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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Mon, 14 May 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(ca) II Festival de Cine Anarquista de Barcelona
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon May 14 10:56:49 GMT 2012

En esta semana tendr&#xE1; lugar la segunda edici&#xF3;n del Festival de Cine<br>
Anarquista de Barcelona. Varias individualidades libertarias de la<br>
ciudad decidieron el a&#xF1;o pasado llevar a cabo un primer festival de<br>
cine... &quot;anarquista&quot;. Lo m&#xE1;s dif&#xED;cil del caso es decidir qu&#xE9; es el<br>
cine anarquista. Podr&#xED;a ser una forma de hacer cine autogestionaria o<br>
contracultural, o podr&#xED;a ser una tem&#xE1;tica concreta sobre sucesos que<br>

(ca) Feria del Libro Anarquista en Bilbao
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon May 14 10:53:33 GMT 2012

El pr&#xF3;ximo fin de semana la Plaza Unamuno de Bilbao volver&#xE1; a acoger<br>
una nueva edici&#xF3;n de la Feria del Libro Anarquista, organizada por el<br>
sindicato CNT. Los stands estar&#xE1;n abiertos el d&#xED;a s&#xE1;bado 19 entre las<br>
11.00 y las 20.00 y el domingo 20 entre las 11.00 y las 15.00.<br>
-- Seg&#xFA;n ha destacado la organizaci&#xF3;n anarcosindicalista, &#x201C;se tratar&#xE1;<br>
de una muy buena ocasi&#xF3;n para conocer de primera mano las distintas<br>

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire of may - Notre-Dame-des-Landes Wrestling is ready for takeoff (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon May 14 08:44:30 GMT 2012

The ongoing fight against the deadly project of the airport of Notre Dame des Landes. The
demonstration on March 24 was attended by about 10,000 protesters and a hunger strike for
farmers to start in the center of Nantes. ---- Nantes was marked on March 24 by a strong
mobilization against the proposed airport of the future risk of damaging 2,000 hectares of
farmland in the grove of Loire-Atlantique. With the presence of nearly 10,000 opponents
and opponents, and more than 250 tractors,...

(en) Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle interwoven with the Palestinian hunger strike prisoners
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon May 14 08:39:26 GMT 2012

All over the West Bank thousands of people took to the streets in support of the hunger
striking prisoners. The third intifada collected momentum. It started with hunger strike
of administrative prisoners held without trail, with solidarity demos, and joined by 1500
Palestinian prisoners - both in solidarity with the administrative ones and in demand for
improving condition of the incarcerated. There were demos and vigils of solidarity daily -
both in the occupied territories and withi...

(en) Turkey, Istanbul: 60 people under arrest related with Mayday protests
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon May 14 07:43:21 GMT 2012

Today, early in the morning at about 05:00, cops raided the houses of anarchists from
Revolutionary Anarchist Action, Collective 26A's cafe in Taksim, and the center of Kadikoy
Sharing and Solidarity Association in Kadikoy arresting about 60 people. According to the
mainstream media, the operation is said to be against those who smashed the windows of
corporations in Mayday protests. Those who are under arrest were taken to Istanbul Police
Center in Vatan Street. ---- More details will...

(tr) &#x130;stanbul: Devrimci Anar&#x15F;ist Faaliyet'e Polis Bask&#x131;n&#x131;
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon May 14 06:52:33 GMT 2012

Devrimci Anar&#x15F;ist Faaliyet'e Polis Bask&#x131;n&#x131; - 14 May&#x131;s 2012<br>
Bug&#xFC;n (14 May&#x131;s 2012 Pazartesi), saat 05:00 sular&#x131;nda Kad&#x131;k&#xF6;y Payla&#x15F;ma<br>
ve Dayan&#x131;&#x15F;ma Derne&#x11F;i'ne, 26A Kolektifi'nin Taksim'deki kafesine ve<br>
bir&#xE7;ok Devrimci Anar&#x15F;ist Faaliyet'linin, Payla&#x15F;ma ve Dayan&#x131;&#x15F;ma Derne&#x11F;i<br>
&#xFC;yesinin ve Kolektif 26A g&#xF6;n&#xFC;ll&#xFC;s&#xFC;n&#xFC;n evlerine e&#x15F; zamanl&#x131; ...

(tr) [Medya] Polisten 1 May&#x131;s operasyonu
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon May 14 06:11:05 GMT 2012

Polisten 1 May&#x131;s operasyonu: 60 g&#xF6;zalt&#x131;<br>
14 May&#x131;s 2012 08:32<br>
&#x130;stanbul'da yap&#x131;lan 1 May&#x131;s kutlamalar&#x131; s&#x131;ras&#x131;nda olay &#xE7;&#x131;kartan ve<br>
baz&#x131; banka &#x15F;ubeleri ile i&#x15F; yerilerine zarar veren gruplara y&#xF6;nelik<br>
operasyonda yakla&#x15F;&#x131;k 60 ki&#x15F;i g&#xF6;zalt&#x131;na al&#x131;nd&#x131;.<br>
&#x130;stanbul Emniyet M&#xFC;d&#xFC;rl&#xFC;&#x11F;&#xFC;'ne ba&#x11F;l&#x131; &#xE7;ok say&#x131;d...

(en) Ireland, Workers Solidarity* #127 - Unlock NAMA Unveiled
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon May 14 05:25:35 GMT 2012

Unlock NAMA (UN) hit the headlines in January after occupying a NAMA building in Great
Strand Street, Dublin 1. The aim of the occupation was to open a NAMA building to the
public for a day and hold a series of talks on the subject. The group, along with around
sixty supporters, were eventually evicted by the Garda&#xED; after the intervention of the
receiver but that was only the beginning of the campaign. ---- Since January the group has
been busy planning its next moves and working ...

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