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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 21 Apr 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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(en) Poland, Warsaw, ZSP* Solidarity with Antti
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 21 20:21:22 GMT 2012

On April 20 we made a solidarity action against political repression in the form of the
threatened deportation of Antti R. (More info about the case:
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://themoscownews.com/russia/20120404/189590201.html";>http://themoscownews.com/russia/20120404/189590201.html</a> or
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://hro.rightsinrussia.info/archive/refugees-idps/antti-rautiainen/picket";>http://hro.rightsinrussia.info/archive/refugees-idps/antti-rautiainen/picket</a>) We visited

(nl) Anarkismo.net: klassen oorlog en imperialisme in Griekenland [en]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 21 20:15:45 GMT 2012

Klassen oorlog en imperialisme hebben zich in Griekenland verdiept. De Griekse
arbeidersklasse is onderworpen aan verdere aanvallen van de lokale - en imperialistische
heersende klassen. Om de laatste 'bailout' van het IMF en de ECB te ontvangen werd de
Griekse staat door de Duitse, Franse en Amerikaanse heersende klassen verteld dat de
pensioenen opnieuw moesten worden verlaagd, de openbare nutsvoorzieningen volledig moesten
worden geprivatiseerd, en sociale uitgaven en lonen opnieuw ...

(en) US, LA, 3rd Meeting to Build an Anarchist Contingent on May 1st
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 21 20:13:36 GMT 2012

Anarchists, anti-authoritarians, left libertarians, and fellow travellers. ---- Join us!
-- WHAT: Meeting to Build an Anarchist Contingent for May 1st Hosted by the Free
Association of Anarchists (F@@) ---- WHEN: Sunday, 22 April, 2012 (and every Sunday until
May Day) ---- 1 PM--Work Party. Bring materials to make banners, shields, and first aid
kits, security tools, etc. ---- 3 PM--Regular May 1st Planning Meeting. ---- WHERE: The
Autonomous Warehouse/Centro Cultural de Papalut 3201 M...

(en) US, Black Wave* - A Clarification on Influential Minorities
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 21 14:29:02 GMT 2012

The key difference between an influential, insurrectionary minority and a vanguard or a
populist group is that the former values its principles and its horizontal relations with
society and tries to spread its principles and models without owning them, whereas a
vanguard tries to control them &#xE2; whether through force, charisma, or hiding its true
objectives &#xE2; while a populist group offers easy solutions and caters to the prejudices of
the masses in fear of being isolated. The ...

a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 21 12:19:40 GMT 2012

The text below is adapted from a gorgeous flier created by WSA &#x2013; Southern California. This
post is part of a series that ideas &amp; action will publish in the run up to May Day 2012.
---- Queers have always had to fight for our rights, our dignity, our survival. It&#x2019;s time
to step up; it&#x2019;s time to push the 1% out of the way and make Los Angeles ours.
<br>Occupy Los Angeles has called for a mass strike, boycott, walkout and day of action on May
1st. This is our time ...

(gr) &#x393;&#x3B9;&#x3B1; &#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3BD; &#x3B5;&#x3B9;&#x3C3;&#x3B2;&#x3BF;&#x3BB;&#x3AE; &#x3C3;&#x3C4;&#x3BF; &#xAB;&#x39A;&#x3BF;&#x3B9;&#x3BD;&#x3C9;&#x3BD;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3CC; &#x39A;&#x3AD;&#x3BD;&#x3C4;&#x3C1;&#x3BF; &#x392;&#x3BF;&#x3BE;&#xBB;
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Apr 21 09:58:18 GMT 2012

&#x3A4;&#x3BF; &#x3C0;&#x3C1;&#x3C9;&#x3AF; &#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3C2; &#x3A0;&#x3B1;&#x3C1;&#x3B1;&#x3C3;&#x3BA;&#x3B5;&#x3C5;&#x3AE;&#x3C2; (20/4), &#x3AD;&#x3BD;&#x3B1; &#x3AC;&#x3C4;&#x3C5;&#x3C0;&#x3BF; &#x3C0;&#x3C1;&#x3B1;&#x3BE;&#x3B9;&#x3BA;&#x3CC;&#x3C0;&#x3B7;&#x3BC;&#x3B1;, &#x3C0;&#x3BF;&#x3C5; &#x3BE;&#x3C5;&#x3C0;&#x3BD;&#x3AC; &#x3BC;&#x3BD;&#x3AE;&#x3BC;&#x3B5;&#x3C2;
&#x3B1;&#x3C0;&#x3CC; &#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3BD; &#x3C0;&#x3B5;&#x3C1;&#x3AF;&#x3BF;&#x3B4;&#x3BF; &#x3C4;&#x3B7;&#x3C2;...

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