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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 19 May 2012 23:59:02 +0200 (CEST)

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(nl) VS, Media, Occupy's bevrijding van het liberalisme
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 19 15:36:11 GMT 2012

De pers in de VS lijkt te hebben besloten dat de Occupy beweging niet langer een verhaal
is. Ongeacht wat we doen. In New York, op de Dag van de Arbeid, liepen tussen de 50.000 en
100.000 mensen door de straten - we weten het precieze aantal niet omdat de meeste kranten
helemaal geen verslag deden van de gebeurtenis, en daarom geen schatting maakten. In
Californie waren er blokkades en stakingen. In Seattle liet een groep activisten de
beroemde Zwarte Blok acties van november 1999 herl...

(en) Spain, CGT, CNT, and OS conference call for mobilization from May 29 to June 15 (ca, ct) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 19 15:31:57 GMT 2012

To continue fighting for our rights, call several days of demonstrations, which begin on
29 May and extended until 15 June. ---- This May marks one year of a popular movement that
reached out to the streets in outrage everyone in multiple places on the planet, from
&quot;Arab Spring&quot; through the door of the sun and reaching the Occupy Wall Street. The
explosion of popular indignation, 15 May 2011 has carried on various Boards of Towns and
Neighborhoods, Working Groups and a networ...

(en) Ireland, 7th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair 2012 - May 26th Liberty Hall - Update
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 19 15:13:50 GMT 2012

The 7th Anarchist Bookfair will take place in Dublin the weekend of 26th May 2012 at
Liberty Hall, Eden Quay. We have a full schedule of meetings planned and a varied range of
book stalls from a host of anarchist and radical publishers and organisations. Doors open
at 10am and the first meetings start at 11:30 so forgo the weekend lie-in, grab a coffee
and come on down! ---- Eyewitness Afghanistan - the current political situation in
Afghanistan as told through interviews conducted wit...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Mexico, Call to the National Anti-capitalist Autonomous Resistance
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 19 12:03:06 GMT 2012

Facing the situation of political breakdown, economic and social crisis the country, which
witnessed an intense and accelerated dispossession of land, territory and natural
resources, address the growing precariousness of employment and the rights of workers, the
growing exclusion of education systems, to marginalization and the dominant culture that
teaches to want economic wealth at all costs to the electoral context and the emergency
situation caused by the political-strategic playe...

(de) Bochum: 2. Libert&#xE4;re Medienmesse - 24.-26.08.2012 Bahnhof Langendreer
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 19 08:30:14 GMT 2012

Liebe Verlage, Medienprojekte, Kollektive und interessierte BeobachterInnen, wir freuen
uns euch mitteilen zu k&#xF6;nnen, dass die libert&#xE4;re Medienmesse im Jahr 2012 wieder
stattfinden wird. 2010 konnten wir durch eure Unterst&#xFC;tzung drei Tage mit Messe,
Projektvorstellungen, Lesungen, Kultur, Veranstaltungen, Infos, Leute treffen und Pl&#xE4;ne
schmieden f&#xFC;llen f&#xFC;r eine Welt jenseits von Krise und Ausbeutung. ---- Die Vorbereitungen
f&#xFC;r die 2. Libert&#xE4;re M...

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