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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Wed, 16 May 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(ca) [Madrid] Crónica e imágenes de la manifestación del 1º de Mayo
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed May 16 20:46:57 GMT 2012

La manifestaci&#xF3;n, convocada por CNT-AIT, discurri&#xF3; con el lema &quot;1&#xBA; de<br>
Mayo Anarcosindicalista: hoy como ayer, seguimos en la calle&quot; Un a&#xF1;o<br>
m&#xE1;s, unos 1200 trabajadores/as y estudiantes, sin liberados ni<br>
partidos pol&#xED;ticos, se manifestaron por el barrio obrero de Cuatro<br>
Caminos, convocados/as por CNT-AIT Madrid, para conmemorar el<br>
asesinato legal de obreros anarquistas en Chicago, y contra el estado<br>
y el capital que les asesin&#...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Turkish police forces arrest 60 anarchists in night raids
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed May 16 14:09:41 GMT 2012

Wave of repression hits anarchists in Turkey following May Day demonstrations.--Yesterday
night turkish state organized a night raid to various houses and anarchist social centres
in a night raid in Istanbul. 60 people were arrested. It is yet uncertain if some of those
people are anarchist or just related/friends of some anarchists. ---- The apparent
&quot;reason&quot; shown for the raids are the actions of the insurrectionary/primitivist
anarchists' stone throwing on the 1st of May a...

(en) US, Ideas and Action* - Free Julio!
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed May 16 13:30:20 GMT 2012

Julio Rodriguez, a stalwart comrade of ours from Los Angeles, has been held in prison
since Saturday under threat of immediate deportation. We will not let another one of our
brothers be kidnapped from us by the racist state! ---- Julio is an anarchist youth
organizer with the Youth Justice Coalition and RiseUp LA, radical groups that run out of
Chuco&#x2019;s Justice Center in Inglewood, CA. He is a student at Free LA High School at Chuco&#x2019;s
where he is studying to get his GED. ...

(tr) Anar&#x15F;istlerin adliyeye &#xE7;&#x131;kar&#x131;lmas&#x131; bekleniyor
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed May 16 13:08:14 GMT 2012

Anar&#x15F;istlerin adliyeye &#xE7;&#x131;kar&#x131;lmas&#x131; bekleniyor<br>
1 May&#x131;s'ta &#x15E;i&#x15F;li'de i&#x15F;yerleri ve bankalar&#x131;n camlar&#x131;n&#x131; k&#x131;rd&#x131;klar&#x131;<br>
gerek&#xE7;esiyle 14 May&#x131;s'ta g&#xF6;zalt&#x131;na al&#x131;nan anar&#x15F;istlerin, Emniyetteki<br>
ifade i&#x15F;lemleri ba&#x15F;lad&#x131;. Gen&#xE7;lerin, adliyeye &#xE7;&#x131;kar&#x131;lmas&#x131; bekleniyor.<br>
Etkin Haber Ajans&#x131; / 16 May&#x131;s 2012 &#xC7;ar&#x15F;...

(en) Britain, Glasgow, AFed and friends monthly public organising meeting
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed May 16 12:55:01 GMT 2012

We&#x2019;re now having monthly meetings in publically announcable venues, and meeting up between
times usually in people&#x2019;s flats to save money. ---- Today is May&#x2019;s public meeting. We&#x2019;ve
got a room at glasgow university in the adam Smith building, which is at the end of bute
gardens, at the top of the university avenue hill. ---- Room 1104, Adam Smith Building,
6.30-9pm, 15/5/12. ---- There&#x2019;s a lot coming up to plan for such as next steps for the
solidarity ...

(en) Ireland, Workers Solidarity* #127 - The Household Tax: Where to Now
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed May 16 11:50:54 GMT 2012

The Campaign Against Household and Water Charges (CAHWT) has been hugely successful so far
in several ways: in encouraging mass non-payment; in making the taxes a big political
issue, even in the mainstream media; in getting tens of thousands of people involved in
protests and public meetings. ---- However, significant areas of the country e.g.: the
Beara peninsula, Mayo, parts of Cork and Dublin cities etc have not become organised or
active. Getting those areas to organise is a major...

(en) Britain, St Imier meeting in London
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed May 16 09:08:33 GMT 2012

Saturday May 19th 3pm at Lucas Arms, Gray&#x2019;s Inn Road, London, Nearest tube King&#x2019;s Cross.
Anti-authoritarianism Today and Yesterday: On the 140th Anniversary of the Founding of the
Anti-Authoritarian International in St Imier Switzerland. This year marks the 140th
anniversary of the founding of the Anti-Authoritarian International. Following moves by
Marx and his followers to expel two leading anarchists, Mikhail Bakunin and James
Guillaume, from the First International, t...

(tr) G&#xF6;zalt&#x131;ndakilerin durumuna dair avukatlar&#x131;n&#x131;n a&#xE7;&#x131;klamas&#x131;
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed May 16 06:16:13 GMT 2012

14 May&#x131;s Pazartesi g&#xFC;n&#xFC; sabaha kar&#x15F;&#x131; g&#xF6;zalt&#x131;na al&#x131;nan 58 ki&#x15F;inin<br>
serbest b&#x131;rak&#x131;lmas&#x131; i&#xE7;in, DAF'&#x131;n &#xE7;a&#x11F;r&#x131;s&#x131;, &#xE7;e&#x15F;itli anti-otoriter ve sol<br>
&#xF6;rg&#xFC;tlerin deste&#x11F;iyle Taksim Tramvay Dura&#x11F;&#x131;'nda bir bas&#x131;n a&#xE7;&#x131;klamas&#x131;<br>
ger&#xE7;ekle&#x15F;tirildi. D&#xFC;n ak&#x15F;am [15.05.2012] ger&#xE7;ekle&#x15F;tirilen bas&#x131;n<br>

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