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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 22 Apr 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Anarkismo.net: "The Basque people's movement is the largest opposition movement in Europe" by Manu Garcia (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Apr 22 18:01:07 GMT 2012

In recent months there have been headlines for the Basque Country in the corporate media
around the world. However, they and the big news agencies which have tended to feed convey
a very partial and limited, subservient to capitalist interests at stake, concealing or
distorting crucial to understand this reality. ---- It is because of this gap and strong
interest and need for true and updated information existing in the Latin American left we
decided to offer readers Anarkismo.net basi...

(en) France, Classes in struggle #130 (April 2012) (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Apr 22 15:58:55 GMT 2012

Contents ----* The scam of the &quot;reserve election&quot; ----* Refuse the merit award in the
LIGHTNING ----* Do other school No. 31 ---- The number is available for download on the
site of the CNT-FTE and enlarge to A3 ---- Display Please distribute as widely as it
deserves. ---- Download the 130 number-in-class struggle: ----
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.cnt-f.org/fte/?Telecharger-CEL-130";>http://www.cnt-f.org/fte/?Telecharger-CEL-130</a> --- Stay tuned for new info! --- Warri...

(en) Poland, Warsaw, ZSP* Solidarity with the Workers of Huta Batory! Action at Alchemia Shareholders Meeting
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Apr 22 15:42:12 GMT 2012

On April 13, Alchemia company, which last week fired striking workers from Huta Batory
ironworks in Chorzow, held an extraordinary shareholders meeting at its headquarters in
Warsaw. ZSP went to protest the firing of the workers, the use of temp agencies to replace
permanent jobs in the ironworks and Alchemia's plans to do this in other workplaces and to
protest Alchemia's plans to liquidate the ironworks. ---- The workers in Huta Batory
started a wildcat strike on April 2, which the o...

(en) US, WSA* Ideas &amp; Action - Zanon: Demands Enforcement + Happy Expropriated Birthday
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Apr 22 15:41:25 GMT 2012

The following two short pieces appeared last fall to commemorate the Zanon ceramics
factory&#x2019;s 10 years of operation under worker control. Zanon&#x2019;s status as one of the iconic
international symbols of the Argentinian workers&#x2019; self-management movement makes these
posts of interest to global English speaking audiences. We are therefore pleased to
republish the updates here with the permission of Lavaca. ---- Zanon Demands Enforcement
of the Law ---- Source: Lavaca (Arg...

(en) Britain, March issue of Freedom* - THE BATTLE OF SALTLEY GATE
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Apr 22 15:39:56 GMT 2012

On one cold February morning in 1972, as planned, they marched down to the big iron gates
of the Saltley Coke Depot in the centre of Birmingham. They began arriving early that
morning thousands upon thousands of them, stretched down the main road as far as the eye
could see, and they didn&#x2019;t stop coming, hundred strong contingents from all sides making
their way down to the entrance with union banners and placards, chanting, singing and
readying themselves for the job ahead. ----...

(en) Russia, Food Not Bombs Spotlight Interview: Moscow Anarchist Black Cross
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Apr 22 07:47:58 GMT 2012

How long has Moscow ABC been in operation, and what does it do? ---- There were previous
anti-repression groups, but first incarnation under label of ABC-Moscow was set up in 2003
as a coordinating organ between existing groups, but around 2005 it had degraded to state
of mere internet project. Around 2007, group was reorganised as an autonomous entity, and
has been around ever since. ---- Most of our activity is spreading information and
solidarity calls, and raising channeling funds ...

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