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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 22 May 2012 23:59:02 +0200 (CEST)

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(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation statement on the Informal Anarchist Federation and terrorist tactics
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 22 11:46:08 GMT 2012

A statement from the Anarchist Federation on recent actions by the Informal Anarchist
Federation in Italy and why the AF does not support terrorist tactics. ---- On the 11th of
May Roberto Adinolfi, CEO of an Italian state controlled nuclear engineering company, was
shot and wounded. A cell of the insurrectionist Informal Anarchist Federation have claimed
responsibility for the attack in a statement, saying that it was an act of vengeance for
deaths and environmental damage caused by t...

(tr) &#x130;stanbul: Bas&#x131;n Toplant&#x131;s&#x131;na Davet - Yery&#xFC;z&#xFC;ne &#xD6;zg&#xFC;rl&#xFC;k Derne&#x11F;i
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 22 07:51:50 GMT 2012

Yery&#xFC;z&#xFC;ne &#xD6;zg&#xFC;rl&#xFC;k Derne&#x11F;i, 1 May&#x131;s'taki olaylarla ilgili olarak 14<br>
May&#x131;s'ta g&#xF6;zalt&#x131;na al&#x131;nan ve 9'u tutuklanan ki&#x15F;ilere ili&#x15F;kin bir bas&#x131;n<br>
toplant&#x131;s&#x131; ger&#xE7;ekle&#x15F;tirece&#x11F;ini duyurdu. T&#xFC;m &#xFC;yelerinin serbest<br>
b&#x131;rak&#x131;ld&#x131;&#x11F;&#x131;n&#x131; a&#xE7;&#x131;klayan dernek a&#xE7;&#x131;klamas&#x131;nda &#x15F;u ifadeler yer ald&#x131;:<br>

(tr) &#x130;stanbul: Vicdani Ret Etkinlikleri Toplu Ret A&#xE7;&#x131;klamalar&#x131; ile Sonland&#x131;
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 22 07:09:58 GMT 2012

12-20 May&#x131;s Vicdani Ret Etkinlikleri Toplu Ret A&#xE7;&#x131;klamalar&#x131; ile Sonland&#x131;<br>
15 May&#x131;s Platformu'nun &quot;12-20 May&#x131;s Vicdani Ret Haftas&#x131;&quot; kapsam&#x131;nda<br>
d&#xFC;zenlenen etkinliklerin son g&#xFC;n&#xFC;nde &quot;Bar&#x131;&#x15F; i&#xE7;in s&#xF6;z&#xFC;m&#xFC;z var&quot; ba&#x15F;l&#x131;kl&#x131;<br>
panel d&#xFC;zenlendi. Panelin ard&#x131;ndan T&#xFC;nel'den Taksim Meydan&#x131;'na yap&#x131;lan<br>
y&#xFC;r&#xFC;y&#xFC;&#x15F; so...

(tr) Almanya, Berlin: &#x130;stanbul'daki Anar&#x15F;istlerle Dayan&#x131;&#x15F;ma Eylemi
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 22 07:09:51 GMT 2012

Ge&#xE7;ti&#x11F;imiz g&#xFC;nlerde Berlin'de bir grup, &#x130;stanbul'da g&#xF6;zalt&#x131; ve<br>
tutuklanma ter&#xF6;r&#xFC;ne maruz kalan anar&#x15F;istlerle dayan&#x131;&#x15F;mak i&#xE7;ineylem<br>
yapt&#x131;. Eylemde Kara mor ve kara k&#x131;z&#x131;l bayrak tutan anar&#x15F;istler,<br>
Almanca ve T&#xFC;rk&#xE7;e haz&#x131;rlad&#x131;klar&#x131; bildirilerinde &#x15F;&#xF6;yle kendilerin,<br>
ifade etti:<br>
&quot;&#x130;stanbul'da eylemcileri y&#x131;ld&#x131;rma operasyonu!<br>

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