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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 28 Apr 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Frace, REFLEXes # 87 April 2012 + history of REFLEXes [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 28 18:50:43 GMT 2012

&quot;From Damascus to Paris ... From &#xD7; friendship, money and emmerdes&quot; + items &amp; Lil'amiti&#xC3;
Toulouse, money and emmerdes &quot;+ items &amp; Toulouse Limoges ---- A new article published on
the website under &quot;News France&quot; From Damascus to Paris ** ... Of friendship, money and
emmerdes ** Saturday, April 21, 2012 In a previous article, we asked whether friendships
Syrian Fr&#xC3;d&#xC3;ric Chatillon would remain anecdotal or well become a problem for Marine L...

(en) Santiago, Chile: Labour forum in the Academy. Event on the occasion of May Day [ca]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 28 18:23:42 GMT 2012

The event will take place in the Salvador Allende Auditorium at the Universidad Academia
de Humanismo Cristiano (Condell 343, Providencia, between Baquedano and Salvador metro),
on 2 May next at 4.00pm. ---- As part of a new commemoration of May Day, the day of the
worker, the FEL akademia in conjunction with &quot;La Batalla de los Trabajadores&quot; are pleased
to announce this forum, which will be seeking to set out and highlight the latest issues
and forms of mobilization that affe...

(en) Britain, February issue of Freedom* - US SCHOOLS BAN BOOKS
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 28 18:17:00 GMT 2012

Tucson school authorities list books that can&#x2019;t be taught or read in schools ---- It&#x2019;s
getting harder and harder to resist the temptation to see the United States as heading for
true fascism and totalitarianism. If not across the board, then noticeably in geographical
pockets and specific areas of legislation. ---- Locally, in mid-January the Tucson
(Arizona) School District (the equivalent of the LEA) released a list of books which are
now banned from the school system. ...

(en) Euro 2012, which Poland is hosting together,with Ukraine.
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 28 18:15:38 GMT 2012

Over the past couple of years, more and more social and political organizations and
grassroots initiatives in Warsaw have been fighting against the city's social spending
policies. We have seen movements and protests against public housing policy, the closure
of schools, the privatization of school cafeterias and huge fee increases in nursery
schools. (The latter have been cancelled due a judgment in favor of parents who launched a
legal challenge against that decision.) All of these i...

(ca) 1&#xBA; de Mayo; ayer conseguimos la jornada de 8 horas, luchemos hoy por la jornada de 6 horas
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 28 16:02:02 GMT 2012

Reparto del trabajo, reparto de la riqueza 30 HORAS semanales sin<br>
reducci&#xF3;n salarial -- Desde CNT llevamos m&#xE1;s de 20 a&#xF1;os mostrando como<br>
&#xFA;nica medida efectiva para acabar con el problema del paro la<br>
reducci&#xF3;n de la jornada laboral sin reducci&#xF3;n salarial, siendo<br>
tachados de locos, ilusos y demagogos, pero, &#xBF;de qu&#xE9; han servido todas<br>
las reformas habidas?, &#xBF;qu&#xE9; papel han jugado los sindicatos de<br>
estado?, el &#xFA;nico f...

(ca) [Chile] 1&#xBA; de Mayo de 1899: Los anarquistas y el origen del &#x201C;d&#xED;a del trabajador
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 28 07:17:31 GMT 2012

&#x201C;El primero de Mayo dej&#xF3; de ser, al menos aqu&#xED; en Chile, un d&#xED;a de<br>
protesta por los M&#xE1;rtires de Chicago&#x2026; Desde que el gobierno de este<br>
pa&#xED;s a ra&#xED;z y posteriormente a las mal llamadas revoluciones militares<br>
de Septiembre y Enero (1924-1925), decret&#xF3; feriado legal el primero de<br>
Mayo, &#xE9;ste perdi&#xF3; en mucho su poder emotivo y revolucionario; y,<br>
sobretodo, ese car&#xE1;cter anti-estatal de resistencia que adquir&#xED;a...

(ca) 1&#xBA; de mayo: un paso m&#xE1;s en la lucha contra los recortes
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 28 07:09:18 GMT 2012

Un a&#xF1;o m&#xE1;s se acerca el primero de mayo, y un a&#xF1;o m&#xE1;s (como viene<br>
siendo habitual en los &#xFA;ltimos tiempos), llegamos a esa fecha de tanto<br>
valor para los trabajadores/as sumidos en una ola de recortes contra<br>
los m&#xE1;s desfavorecidos/as con la crisis como excusa. Sin embargo, para<br>
la CNT este primero de mayo de 2012 debe tener un punto diferente de<br>
los &#xFA;ltimos: es cierto, como dec&#xED;amos, que los recortes vienen de a&#xF1;os<br>

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