Haziran Cumartesi - 19:00 / Taksim
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 02 12:15:06 GMT 2012

1 May&#x131;sta ya&#x15F;anan olaylarla ilgili g&#xF6;zalt&#x131;na al&#x131;nan anar&#x15F;istlerle<br>
dayan&#x131;&#x15F;mak i&#xE7;in &quot;1 May&#x131;s Tutuklular&#x131; ile Dayan&#x131;&#x15F;ma &#x130;nisiyatifi&quot; ve<br>
tutuklular&#x131;n aileleri bu ak&#x15F;am 02 Haziran Cumartesi g&#xFC;n&#xFC; saat 19:00'da<br>
Taksim Tramvay dura&#x11F;&#x131;nda bulu&#x15F;uyor.<br>
&quot;1 May&#x131;s Tutuklular&#x131; ile Dayan&#x131;&#x15F;ma &#x130;nisiyatifi&quot; son g&#xF6;z alt&#x1...

(tr) Tutuklananlar&#x131;n say&#x131;s&#x131; 14'e &#xE7;&#x131;kt&#x131;
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 02 12:15:06 GMT 2012

1 May&#x131;s olaylar&#x131;na kar&#x131;&#x15F;t&#x131;klar&#x131; iddias&#x131; ile yap&#x131;lan son g&#xF6;zalt&#x131;lardan<br>
sonra bug&#xFC;n savc&#x131;l&#x131;k ifadelerini vermek &#xFC;zere adliyeye<br>
sevkedilenlerden be&#x15F;i tutukland&#x131;. &#x130;ki ki&#x15F;i ise savc&#x131;l&#x131;k taraf&#x131;ndan<br>
serbest b&#x131;rak&#x131;ld&#x131;. Halen tutuklu bulunan dokuz ki&#x15F;iye ek olarak<br>
yap&#x131;lan bu yeni be&#x15F; tutuklama ile tutuklu say&#x131;s&#x131; 14'e...

(en) Libertarian Communism #2 - by Red and Black - Center for Libertarian Studies - Editorial (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 02 09:35:34 GMT 2012

We are pleased to present a new issue of Libertarian Communism, published in collaboration
with colleagues in Chile and Argentina. As mentioned in the previous work, we aim to help
rebuild a center of libertarian class character and within the forces struggling to
overcome the miseries of capitalism. In this sense, Libertarian Communism is intended as a
forum for debate and theoretical development, being those instances we need to understand
the reality in which we seek to influence. -...

(en) Anarkismo.net: In Ireland Majority refuse to choose flavour of austerity in referendum - by Andrew - WSM
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Jun 02 08:17:18 GMT 2012

Huge boycott is something to build on ---- With votes still being counted in the
referendum in Ireland it has become clear that the largest block of potential voters
refused to take part in the fiscal compact referendum, rejecting the arguments that they
could either vote for 'stability' or against 'austerity'. Quite possibly more people chose
to boycott the referendum then the combined Yes and No voters. On top of this some 17% of
the population who live and pay tax in Ireland were ex...

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