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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 15 May 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(tr) İstanbul: Anarşistlere Yönelik Operasyonlara Karşı Basın Açıklaması
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 15 19:50:55 GMT 2012

Anar&#x15F;istlere Y&#xF6;nelik Operasyonlara Kar&#x15F;&#x131; Bas&#x131;n A&#xE7;&#x131;klamas&#x131; - 15 May&#x131;s 2012<br>
14 May&#x131;s 2012 tarihinde &quot;1 May&#x131;s operasyonu&quot; ad&#x131; alt&#x131;nda anar&#x15F;istlere<br>
y&#xF6;nelik yap&#x131;lan operasyonlara kar&#x15F;&#x131; bir bas&#x131;n a&#xE7;&#x131;klamas&#x131;<br>
14 May&#x131;s Pazartesi g&#xFC;n&#xFC; sabah 05.00 sular&#x131;nda Kad&#x131;k&#xF6;y Payla&#x15F;ma ve<br>

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire of may - The fascist Campaigns in the cultural (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 15 13:54:08 GMT 2012

March 24 at Vernouillet (Yvelines), local activists of AL and Other Revolutionary and
progressive organizations (NPA, Attac, Left Front, ... EELV) faced in concert-organizing a
fascist. --- Cynically, behind the music label &quot;Working Class Heroes&quot; hides Serge Ayoub
and His small group Third Way. As Demonstrated FA watch the site, the scrambling operation
Conducted by the Ideological far right continuous. Under cover of a speech &quot;socialist&quot; for
&quot;workers&quot; (Fr...

(tr) Anar&#x15F;istlere Y&#xF6;nelik Operasyonlara Kar&#x15F;&#x131; Bas&#x131;n A&#xE7;&#x131;klamas&#x131;na &#xC7;a&#x11F;r&#x131;
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 15 10:53:49 GMT 2012

Bas&#x131;na ve kamuoyuna,<br>
14 May&#x131;s 2012 tarihinde &quot;1 May&#x131;s operasyonu&quot; ad&#x131; alt&#x131;nda anar&#x15F;istlere<br>
y&#xF6;nelik operasyon ve g&#xF6;zalt&#x131;lar yap&#x131;lm&#x131;&#x15F;t&#x131;r. Bu g&#xF6;zalt&#x131; ve<br>
operasyonlar; &#xF6;zg&#xFC;rl&#xFC;k, adalet ve ya&#x15F;am m&#xFC;cadelesi verenlere y&#xF6;nelik<br>
devlet ter&#xF6;r&#xFC;n&#xFC;n somut bir g&#xF6;stergesidir. Bizler ya&#x15F;am&#x131; savunan<br>
anar&#x15F;istler olarak, m&#xFC...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Mayotte: When freedom and humanity are shipwrecked ... by Thibaut Lemi&#xE8;re (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 15 09:39:43 GMT 2012

&quot;I commute between Anjouan [Island of the Comoros archipelago] and Mayotte since 2003. I
have my family there [Mayotte] and it is there that I built my life. Each time I repeated
and each time I return. This means that it is not my last voyage!&quot;. ---- So said Fayad
Halidi, one of the survivors of the sinking of a boat of migrants, January 16 on the
northern coast of Mayotte [1]. A tragedy that has claimed more than twelve people dead or
missing including an infant. Twelve day...

(en) WSM*.ie: Strikes across Northern Ireland this Thursday as part of UK day of action
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 15 09:23:37 GMT 2012

Tens of thousands of public workers from the North are expected to take part in the UK
wide industrial action this Thursday in protest over cuts to pension and attacks on living
standards. In the North, civil servants are expected to join immigration officers in the
day of action while healthcare workers are taking limited action over lunchtime, involving
Nipsa and Unite! members. While this latest strike action is sending out a message that we
won&#x2019;t work longer, pay more into t...

(en) Ireland, Workers Solidarity* #127 - Dublin Anarchist Bookfair Returns for 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 15 07:36:04 GMT 2012

This May sees the return of the annual Anarchist Bookfair to Dublin, the seventh to be
held to date. Since the first, back in 2006, the event has grown hugely in scale, against
the background of the bursting of the Celtic Tiger bubble, the IMF/EU bailout and the
catastrophic effect of austerity on Irish society. The Bookfair consists of a day of
meetings, debates and discussions and will also host bookstalls and information stands
from a large number of political organisations and camp...

(de) Sa, 19.05.12: Anarchismus und Marxismus
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 15 07:27:06 GMT 2012

Liebe FreundInnen und GenossInnen ---- Ihr seid herzlich an unsere Veranstaltung zum Thema
&quot;Anarchismus und Marxismus&quot; am Sa, 19.05.12 eingeladen, den wir gemeinsam mit der FAU
D&#xFC;sseldorf durchf&#xFC;hren. Weitere Infos findet ihr untenstehend. ---- Wir freuen uns &#xFC;ber
eure Teilnahme und Mitdiskussion! -- Solidarische Gr&#xFC;sse, Karak&#xF6;k Autonome Zureich,
19.05.12 (Samstag): ---- Anarchismus und Marxismus - Vortrag &amp; anschlie&#xDF;ende Diskussion --
Der An...

(en) Russia, Occupy Abai - day 8. One day in the life of protest camp against inauguration of Putin in Moscow
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 15 07:02:29 GMT 2012

One day in the life of protest camp against inauguration of Putin in Moscow - 14th of May
For photos, check original at <a rel="nofollow" href="http://avtonom.org/node/17655";>http://avtonom.org/node/17655</a> ---- Before evening Anarchist
singer-songwriter &quot;comrade Arkadi&quot; made a concert. Later, a freemarket was opened, where
everyone could leave their goods and gather what was left by other people. Tomorrow 15th
of May, there will be a lecture on free non-capitalist economy i...

(ca) Uruguay: Compa&#xF1;ero anarquista preso por enfrentamientos con carneros el 1 de Mayo.
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue May 15 07:02:13 GMT 2012

Uruguay: Compa&#xC3;ero anarquista preso por enfrentamientos con carneros<br>
el 1&#xCB; de Mayo.<br>
En la madrugada del mi&#xC3;rcoles 8 de Mayo hab&#xC3;an sido detenidos dos<br>
compa&#xC3;eros, uno de ellos en su lugar de trabajo y el otro en su casa.<br>
Fueron trasladados al Departamento de Operaciones Especiales y en la<br>
ma&#xC3;ana del Jueves 9 hasta el Juzgado, donde declararon.<br>
-- Uno de ellos qued&#xC3; libre, mientras que el compa&#xC3;ero David fue<br>
procesado con ...

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