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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 26 May 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(en) Anarkismo.net: Ireland, Carve up of Girdwood site in Belfast reflects the sectarian carve-up by Sean Matthews - Workers Solidarity Movement
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 26 15:35:07 GMT 2012

The sectarian row over the former Girdwood army barracks site in North Belfast is part of
a larger picture of sectarianism and segregation forming the bedrock of the status-quo,
with our local political class depending on it for their very political survival. -- In a
recent report, Trademark, the Belfast-based social justice co- operative affiliated to the
Irish Congress of Trade Unions, &quot;Sectarianism still remains a serious problem in Northern
Ireland.&quot; The group conducted a...

(gr) &#x391;&#x3C5;&#x3C4;&#x3CC;&#x3BD;&#x3BF;&#x3BC;&#x3BF; &#x39A;&#x3BF;&#x3B9;&#x3BD;&#x3C9;&#x3BD;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3CC; &#x399;&#x3B1;&#x3C4;&#x3C1;&#x3B5;&#x3AF;&#x3BF; &#x392;&#x3CC;&#x3BB;&#x3BF;&#x3C5;
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 26 11:31:35 GMT 2012

&#x39C;&#x3B5;&#x3C4;&#x3AC; &#x3B1;&#x3C0;&#x3CC; 2 &#x3BC;&#x3AE;&#x3BD;&#x3B5;&#x3C2; &#x3BB;&#x3B5;&#x3B9;&#x3C4;&#x3BF;&#x3C5;&#x3C1;&#x3B3;&#x3AF;&#x3B1;&#x3C2; &#x3BC;&#x3B9;&#x3B1; &#x3C3;&#x3C5;&#x3BD;&#x3AD;&#x3BB;&#x3B5;&#x3C5;&#x3C3;&#x3B7; &#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3BD; &#x3BF;&#x3C0;&#x3BF;&#x3AF;&#x3B1; &#x3C3;&#x3C5;&#x3BC;&#x3BC;&#x3B5;&#x3C4;&#x3AD;&#x3C7;&#x3BF;&#x3C5;&#x3BD; &#x3BA;&#x3C5;&#x3C1;&#x3AF;&#x3C9;&#x3C2;

(en) Spain, 3 texts of CGT de Murcia + CGT-MADRID (ca) - [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 26 08:14:52 GMT 2012

1. The CGT de Murcia considered a successful strike of Public Instruction on May 22. ---
The CGT of Murcia as a success the day Strike in Public Education in our region. Beyond
unemployment rates will provided by different organizations and over 70%, today it has
become clear and evident that the educational community in general emphatically rejects
degradation posed for Public Instruction implementing the cuts. --- In addition to the
high percentage of unemployment, from the CGT want ...

(cn) Spain, 3 texts of CGT de Murcia + CGT-MADRID (ca) - [machine translation]
a-infos-cn@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 26 08:07:16 GMT 2012

1. The CGT de Murcia considered a successful strike of Public Instruction on May 22. ---
The CGT of Murcia as a success the day Strike in Public Education in our region. Beyond
unemployment rates will provided by different organizations and over 70%, today it has
become clear and evident that the educational community in general emphatically rejects
degradation posed for Public Instruction implementing the cuts. --- In addition to the
high percentage of unemployment, from the CGT want ...

(en) Spain, CGT* de Murcia PRESS RELEASE - CALLS STRIKE IN PUBLIC EDUCATION (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 26 07:53:22 GMT 2012

Full Manifesto: Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 22 CGT de Murcia CALLS STRIKE IN PUBLIC EDUCATION.
We encourage the whole society Murcia to defend public education. At 11:00 am we will
participate in the expected concentration at the door of the Ministry of Education, and at
19:00 hours in the event which will start from the square Fuensanta. ---- We are
witnessing a long outrage in education policies that severely handicap the entire teaching
process. Different governments have developed laws,...

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