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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 6 May 2012 23:59:02 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Britain, Liverpool anarchist’s day of action against workfare 5th May 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun May 06 11:12:41 GMT 2012

A brief report on a day of action against workfare in Liverpool. ---- Today, many
non-aligned anarchists joined with members of Solfed in a day of action in Liverpool
against companies that participate in the governments workfare programme. ---- As we
walked down the main shopping street we noticed that several shops had security guards
posted on the front doors, using their radios to alert other stores of our presence.
Throughout the action we observed several 'plain clothed' security...

(en) France, Le Monde Libertaire Periodical #44 19 April to 19 June 2012 (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun May 06 10:49:31 GMT 2012

Content ---- Social work: an overview, by S. Lecomte, page 3 ---- Russia homophobic, P.
Schindler, page 6 ---- Rights of psychiatric patients by Romain on page 8 ---- Case ----
Education and class struggle, by H. Lenoir, page 11 -- File: democracy and abstention(s)
Anarchists and forbearance, by R. Pino, page 14 ---- Abstention moderate?, R. Continued on
page 19 -- I vote, so you have, by J.-P. Garnier, page 21 ---- Democracy in Zapatista
land, by G. Drop, page 25 --- Maintenance -- Th...

(ca) Libro sobre (A) en Cuba hoy
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun May 06 10:15:37 GMT 2012

El viernes 25 de mayo de 2012, en la Maison de L'Am&#xE9;rique Latine en<br>
Par&#xED;s, ser&#xE1; la presentaci&#xF3;n p&#xFA;blica del libro _Cuba: R&#xE9;volution dans<br>
la r&#xE9;volution_, una compilaci&#xF3;n en franc&#xE9;s de textos originalmente<br>
escritos en espa&#xF1;ol por exponentes de la izquierda heterodoxa y<br>
libertaria que hoy insurge en la panorama social cubano. La edici&#xF3;n ha<br>
sido posible gracias al respaldo solidario de la Association Terre et<br>

(en) France, Le Monde Libertaire #1670 26 April to 2 May 2012+ Editorial (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun May 06 07:13:54 GMT 2012

&quot;When a poor person enters the voting booth, it reminds me of a crocodile entering a
leather goods shop. &quot;- Coluche ---- Contents ---- Topicality ---- The blues of the social
movement, by J.-P. Levaray, page 3 ---- Operated, without pay, arrested by Tsinapah, page
4 ---- Tribunal in the viewfinder, by JMarc, page 4 ---- Chronic nephritis, by Rodkol,
page 5 ---- Weather union, T. Impetuous, page 6 --- Police against freedom of expression,
by FA 86, page 7 ---- Victory for the...

(en) Venezuela, Bulletin &quot;Via libertarian communism&quot; - by Revolutionary Anarchist Federation of Venezuela - Lara (FARV) (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun May 06 06:58:56 GMT 2012

Long live the revolutionary May Day! ---- The Congress of the Socialist International met
in Geneva in 1866 to start the fight for the 8 hours. ---- The first agreement that met
the U.S. unions were in Chicago at that time were all anarchist affiliation. So they
decided to make the first strike on May Day 1886 for the implementation of the 8 hours.
They said the man also needs time for other things. 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, 8
hours for the home and children. The strike was to...

(en) Mayday in Yerevan, Armenia
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun May 06 05:11:27 GMT 2012

With a short delay we publish a short report or a mayday action in Yerevan. This was first
action of a new organisation with a temporary name &quot;Left alternative&quot;. A march through
central streets of Yerevan began on from the center of capitalism in the city - Northern
Street. ---- Northern street, packed with fashinable stores and high class restaurants and
cafes, was woken up with drumming and shouts &quot;No to capitalism!&quot;, &quot;Down with the
capitalist system!&quot;,...

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