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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours
Sat, 5 May 2012 23:59:02 +0200 (CEST)
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(en) Anarkismo.net: May Day in light of the current political situation in Poland by Akai
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 05 17:58:49 GMT 2012
Compared to many places in Europe, the socio-political situation in Poland is quite tragic
with nearly complete right-wing ideological hegemony and attacks on workers' rights and
access to public services which go years beyond the reforms just being introduced in the
rest of Euope. With little social response to it. As part of one of the few organized
pockets of resistance, I try to focus and try to go forward, yet taking a sober look
around, the forces that are gaining as the crisis w...
(en) Anarkismo.net: Chile: Provide for a balance and projections of the 2012 mobilization by Libertarian Students Front - FEL (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 05 17:51:32 GMT 2012
Contribution to the formulation of the national student movement projections prepared by
the Libertarian Students Front (FEL) at the University of Chile. ---- Contribution for
balance and mobilization projections 2012 ---- I. - General overview of the student
demonstrations: ---- 1) Lack of political leadership and the definition of medium-term
strategies of the government: This is expesado the government opted to drive the reform
process in the portfolio of Minister Lavin, could not r...
(de) Anarchistische Buchmesse in St.Imier 2012 (en, fr)
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 05 14:11:35 GMT 2012
2010 fand zum ersten Mal in der zweisprachigen Stadt Biel/Bienne eine anarchistische
Buchmesse statt. Mit gut 500 BesucherInnen, mehr als zwei Dutzend AusstellerInnen und
einer kleinen, aber feinen Auswahl an Vorträgen zur Theorie und Praxis des Anarchismus war
die Veranstaltung ein durchschlagender Erfolg. Deshalb wurde auch 2011 in dieser Stadt
wieder eine Buchmesse veranstaltet. Diesen Sommer findet in der Nähe von Biel/Bienne im
grünen Bernerjura in St. Imier ein ana...
(en) Switzerland Anarchist Bookfair in St-Imier 2012 (de, fr)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 05 14:07:28 GMT 2012
In 2010, the first anarchist bookfair in the bilingual city of Biel/Bienne took place.
With over 500 visitors, more than two dozen exhibitors, and a small, but excellent
selection of lectures on the theory and practice of anarchism, the event was a resounding
success. ---- Therefore, another bookfair was held in the city in 2011. This summer, an
anarchist gathering is taking place near Biel/Bienne in St. Imier, Switzerland, so it was
obvious for the organizers of the bookfair that the ...
(en) Venezuela: El Libertario, Thank Mi-Commander-President (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 05 13:51:27 GMT 2012
Anarchists disagree among us in many ways. ---- Certainly this is the foundation that
holds us together, separated, together to discuss problems, separated into multiple
solutions that each of us gives and defends with passion in the within their group to find
the best. But certainly in this diversity is central points where basically matches and
one of them is our opposition to it. - Beginning at the beginning, the State does not come
naturally between humans but is one form that has ...
(en) Germany, Bochum, anti-authoritarian book fair 24 to 26 August 2012 (de) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 05 13:29:11 GMT 2012
It's that time again. In one of the largest European metropolitan areas with more than
eight million people, are of 24 to 26 August 2012 libertarian publishers, magazines,
radio, video and Internet projects to present their program. Three days exhibition,
project presentations, readings, culture, events, dates, meeting people and making plans
for a world beyond the crisis and exploitation. For all of this is already provided the
first Libertarian media show for the German-speaking coun...
(de) Libertäre Medienmesse Raum vom 24. bis 26. August 2012 (en)
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 05 13:28:03 GMT 2012
Es ist wieder soweit. In einem der größten europäischen Ballungsgebiete mit mehr als acht
Millionen Menschen, werden vom 24. bis 26. August 2012 libertäre Verlage, Zeitschriften,
Radio-, Video- und Internetprojekte ihr Programm vorstellen. Drei Tage Messe,
Projektvorstellungen, Lesungen, Kultur, Veranstaltungen, Infos, Leute treffen und Pläne
schmieden für eine Welt jenseits von Krise und Ausbeutung. Für all das bot bereits die 1.
Libertäre Medie...
(gr) Ενάντια στα ψευτοδιλήμματα των εκλογών
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 05 09:55:55 GMT 2012
Μετά από αυτό που συντελείται από την εξουσία τα τελευταία 2 και βάλε
χρόνια, "επιτέλ...
(en) Slovenia, Pekarna, MARIBOR, ANARH Days of autonomous politics and culture ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR AND FESTIVAL 25 – 26 May 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat May 05 05:59:58 GMT 2012
An open call for participation to anarchist groups/organizations and individuals,
anarchist publishers and distributions ---- Federation for anarchist organizing (FAO), an
anarchist federation in Slovenia, is organizing Anarh, anarchist book-fair and festival
for the second year in the row. Following the idea of decentralization this year’s event
will take place in Maribor, the second largest city in Slovenia, at Pekarna magdalenske
mreže (Ob železnici 8), during 25 ...
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