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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sat, 31 Mar 2012 23:59:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Britain, Workfare Picket - Holland and Barrett - Newcastle UK - Sat 31st March 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Mar 31 13:59:17 GMT 2012

The Solidarity Federation (the UK section of the International Workers Association) is
launching days of action against the governments controversial Workfare scheme. -- In
Newcastle members of the Solidarity Federation are concentrating on health food chain
Holland and Barrett, who are to benefit hugely from the scheme. ---- Holland and Barrett
are set to become the biggest exploiters of unpaid labour with plans to take on thousands
of work placements under the Tory Governments contro...

(en) Britain, Glasgow Picket Against Workfare Sat. 31st 12 noon Meet St. Enoch's
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Mar 31 11:38:48 GMT 2012

Meet 12 noon outside the front entrance of St Enoch's Underground Station to move on to
the Workfare target Phone 077xxxxxxxx if you are late -- What is workfare? --- Unemployed
people being forced to work for free for up to 6 months with no guarantee of a job
afterwards, many of them for major high street companies. ---- Does workfare help the
unemployed? ---- The government&#x2019;s own research found that in countries that introduced
workfare it could actually lower a jobseeker&#x20...

(en) Ireland, The Leveler, #9 - Smash Workfare
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Mar 31 11:20:23 GMT 2012

Saturday 3rd March was a day of action against 'Workfare' across the UK. But why would
anyone protest against those generous employers that are giving people who cant find work
valuable experience that will help them land a job? Basically because this is spin of the
highest order, and what they have really done is reached an agreement with the government
to use unemployed people as cheap labour. ---- First though its worth remembering that
workfare was happening under Labours 'New Deal...

(en) Britain, Catalyst* #29 - Industry focus: &#x2018;Phantom Ofsteds' at a London Academy
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Mar 31 09:44:50 GMT 2012

An interview with &#x2018;Mike', a London education worker, about the phenomenon of &#x2018;phantom
Ofsted' inspections, casualisation and mass dismissals of agency workers. -- In London
there is a local authority which claims to be the richest in Europe. -- Despite this,
one-third of children in the borough live below the poverty line. In contrast, half of
school age children in the locality are privately educated. This means that students left
in the state system are overwhelmingly f...

(de) [A-Laden] ALEx-Programm April 2012 im BAIZ
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Mar 31 08:29:55 GMT 2012

ALEx-Termin&#xFC;bersicht aller geplanten Veranstaltungen hier:
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://venyoo.de/user/events/1627/fkaev?m";>http://venyoo.de/user/events/1627/fkaev?m</a> Dort gibts auch Illustrationen und links dazu.
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Text: ALEx-April 2012-Termine unten! &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Die auf den pl&#xF6;tzlichen Tod unseres
Freundes und webadmin Uli Melcher (+12/2007) zur&#xFC;ckzuf&#xFC;hrenden, leider immer noch
anhaltenden Unzul&#xE4;nglichkeiten der website www.a-l...

(ca) Nuevo crimen policial en Trelew. Ni &quot;autogobierno&quot; ni &quot;aberraci&#xF3;n&quot;: pol&#xED;tica de estado.
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Mar 31 07:58:44 GMT 2012

Nuevo crimen policial en Trelew. Ni &quot;autogobierno&quot; ni &quot;aberraci&#xF3;n&quot;:<br>
pol&#xED;tica de estado. - Bruno Rodr&#xED;guez Monsalve ten&#xED;a 24 a&#xF1;os. El 18 de<br>
enero, preso en la&#xA0;comisar&#xED;a 2&#xAA; de Trelew, vio y escuch&#xF3; a los nueve<br>
polic&#xED;as&#xA0;provinciales que torturaron a un joven de 16 a&#xF1;os, usando,<br>
entre otros&#xA0;m&#xE9;todos, la violaci&#xF3;n con un bast&#xF3;n &quot;Tonfa&quot;. Su testimonio<br>
era clave. -- Dura...

(en) US, Bring the Ruckus* is Dead, and so is his prominent organizer Joel Olson RIP
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Mar 31 07:11:06 GMT 2012

Bring the Ruckus is Dead, Long Live the Ruckus! ---- Submitted by bajin on Thu,
03/01/2012. Bring the Ruckus was disbanded by a majority vote of its members on Sunday,
February 26th, 2012. ---- Many lessons can be drawn from our experience of more than a
decade as a national revolutionary cadre organization, and a longer document will be
forthcoming. Until then, please look for us in what we are doing rather than what we have
done. ---- This site will be maintained for purposes of refe...

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